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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Beware greeks bearing gifts

Episodio: n. 12

Prima serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


[Helen’s nightmare] Soldiers: “We must protect Helen!” “Save
the Queen!” “Helen! Helen! Helen!”


Paris: “Nightmare again?”

Helen: “It’s so real, Paris.”

Paris: “Shhh. I told you, there’s nothing to worry about.
Menelaus and his army are exhausted. Victory for Troy is at

Helen: “I wish I could believe that.”

Paris: “Get some rest. These nightmares rob you of your
beauty, and after all-- isn’t that what I’ve been fighting for?”


Helen: “Maltiades.”

Maltiades: “Is everything all right, your Highness?”

Helen: “I need you to deliver a message for me. Have you heard
of Xena?”

Maltiades: “Yes.”

Helen: “Take this to her.”

Maltiades: “Yes, Highness.”


X: “Half an apple-- that’s it?”

G: “I should have picked up some more supplies when we came
down Mount Poulis. But don’t worry. We’re not far from Troy.
We can just stop there, and--”

X: “No, we’re not stopping in Troy, Gabrielle. It’s too
dangerous. And besides, after fighting the Greeks for ten
years, I doubt that Trojans have any food to spare.”

G: “It was just a thought. I mean, the only chance I get to
see Helen-- the face that launched a thousand ships.”

X: “A thousand war ships. Forget it.”

G: “OK. I don’t need food if you don’t. Hmm!”


Maltiades’ Voice: “Let me pass!”

G: “What is that?”

Thugs: “Get her!” “We’ve got her now!” “Come on. Come on.

G: “Is he all right?”

Maltiades: “Are you Xena?”

X: “Yes-- do I know you?”

Maltiades: “I’m Maltiades. Queen Helen sent me to deliver a
message to you.”

X: “Is she all right?”

Maltiades: “Yes-- but she wants you to come to Troy.”

G: “You know Helen?”

X: “We met a long time ago in Sparta-- before the war.”

Maltiades: “Please-- promise you’ll go. The lives of thousands
of soldiers depend on you.”

X: “I will.”

Maltiades: “Good. Be sure no one knows why you’re there.”

X: “All right.”

G: “I-- Is--?”

X: “Yes. We’ll give him a proper burial, and then we’ll go.”

G: “To Troy?”

X: “To Troy.”



X: “It’s Troy.”

G: “Oh. OK-- let me get this straight. To get inside Troy,
not only do we have to get past that huge stone wall but-- we
have to do it in front of the Greek army?”

X: “Shh! Keep your voice down, Gabrielle.”

G: “Right. But you do have a plan?”

X: “Count on it. Are your boots laced? Come on!”

G: “Ahh!”

X: “Follow my lead! Come on! Stay close, Gabrielle!”

Gk. Sold: “Do it!”

X: “Come on, Gabrielle!


Perdicus [Perd]: “Gabrielle?”

Trojan Sold: “Perdicus? Are you all right?”

Perd: “Open the gates! Open the gates!”

Trojan Sold: “Open the gates? Are you crazy?”


X: “Run, Gabrielle! Run! I’ll cover you.”

G: “I’m right behind you!”

X: “Come on!”

Gk. Sold: “Charge the gates!”


Perd: “Help me get the gates. Open the gates! Come on, hurry!
Hurry! Get inside! Go in there!”

X: “You first!”

Perd: “Archers! Close the gates!”


X: “Thanks for your help.”

G: “We should introduce ourselves. My name is Gabrie--.”

Perd: “I know who you are.”

G: “Perdicus?”

Perd: “Gabrielle.”

X: “You two know one another.”

G: “This is Perdicus, from my home town. We were to be

X: “I thought you were a farmer.”

Perd: “I was, but-- not anymore. Shore up those gates.”

Trojan Sold: “Yes, sir.”

Perd: “Follow me.”

Trojan Sold: “Shore up the gates!”

Perd: “Welcome to Troy.”

Gk. Sold: “We need more food here!”

Menelaus: “Well, this plan of yours had better work. The
morale of my troops dwindles with each passing day. If Troy
doesn’t fall soon, I may never see Helen again.”

Gk Sold: “King Menelaus. Forgive me, your Highness. I didn’t
mean to intrude.”

Menelaus: “What is it?”

Gk sold: “A report from the front-- The Warrior Princess,
Xena-- has fought through our lines and into Troy.”

Menelaus: “Xena? Leave us. Well, I trust you can take care of
this little unforeseen problem. We don’t need a wolf among our
sheep now, do we?”


Perd: “So, what brings you to Troy?”

X: “The war.”

Perd: “You’re here to fight?”

X: “If I’m needed.”

Perd: “With your fighting skills, I’m sure you’ll be welcome by
Commander Deiphobus.”

X: “Who’s she?”

Perd: “_He’s_-- the head of Troy’s security forces and Paris’

X: “Well, first, I have to see Helen and Paris”

Perd: “Why?”

X: “I’ve got to meet who I’m fighting for.”

Perd: “I’m sorry-- No one sees them without permission. It’s
against regulations.”

X: “Well, that’s never bothered me before. Don’t worry, if
anyone asks, I’ll say you tried to stop me. Wait here. I’m
sure you two have plenty to talk about.”

G and Perd: “Good to see you.”

Perd: “Yeah.”

Trojan Sold: “Perdicus, the Greeks are on the move!”

Perd: “Call out the second detail! I want them on the south

Trojan Sold: “Yes, sir!”

Perd: “Find someplace safe-- I have to go.”

Trojan Sold: “Quickly!

Deiphobus [Deiph]: “I understand, you opened the gates for the
Greek Warrior Woman!”

Perd: “Yes, Commander, but she, she battled an entire platoon
of her own countrymen. I-- I thought we could possibly utilize
her fighting skills.”

Deiph: “Perhaps, but where do I find her, now?”

Perd: “I advised that she report to you, sir.”

Deiph: “Then, why haven’t I seen her?!”

Perd: “I tried to stop her, but she insisted on seeing Paris
and Helen first.”

Deiph: “If anything happens to them, I will hold _you_


X: “You sent for me?”

Helen: “Xena-- I was worried you wouldn’t come.”

X: “Well, we’ve had our differences in the past, but, you’re
still a friend.”

Helen: “Thank you. Where’s Maltiades?”

X: “Dead-- I fought off his attackers, but not in time to save
his life. I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t have sent him into
danger without a good reason.”

Helen: “You’re right. I see terrible things in my dreams,
Xena. I want you to take me to Menelaus.”

X: “Why would you want to go back to the man you were forced to

Helen: “It’s the only way the Greeks will withdraw and the
fighting will stop.”

X: “You’re wrong. Paris and his army will carve a bloody path
to the sea chasing after you . You’re better off staying in
Troy. At least Paris loves you.”

Helen: “Wait! Xena, please. After ten years of war-- Troy has
become a city of-- misery and death. Paris may have loved me
once-- but, now he is consumed with victory. We’re barely more
than strangers. I just want the war to end.”

Deiph: “There she is!”

Helen: “What is the meaning of this, Deiphobus?” How dare you
enter my chamber?”

Deiph: “My apologies, but you’re safety’s my first concern.”

X: “Then you’d better tighten security. I’ve got to tell you,
for a city under attack, it was pretty easy to get in here.”

Deiph: “What do you _want_?”

X: “To meet with Helen. I don’t fight for people I don’t

Deiph: “A Greek warrior wants to fight for Troy. Do you take
me for a fool?”

Helen: “She’s telling the truth. If you don’t believe her, let
Paris decide.”

Deiph: “By all means-- my guards will escort you to the


Perd: “Ahhh.”

G: “It’s been a long time.”

Perd: “Yeah-- last time I saw you, you were-- sprintin’ out of

G: “Right-- I’m sorry-- I-- that I left without saying goodbye.
It was wrong.”

Perd: “That’s all right. I’m not angry anymore.”

G: “What are you doing in Troy?”

Perd: “I had heard stories about Helen and Paris. I-- I wanted
to be in a place where-- people were fighting for love.”

G: “I’m the one who told you those stores. That’s all they
were-- stories. You’re not a soldier, Perdicus. You don’t
belong here.”

Perd: “No, no. For the first time in my life, I feel I really
do belong.”

G: “Go home, before something happens to you.”

Perd: “I’m sorry, Gabrielle, but-- you can’t tell me what to do


Deiph: “She claims she wants to fight for Troy.”

X: “If you want me.”

Deiph: “I don’t trust her. She’s Greek-- an outsider.”

X: “I never lifted a sword for Greece.”

Deiph: “It makes no difference.”

Paris: “Look, she fought bravely to get into Troy. I don’t see
any reason to doubt her.”

Anteus: “Deiphobus.”

Deiph: “Anteus?”



Helen: “Xena. What are you doing?”

X: “I saw this coward kill a loyal Trojan outside the city.
That cut on his face was made by my sword.”


X: “He’s dead.”

Deiph: “Good-- This man was obviously a traitor.”

Paris: “He was a member of your personal guard, Deiphobus.”

Deiph: “I know-- and I assure you, there’ll be a thorough
investigation of all my men.”

X: “Good idea-- traitors rarely act alone. It’s a shame this
one won’t be talking.”

Deiph: “He was but a few paces from you and Helen. I-- I had
no choice but to kill him.”

Paris: “What’s done is done. Xena, you’ve proven yourself an
ally of Troy. You’re welcome to stay as our guest. Treat her

Deiph: “As you wish.”


G: “It’s me, isn’t it? That’s why you’re doing this.”

Perd: “You have nothing to feel guilty about. I’m here because
I wanna be.”

G: “You forget who you’re talking to. Remember the time that
you almost drowned trying to save my hat when it fell in the
river? Or the time that-- you almost got trampled trying to
give me a carriage ride?”

Perd: “Well, those days are over. I’m not a love-sick kid

G: “What if something happens to you? What am I supposed to do

Perd: “Write a story about me.”

Trojan Sold: “Archers! Archers!”

Trojan Sold: “Get down!”

Perd: “Take cover.”

Trojan Sold: “Head for your stations!”

G: “Perdicus!”

Perd: “Give me a bow! This is for my friend!”


Perd: “You’ve taken good care of Gabrielle. I wanted to thank
you for that.”

X: “There’s no need-- she’s like family. Tell me about

Perd: “Well-- he may not be the nicest guy in town, but he’s a
good warrior. No one has killed more enemies.”

X: “What about friends?”

Perd: “What do you mean?”

G: “Xena?”

X: “Nothing. It’s just a hunch.”

Perd: “I better be getting back.”

X: “If you’re worried about Perdicus, don’t. He’s a good
soldier-- he’ll be all right.”

G: “I hope so-- huh. So-- did you find out Helen’s plan to end
the war?”

X: “She wants me to take her back to Menelaus.”

G: “You’re kidding! Are you gonna do it?”

X: “No-- it won’t solve anything. But I do think she’s in
danger here.”

G: “How come?”

X: “There’s something going on in Troy. I don’t know what it
is, but I can feel it. I’d feel a lot better if you stayed here
with Perdicus. I know he’ll take care of you. I’ve got
something to do. Keep your eyes open.”

Trojan Sold: “Yes, sir-- I’ll be right down.”


X: “What do you think you’re doing?”

Helen: “The only thing I can. I’m going to Menelaus, with or
without your help.”

X: “That’s not the answer.”

Helen: “Then, what is? Every day another soldier dies for my
happiness. I can’t live with it anymore!”

X: “Then don’t. The war stopped being about your happiness a
long time ago, Helen. We both know Paris doesn’t love you. And
Menelaus barely knows you. The war will go on without you,
Helen. Let it.”

Helen: “But, where would I go? What would I do?”

X: “What do you want to do?”

Helen: “I don’t know. No one’s ever asked me that before.”

Trojan Sold’s Voice: “Deiphobus.”

Helen: “Where’s Deiphobus going?”

X: “Wait here.”

Trojan Soldiers: “Do you see anything?” “All clear here!”
“Arrows [?] up on the north wall.”


Gk Sold: “Long live Greece!” [As well as other things muttered
in the background]


Deiphobus: “They don’t suspect a thing.”

Menelaus: “Excellent work, Deiphobus.”

Gk Soldiers: “Take the next watch.” “Yes, sir.” “Get ready.”
“More fire water here.” Etc.


X: “I followed Deiphobus to the Greek camp, where I saw him
plotting with King Menelaus.”

Deiphobus: “She’s right. I did meet with Menelaus. But I was
there to convince him that he’ll never win this war. I was
there to make peace.”

Helen: “You mean--”

Deiphobus: “Yes. At long last, King Menelaus has decided to
give up.”

Helen: “Thank the gods!”

X: “What I saw was no council of peace. Your brother is a

Trojan Sold: “I have reports from every platoon. The Greek
army has pulled out, and they’ve left a gift of peace at the

Paris: [Laughs]

X: “Beware Greeks bearing gifts, Paris.”

Deiph: “Too little, too late, Xena. Your people have

X: “Can’t you see what’s going on?”

Deiph: “Don’t listen to her! She can’t be trusted. Ask
yourself this: What was Xena doing near the Greek camp? You’ve
won the war, my brother.”

[They laugh]

Paris: “You’re right about Xena. I can’t take any chances.”

Helen: “No-- you can’t do this.”

Paris: “Things are a little more complicated than they seem, my
dear. Why don’t you find yourself something _pretty_ to wear to
the celebration. Get her!”

Trojan Sold: “Move!”


Trojan Soldiers: “Let’s get it inside! Heave! Heave! Heave!
Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Break
out the wine!”


Trojan Sold: “Get in there!”


Trojan Sold: “To the victory of Troy!



Deiph: “Good morning! Too bad you’re missing all the fun,
Xena. There’s been quite a celebration.”

X: “Don’t even bother, Deiphobus. You might fool the others.”

Deiph: [Laughs] “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

X: “We both know that horse is a trick. But what I can’t
figure out, is what a scum-sucking opportunist like you would
want Helen back with Menelaus for?”

Deiph: [Laughs]

X: “What do you get out of it?”

Deiph: “Have you met the new prisoner? This is Xena, the Greek
warrior who betrayed you by helping the people of Troy.”


Paris: “Why a sad face?”

Helen: “I don’t feel much like celebrating.”

Paris: “Don’t be silly. We _finally_ defeated Menelaus and his
army. You should be-- overjoyed. Still angry about Xena? I’ve
told you, she’s in the dungeon because that’s where she

Helen: “But, she’s done nothing wrong. If you really love me,
you’ll trust my judgment.”

Paris: “I’m tired of this-- I didn’t fight ten long years to
listen to your judgment. Get dressed. We have a celebration to


[Xena fights Greek prisoners]

X: “Thanks, fellas!”


G: “That was some party. I wonder what happened to Xena. It’s
not like her to be gone so long.”

Perd: “She’s probably up at the palace. I’m sure that Helen
and Paris are throwing the biggest party of all.”

G: [Laughs] “I don’t know-- She’s not much for parties.”

Perd: “Well, I wouldn’t worry-- I’m sure that she can _more_
than take care of herself.”

G: “Troy’s not like back home-- is it?”

Perd: “Do you remember-- the time-- that we got caught stealing
corn from Hylus’ farm, and he threatened to tell your father?”

G: “But then you took the blame so I woudn’t be punished. Did
I ever thank you for that?”

Perd: “No.”

G: “Thank you. Did you ever think, when we were kids, that
we’d find each other again-- here-- in the middle of Troy?”

Perd: “No, but I’m sure glad that we did.”


Gk Soldiers: “Open the gates!” “Hurry!” “Open the gates!”
“Open them!”

Menelaus: “Find Helen, and bring her to me!”

Deiph: “It’s begun. Menelaus is looking for Helen. It’s your
job to find her first.”

Soldier: “What about Paris?”

Deiph: “Leave my brother to me.”



X: “Round up as many people as you can. Meet me at the temple
of Aphrodite.”

Perd: “Where are you going?”

X: “To get Helen.”

G: “Let’s go.”


G: “Hurry! In here!”

Paris: I don’t know. Just find the rest of your men; retreat
to the south battlement; and form a new line of defense.

Trojan Sold: “Yes, Paris.”

Paris: “Go! “Perdicus. How did this happen?”

Perd: “The surrender was a trick. The Greeks have broken
through the main gates. Come with us to the temple. Come on!
Close the gates.”


Trojan Soldiers: “It’s Helen! Take her!”

Helen: “What are you doing? Take me to Paris.”

Trojan Sold: “Sorry-- We’ve got other orders.”

X: “Come on, let’s go!”


Trojan Sold: “Down here! Down here!”

Perd: “That’s everyone. Secure the doors.”

Paris: “Xena-- I misjudged you.”


Gk. Sold: “Everything proceeds according to schedule.”

Menelaus: “Good-- Have you found Helen yet?”

Gk Sold: “Helen and the others are in the temple. They’ve
barracaded the doors.”

Menelaus: “Well, what are you waiting for?! Break it down!”

Gk Sold: “We’re trying.”

Menelaus: “Bring Helen to me! Torch the city and everything in
it! And remove the horse! I want it as a memento of my
conquest! Burn the city! Burn Troy to the ground!”


Helen: “Let me out. Menelaus will stop this madness once I

X: “I can’t let you do that.”

Helen: “It’s _me_ they want.”

X: “Maybe there’s another way. Show me where the supply room

Helen: “I don’t see how--”

X: “Show me.”

Helen: “This way.”

Perd: “Looks like the entire Greek army’s out there. It
doesn’t look good.”

G: “Perdicus?
Perd: “Gab-- Y-- You--”

G: “This may be the last chance I get to tell you this. I am--
I’m really sorry. I know that I treated you badly--”

Perd: “And I let you. It was just as much my fault, Gabrielle.
If only we could’ve been honest with each other.”

G: “I can’t be more honest than this?”


Helen: “This room was built to store foods and supplies in case
the Greeks ever invaded. I never thought we’d-- use it.”

X: “No, this’ll do just fine.”

Helen: “It’s all right. I’d like to speak to him for a

X: “Don’t be too long.”

Paris: “I’m sorry.”

X: “You don’t owe _me_ an apology.”

Paris: “I don’t know how all this happened. I just wanted to
love you.”

Helen: “No-- You wanted to own me. If we survive-- I’m not
gonna stay with you. I want my own life.”

Paris: “Deiphobus. The Greeks deceived you.”

Deiph: “It wasn’t me who was deceived. There’s only one man
worthy of Helen [Stabs Paris]-- me.”

Helen: “No! Why?!”

Deiph: “Because now, you’re mine.”

Helen: “Xena!”



X: “Everything all right?”

Perd: “Do you think we have enough of this stuff?”

X: “Trust me-- We’ll have the biggest smokescreen you have ever

G: “Where’s-- where’s Paris and Helen?”

X: “In the supply room.”

G: “I’ll get ‘em.”


Gk Soldiers: “It’s giving way!” “Keep pushing, men!”


X: “Gabrielle, hurry!”

G: “Xena?! Paris is dead.”

X: “What? Where’s Helen?”

G: “She’s gone.”

Perd: “Menelaus has taken her.”

X: “No, no-- He would’ve called off his army.”

G: “Then who?”

X: “Deiphobus.”

Perd: “Deiphobus? But why?”

X: “No time to find out now. We’ll leave the same way
Deiphobus came in! Go! Go! Go! Go! Run! Run!”

G: “Xena!”

Gk Soldiers: “Where’d they go?!” “I can’t see!” “Find Helen!”


Menelaus: “So, where is she? Where’s Helen?”

Gk. Sold: “I’m sorry. We’ve checked every corner of the
temple. There’s no one.”

Menelaus: “You fool! You’ve let them get away! Shut the
gates! No one leaves the city!”

Gk. Sold: “As Menelaus ordered, remove the horse!”


Gk. Soldier: “I thought this thing would be a lot lighter with
nobody in it.”

X: “Thanks for the lift. Get everyone away from the horse.
I’ll meet you on the next road.”

G: “Where are you going?”

X: “To get Helen. Run for your miserable lives.”


Helen: “What do you _want_ from me?!”

Deiph: “What does every man want from Helen of Troy?”

Helen: “Don’t you realize what you’ve done?! You’ve killed
your own brother! And ruined Troy! And for what? A woman who
will only despise you!”

Deiph: “No matter. With you at my side, we’ll build a new
city; give birth to a new race of Trojans. With my strength and
your beauty, our children will rule the world.”


X: “Leaving so soon?”

Deiph: “Xena, keep away from us.”

[They fight]

Helen: “What now?”

X: “We leave him here. When Menelaus comes out of Troy
empty-handed, I want Deiphobus to be the first thing he sees.
Very nice. Come on.”


Perd: “Listen, Gabrielle. I know-- things got pretty crazy in
there. And, maybe you said some things that, that you didn’t
really mean. I just want you to know that-- I don’t expect
anything from you. As far as I’m concerned, we can go our
separate ways.”

G: “Right-- Ha-hah! That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

Perd: “Great.”

G: “Good, good.”

Perd: “I know-- that we’ll see each other again, some day. You
take care of yourself.”

G: “You too.”


Helen: “Thank you for everything. I just wish we could have
saved Troy.”

X: “When two kings are bent on destruction, there’s nothing
much anyone can do.”

Helen: “You’ve done a lot for me, Xena. You showed me the only
person-- that can make me happy is me. I appreciate that.”

X: “You’re welcome. What’s next for you?”

Helen: “I don’t know. But-- for the first time it’s my

X: “I know you’ll make it the right one.”

Perd: “Goodbye, Xena.”

X: “Perdicus, where you headed?”

Perd: “A new city-- a few days’ journey from here. But who

Helen: “It sounds wonderful. Do you mind if I travel with you
for a while?”

Perd: “Not at all. I’ll send a messenger ahead to announce
your arrival-- so the leaders can--”

Helen: If it’s all the same to you, I think I’d rather-- be
treated like a normal person for a change.”

X: “You take care.”

Helen: “You know I will.”

Perd: “Shall we?”

Helen: “OK.”


X: “I thought Perdicus would be joining us for a while.”

G: “No-- I think he’s made other plans.”

X: “Oh.”

G: “Do you want to go back for the horse? It’s bound to be a
collectors’ item?”

X: “Only if you’re gonna pull it.”

G: “Nah.”


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