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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Thies that bind

Episodio: n. 20

Prima serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


Kirilus [K]: “Slaves from Locia-- very nice. I understand some
of you were more cooperative than others. Lock them up. I’ll
have my fun later.”

Warrior: “Get in there!”


Ares: “Enjoying the fruits of your labor, General Kirilus?”

K: “Ares.”

Ares: “Is this a bad time?”

K: “My greatest ally is always welcome in this camp. Hail to
you, Ares.”

Ares: “Oh-- I must commend you on a job well done. In only
seven months you have turned these wretched-- thieves and
murderous into a fierce army.”

K: “I live-- only to serve you, my Lord.”

Ares: “Ah, I appreciate that. But there is a problem.”

K: “A problem?”

Ares: “It’s time for you to move on. I’ve found your

K: “My replacement? I don’t understand. Where have I failed
you? Have I not made sacrifices?”

Ares: “Oh, yeah, yeah, you’ve been great about the sacrifice
thing. No, that’s not the problem. It’s more a question of--
desire-- a fire in the eyes. Quite frankly, you just don’t have
it. But I know someone who does-- someone born for greatness.”

K: “No man can better lead this army.”

Ares: “Perhaps-- but sometimes, the best man for a job-- is a

K: “Xena!”

Ares: [Laughs]


G: “That explains the cries of help we heard from the girls.
They’re gonna sell ‘em as slaves.”

X: “No, they’re not.”

G: “There must be twenty men down there, Xena.”

X: “I didn’t say it would be easy.”

G: “What’s he doing?”

X: “I don’t know-- but he’s gonna get himself killed.”


Atrius [At]: “I’ve come for the girls. If you want to live,
get out of my way!”


X: “You’re wounded. Let’s get out of here before the others
realize what’s happened.”


X: “Watch out. Here. Sit down. Were you trying to kill
yourself, or are you just new at this?”

At: “I’ve been a warrior longer than you’ve been alive. If you
hadn’t interfered, those girls’d be free right now.”

X: “If I hadn’t interfered, I’d be digging your grave right

G: “Xena?! Is he all right?”

X: “Uh-huh.”

At: “Xena?”

X: “Do I know you?”

At: “You should. I’m your father.”



G: “I’m sorry. C- could you repeat that? I thought you said,
you were Xena’s father.”

At: “I did. The name’s Atrius.”

X: “Don’t believe everything you hear. You must’ve taken a
blow to the head.”

At: “Hah-hah! Xena, I’ve missed you! Look at you! You mean,
you really don’t recognize me?!”

X: “I don’t know who you are, but my father wouldn’t rescue
slave girls. All he cared about was himself.”

At: “Don’t you walk away from me.”

X: “Keep the arm elevated; maybe you won’t lose it.”

G: “Is he your father?”

X: “Give me a break.”


X: “Hey, boys. Wanna play?”


G: “We’ve come to free you. Now, keep quiet; stick together.
I’ll have you out in a flash. Come on. Hurry. Stay to the
right. Hey! Wait, wait! Wait here!”

X: “Where’s the girl who let you out?”

Girl: “She ran after Rhea.”

X: “I want you to head for the woods and wait for me there.


G: “Wait! Wait a minute! We’re supposed to go the other way!”

Warrior: “Going somewhere?”

X: “Let’s go.”

G: “Come on.”


X: “Locia is a day’s walk from here. We’ll return the girls
and then take on Kirilus.”

G: “Come with me.”

At: “I know where we can get a second horse. It’ll make the
trip easier.”

X: “No thanks.”

At: “Heh-heh-heh. What does it take, Xena? How can I win with

X: “You already have. You helped my friend and I appreciate
it. It’s nice meeting you.”

At: “You’re just gonna ride off?”

X: “Why shouldn’t I?”

Atrius: “Because I’m your--”

X: “No you’re not! Come on.”

G: “OK. Go on.”


K: “Xena’s headed for Locia. She’ll use the woods for cover.
Take as many men as you need. But I want-- her stopped.”

Ares: “Not going well, is it? I understand you were robbed.
That is just a shame. All those beautiful, beautiful girls.”

K: “I have it under control. Xena won’t escape.”

Ares: “Of course not-- that was never her plan. She’s here to
take your command, General.”

K: “I’ll never take orders from Xena.”

Ares: “You won’t have to. You’ll be dead.”


K: “Nice shot, Tarkus.”

Tarkus: “I know. One minute, it’s flying along, happy as can
be-- not a care in the world. The next-- SPLATT! Oh, I love my

K: “I’m glad-- because I have an assignment for you.”

Tarkus: “Do I get to kill someone?”

K: “Ooh-- you do-- Xena.”

Tarkus: “Xena.”


G: “Why don’t you get some rest? It won’t be long before we
move again.”

R: “I’m sorry for putting you in danger back there.”

G: “No apology necessary. I’m Gabrielle.”

R: “Rhea.”

G: “Bet you can’t wait to get back to Locia.”

R: “I don’t-- I don’t think they want me back.”

G: “Because of Kirilus?”

R: “You can’t imagine the shame.”

G: “Rhea, no matter what happened to you, it wasn’t your

R: “You don’t understand. When Kirilus’ men came to our
village looking for women, they didn’t have to kidnap me. I


X: [Humming] “Are they almost ready?”

G: “Yeah. I wonder where Atrius went.”

X: “I don’t know.”

G: “It must’ve been hard growing up without a father.”

X: “My father left us when I was little. I haven’t seen him
since, and that’s fine by me.”

G: “Is there anything that you remember about him?”

X: “Well, there was one thing. When I was very young, I would
stand in the field and watch my father ride his horse. And he’d
come so close, and I’d stand fast, not moving a muscle. Then
he’d gather me up into his arms and off we’d go.”

G: “It sounds exciting.”

X: “It was. I thought he was the greatest man in the world.”

At: “Xena! Xena!”

Warrior: “After him!”


Warrior: “Atrius! Come back here, Atrius! Atrius! Turn and
fight like a man! Come back here, horse thief! All right, [?],
I’ll fight you for my horse! You’re dead!”



Warrior: “Thief-- this is what you get for stealing horses.”


At: “Thanks. You really helped me out.”

X: “You nearly got yourself killed.”

At: “We needed a second horse.”

X: “So you stole it?”

At: “No-- I won a bet awhile ago; the stable-owner owed me.”

X: “Then you won’t mind me checking out your story.”

At: “Just like your mother. Why can’t you trust me? Do you
remember when you were a little girl-- the way I would lift you
up into the saddle behind me? Back then, you trusted me with
your life. Xena-- I’m the same man.”


Warrior: “We don’t want any more trouble.”

X: “Then answer me one question. That man you were chasing--
did your stables owe him a horse?”

Warrior: “What’s it to you?”

X: “Yes or no.”

Warrior: “All right-- what if we did owe him?”

X: “Thanks.”


G: “Where were you?”

X: “Seeing a man about a horse.”

G: “He stole it, didn’t he?”

X: “Nope.”

G: “Is he your father?”

X: “All I know is that he didn’t lie about the horse.”


R: “I’ll turn off up ahead.”

G: “Won’t someone in Locia be worried about you?”

R: “There’s my younger sister-- Areliesa. Would you find her,
and tell her I had no choice? She shouldn’t feel bad.”

G: “Kirilus’ men were going after her. But-- but you took her
place, didn’t you?”

R: “My sister was to be married this spring. She has her whole
life in front of her. I couldn’t let her be-- taken.”

G: “You must really love her.”

R: “I did what I thought was right.”

G: “You did the only thing you could. And the people in your
village can’t blame you for that.”

R: “I wish I could believe you.”

G: “Rhea, Kirilus’ men wanted to ruin your life. Now if you
don’t go home, they’ve won.”


At: [Humming-- albeit badly]

X: “You know that song, huh?”

At: “Of course.” [More “humming.”] You know the reason I left
the family. I was young when I married your mother; I was too
young. I thought I was missing out on something. I convinced
myself that true happiness lay somewhere just over that next
hill. The problem was, the hills never ended. Oh, don’t get me
wrong, sometimes life was hard with your mother, she was so

X: “Strong.”

At: “Yeah-- maybe that’s what I mean. I miss those days.”

X: “Me, too.”

At: “Well, now we have each other. What about you, Xena?
Anything about your life that-- you might like to tell me?”

X: “No.”

At: “Maybe another time. What is that?”

X: “Take cover!”


X: “Tell Kirilus I’m not easy to kill.”

At: “You tried to kill my little girl.”

Tarkus: “Don’t kill me.”

At: “You’re pathetic.”



X: “What happened? Gabrielle, what is it?”

G: “He was-- he was surrendering, and Atrius killed him.”

At: “It was self-defense. Xena, he had a dagger. He was
trying to kill me. Look for yourself.”

G: “I didn’t see that.”

At: “You look surprised.”

G: “I was right here, Xena, but I, I-- I didn’t see it.”

X: “Everybody makes mistakes-- including me. Come on, let’s
get going.”

At: “Gabrielle-- let me put your mind at rest. Once we get the
girls back home, and defeat Kirilus, I’ll be moving on.”

G: “What are you saying? You-- you don’t think that I--?”

At: “Oh, no! I could see that you and Xena are a team. I
don’t wanna come between you two.”

G: “You won’t. You’re her father, and she-- she deserves to
spend some time with you.”

At: “No, I’ve made up my mind. As long as the two of you are
together-- and you should be-- there’s just no place here for

R: “Gabrielle-- are you all right?”

G: “No, you-- you loved your sister. But-- you left her?”

R: “I told you-- I had no choice. She deserved to be with her
husband. I had to leave-- so she could be happy. Do you think
that’s wrong?”

G: “No-- it’s right. It’s very right.”


G: “Xena.”

X: “Hmmm.”

G: “Listen, I have an idea. Why don’t I take Rhea and the
others the rest of the way? You and your father can wait here
and make sure Kirilus’ men don’t follow us.”

X: “What’s going on, Gabrielle?”

G: “Nothing-- I’ll see you soon.”

X: “OK-- see you soon.”

G: “Goodbye, Xena.”


G: “Watch the branches.”

R: “Careful.”

Girl: “Careful.”


G: “We’ll be in Lotia soon. How’s everyone doing?”


G: “It won’t be long.”


K: “Split. Take your points.”


X: “If you’re gonna be part of my life again, there’s something
you should know. I’ve done terrible things in my past.”

At: “You don’t need to explain. What’s past is past. I only
care about the future-- our future. And don’t be ashamed of
your past, Xena. It’s made you the great woman you are today.”


Warrior: “It doesn’t seem right. I don’t know.”


X: “I’ve just cut off the flow of blood to your brain. Talk,
or you’ll be dead in seconds.”

At: “Where’s the rest of Kirilus’ army?”

Warrior: “Headed for Locia, to ambush you. Kirilus flanked his
men on all sides of the village when he saw you headed that

X: “Gabrielle and the others-- they’ll be there by now. I’ve
gotta go.”

At: “Right-- we can organize the villagers to defend

X: “No, this is my problem-- you don’t go.”

At: “Yes, I do. I’ve done some things in my past that I
regret. I hurt the people of Locia. I need to make it up to
them. There was a-- it’s hard to explain.”

X: “Let’s go.”


Village Leader: “Kirilus’ army is approaching. We must
mobilize a militia.”


G: “Come on, Rhea. Be brave.”


Areliesa: “Rhea! We were so worried about you.”

R: “Oh.”

Fiance’: “I can’t thank you enough for what you did.”

R: “Then you’re not ashamed of me.”

Fiance’: “Every moment of happiness that I have from this day
on-- I owe to you.”

R: “What can I say to you? I wouldn’t have come back, except--

G: “Say nothing. Just know you did the right thing.”


K: “Glad you could drop in, Ares. You can watch my army
dispose of Xena. We have her trapped-- near Locia.”

Ares: “All dressed up and no one to kill. Your men haven’t
trapped anything. Xena rides through your army at will. And
you should hear the things she says about you.”

K: “I’ll cut out her tongue.”

Ares: “Yeah, well, you gotta fight her first. You can’t do
that standing around in your tent.”

K: “I promise you-- Xena won’t live to see another day.”


X: “Tell your people there’s danger headed this way.”

Village Leader: “I know you. You’re Atrius, right?”

At: “Yes.”

Man: “It’s him. That’s the man who razed our village.”

X: “What’re you doing? Let him go. We’re here to help.”

Village Leader: “You can’t trick us. We know there’s an army
up in the hills. Atrius is one of them.”

X: “No, you’re wrong.”

Village Leader: “He pulled this trick once before-- pretended
to be our ally-- then attacked with his army. Now, it’s time
for revenge. Take him away!”

At: “No, Xena, don’t. It’s true-- all of it. Now you see why
I had to come. I have a lot to make up for.”

X: “He’s changed. He’s here to help you.”

At: “They won’t listen, Xena. They’re too angry. Go-- you
have to stop Kirilus before his army attacks. Please-- do it.”

X: “If I stop this army, will you let him go?”

Man: “You-- stop an entire army? Impossible.”

X: “Watch me-- I have many skills.”


K: “I’ve been looking forward to this, Xena. How do you want
to die? Slow and painful? Or fast-- and even more painful?”

X: “I want you to stop your army from invading Locia.”

K: “Throw down your sword-- and we’ll talk.”

X: “You first.”

K: “This may be easier than I thought.”

X: “Not very sporting, Kirilus. I’m gonna beat you, Kirilus,
and take your army.”

K: [Laughs] “No, you’re not. You’re gonna die.”


X: “You’re dead, Kirilus.”

K: “No, you’ll be mine, Xena! [or something like that]”

X: “Now this army is mine! Anybody got any questions?”

Warrior: “All hail the new commander! Xena!

Warriors: “Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena!
Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena!
Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena!
Hail, Xena! Hail, Xena!”

Warrior: “Shall we commence the attack on Locia?”

X: “No-- we do this my way. Come on!”

K: “Lord Ares-- you were right. Xena was destined to succeed--
I to fail.”

Ares: “Fail? No-- you didn’t fail. You succeeded far beyond
my wildest expectations. Xena rides at the head of my army.
And that would never have happened if you hadn’t played your
part-- to perfection. You don’t know how happy that makes me.”

K: “You-- you used me. From the beginning, I was nothing but a
tool to get her back?!”

Ares: “Yes-- and I’m really grateful.”

K: “She’ll never be yours.”

Ares: “This time-- I hold all the cards.”


Warrior: “They strung him up for the vultures.”

X: “Take the village!”



[Warriors take the village]

G: “Xena?!”

Village Leader: “Run for your lives!”

G: “Wait, no! She won’t hurt us! Xena! What are you doing?!
Xena’s my best friend!”

Warrior: “Yeah, yeah-- and Zeus is my uncle.”

X: “You’ll be all right. Who did this to my father?”

Village Leader: “He brought it on himself. He tried to escape
from our guards.”

At: “Xena.”

X: “Hush, now. You’re gonna be all right.”

At: “I’m dying. They did this to me. All I wanted-- was to be
with you.”

X: “I know. I know. Kill ‘em all!”

G: “No! Wait!”

X: “Gabrielle?”

G: “Put it down, Xena.”

X: “They killed my father. Now, they’ll die, too. Get out of
my way.”

G: “No! Look at me! I’m standing up to a murderous warlord,
like I saw you do against Draco-- but this time, the warlord is

At: “Xena-- the villagers. You’re not going to kill them?”

X: “No, it’s over.”

At: “Where is your anger, Xena? Look what they’ve done to me.
Don’t you want to strike them down?! Of course, you do! Come!
Join me! We’ll kill them all!”

X: “What? No.”

At: “You defeated Kirilus! Now use his army and fight for me!”

X: “Fight for you? Ares.”

Atrius morphs into Ares: “Yes, Ares. I thought about it for a
long time. What could I do to win you back? Money? Power?
What was your weakness? And then it came to me-- Daddy! It--
was so glorious. You did everything I wanted. You killed
soldiers. You even left your pesky little friend for me. I
knew that ruthless warrior was still inside you. And now you’re
back where you belong. This is your army, Xena. I had it
created-- for you. And it feels good, doesn’t it? Leading an
army into battle for the glory of Ares.”

X: “Give up on me, Ares. I’m never coming back.”

Ares: “I know what’s in your heart. There’s a reason why I
play the part of Atrius so well.”

X: “You’re not my father.”

Ares: “What is a father, Xena? A man who guides you; who
teaches you how to live your life. I did it all for you. And
I’ll never let you go.”

Ares as Atrius: “Take your place with me now!”


[Atrius morphs back into Ares]: “So foolish! Wasting your
talents on these pitiful villagers! I’ll make it easy for you.
Join me-- or die.”

X: “Go ahead, kill me. I’d rather be dead than come back to

G: “Don’t do it, Xena!”

X: “Stay out of this, Gabrielle.”

Ares: “Oh, Xena-- you could’a had it all. I think one day you
will. Until next time, Xena-- until next time.”


G: “Ready?”

X: “Gabrielle-- I want you to understand something. We both
have families we were born into. But sometimes families change,
and we have to build our own. For me, our friendship binds us
closer than blood ever could.”

G: “For me, too.”

X: “Let’s go. You swing a pretty mean pitchfork.”

G: “Well, I learned from the best.”

X: “Well-- I owe you one.”

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