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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Death mask

Episodio: n. 23

Prima serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


G: “I don’t get it; I’ve seen speeding arrows come right at
you, and you just-- you catch ‘em before they hit you. No--
nobody can do that. I mean, even when you don’t see them
coming, you do it. Now, I can’t figure this out.”

X: “Stop trying.”

G: “Huh?”

X: “Stop trying to. It’s not something you can think your way
through. It’s your body that has to listen.”

G: “What if my body doesn’t hear the arrows?”

X: “Then they’ve got you.”

G: “I did it!”

X: “Yes, you did. Now, get back!”

G: “Now, how did I do that?”


X: “I guess you don’t need my help.”

G: “Not this time, but stay close.”

X: “Where’d you get this mask? Who sent you? That pinch to
the neck cuts off the blood to your brain. If I don’t relieve
you, you’ll be dead in 30 seconds. Now, who gave you the mask?
His name-- say it.”

Assassin [Ass]: “Cortese.”

G: “Who’s Cortese?”

X: “Where is he? Where?”

Ass: “He’s attacking the village-- across that ridge.”

X: “Cortese.”

G: “Who is he, Xena?”

X: “The men who attacked and razed my village to the ground
wore the mask of Cortese-- this mask. I have never stopped
looking for him.”

G: “So, he’s the one who made you so-- you know-- aggressive?”

X: “It was fighting him that twisted me into what I became.
But now-- I have him.”



Warriors: “Take no prisoners! Kill the men! Kill them all!
Goodbye, woman! This village is ours! You won’t get away from
me, witch! Hah-hah!”

Sera [S]: “Leia! Where are you?!”

Leia: “My dollie!”

G: “No!”

S: “Leia! Leia!”

G: “Are you OK?”

S: “Thank you! Thank you!”

War: “Easy, girlie!”

Malik [M]: “Retreat! Everybody out!”

War: “Let’s go and retreat!”

Soldiers: “We’re too late, again!” “They’re into the border
woods!” We’ll never catch them!”

G: “What are you doing?! Go after them!”

Aescalus [Aes]: “I’d love too, believe me. But those woods
mark the border I can’t cross. Nor do I even have enough men to
keep our boundaries secure. You fought well.”


War: “Let’s go-- hurry!”

Toris [T]: “Whoa.”

War: “This way! Over here!”


Aes: “It’s Cortese, all right. He’s always one step ahead of


T: “Xena.”


T: “Malik! Malik! Malik! Malik! I know that woman. Take me
to Cortese. I can tell him everything he needs to know about

M: “You? Newcomers don’t meet Cortese, until they’ve earned
the privilege. You speak to me. I speak to Cortese.”

T: “Her name is Xena. She’s a-- a warrior from Amphipolis.”

M: “I’m sure Cortese will be grateful for the information.”


M: “My lord, Cortese.”

Cortese [C]: “Malik, my friend-- there’s no need for my right
arm to kneel before me.”

M: “My lord-- we had no time to gather the loot before the
king’s soldiers arrived.”

C: “Why not?”

M: “A woman-- I’ve never seen anyone like her-- with the
fighting skill and strength of--”

C: “Xena-- the Warrrior Princess, Xena-- my two assassins must
have failed. Get up!”

M: “You already know of her?”

C: “I created her.”


G: [Reproduces sounds arrow made when she blocked it with her
staff] “And I hit it! Did you see that?”

X: “Mm-hmm.”

G: “Yeah-- of course you did. Even while you were explaining
it, my whole body was listening for that arrow. I can still
feel that warrior fever just coursing through my blood.”

X: “Do you think you could do it again?”

G: “Yeah. I think so. I mean-- most of the time. Well, if
you shot ten arrows at me, how many do you think I’d miss?”

X: “Only one.”

G: “Uh, that could be a problem, huh? What’s he doing?”

X: “I don’t know.”

G: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

X: “He’s one of Cortese’s raiders-- alone. Still, I don’t like
it. Keep back. All right, I’m close enough.”

T: “Then stop-- unless, of course-- you wanna kill your



G: “I thought you said your brother was killed by Cortese.”

X: “No, that was my younger brother. Gabrielle, this is my
older brother, Toris.”

G: “Huh, you’re full of surprises.”

X: “Toris has some surprises of his own. That’s the mask of

T: “That’s right. It’s the only way I can get close enough
_to_ Cortese-- to kill him.”


G: “It’s just about ready. Of course, it’s missing my sister’s
17 secret herbs and spices. You know? My sister and I used to
argue. Yeah, yeah-- we would just go for hours without talking
to each other. Come on! This is supposed to be touching. Uh,
uh, uh-- I mean-- a brother and sister who haven’t seen each
other for years should have more to say to each other than

X: “So, you’re an assassin, now, huh?

G: “It’s a start.”

T: “It’s taken me years to find Cortese. Now that his raiders
are starting to trust me, I’m almost close enough to kill him,
which is why I want _you_ to stay out of this.”

X: “I can help you bring him to justice.”

T: “He’ll find justice at the end of my sword.”

G: “Wing, thigh, breast? Who wants what?”

X: “He likes drumsticks. Gabrielle, go and see if Argo needs
to be fed, would you?”

G: “Argo? He can-- right-- checking on Argo.”

X: “I want Cortese just as much as you do. But murder is not
the answer. I learned the hard way about justice since--”

T: “Learned the hard way? Are you bragging? What I saw of you
when I left our village, Xena, was not something to be proud

X: “And what did you see? Someone had to step forward.
Cortese would have slaughtered us all if we hadn’t fought.”

T: “If our people had followed me to the hills--”

X: “Cortese would’ve hunted us down like dogs! I had to make a
stand, and I wasn’t the only one who believed that!”

T: “That’s right. Our brother believed it. Lyceus stood by
you to the end. And it was his end-- remember?”

X: “I said ‘fight’ because it was _our_ village. Lyceus
believed in that, and I would say it again.”

G: “Argo is-- fed?”

X: “Gabrielle, that mother whose baby you saved the other

G: “Yeah.”

X: “Ask her to put you up for a few days. You know, guard the

G: “Huh-- oh no. No, no-- that’s your way of saying, ‘It’s too
dangerous to be around me right now, Gabrielle.’ Well, have you
ever considered that there _isn’t_ a safe time to be around you?
Now, that village doesn’t need my help, but you might-- and I’m
going with you. Now, if that’s all, I’ll just be practicing
with my staff-- end of discussion. Sorry you had to witness
that, Toris.”

X: “How close are you to Cortese?”

T: “I’m new. I have to earn their trust. My leader is his
lieutenant-- a butcher named Malik.”

X: “Then we’ll start there. I need to look around Malik’s

T: “No, no, no, no, no, no, no-- too dangerous. You don’t know
what these monsters do to women.”

X: “No-- I’m counting on it.”


[Warriors sparring and conversing in the background]

M: “Well-- look what I’ve captured, boys! Cortese will be very
pleased to see my gift to him.”

T: “This time, you have to take me to Cortese. I brought him
the warrior.”

M: “’Have to’?! I don’t have to do anything. This prize is
mine. And I will take the time that I need.”

T: “I’m the one who has to take her to Cortese.”

M: “There seems to be some confusion about who I am, and who
you aren’t. There are two types of men who question me-- the
dead! and the dying! Which one do you wanna be, boy?”

T: “I’m not questioning anything. I just think Cortese should
hear how I managed--”

M: “He’ll _hear_-- he’ll hear whatever I tell him. Now, go
away. The woman and I have to, uh-- talk-- before she meets our

T: “Very well-- you’re in control-- [Aside] for now.”

M: “You keep walking, boy! And if I ever see your face again,
I’ll hang it over the cooking fire!”


M: “Now, my dear-- let’s not waste time with, uh-- senseless
pleas of mercy or, silly games. Right to it, shall we?”

X: “Have it your way. Right to it-- I like that.”


T: “It shouldn’t take this long. Where is she?”

G: “She’ll be here.”

T: “It’s a stupid idea-- she’s outnumbered and alone.”

G: “How many warriors in that camp?

T: “15, maybe 20.”

G: “She’ll be here.”

T: “What are you doing?”

G: “I’m listening with my body. See, Xena says that you have
to listen for the attack before you see it. She’s just-- she’s
amazing. I mean-- I’ve learned so much about inner strength
just from watching her. When we first met, I was this little
girl from Poteidaia.”

T: “She’s doing to you what she did to our village.”

G: “Excuse me?”

T: “She turned our simple villagers into warriors and got them
killed. She’s doing the same thing to you. She hasn’t changed.
I can’t believe we share blood.”

G: “If you hate here so much, then why are you worried about
her now?”

T: “What do you mean, worried?”

G: “Xena! Are you all right?! You took so long? You see, now
that’s worry. Hey! Hey-- how’d it go?”

X: “It went fine.”

T: “By the luck of the gods, you could’ve destroyed everything
I’ve worked on.”

X: “I still might. Did you know that Malik uses messenger

T: “Sure, he uses them to communicate with the other raiding

X: “Then, why do they carry the Royal crest?”

T: “Malik must have a spy inside the king’s household.”

X: “Well, if he does, he’s reporting everything straight to

G: “No wonder they can’t catch him. You know, the king should
be told.”

T: “He doesn’t just see anybody. And the castle’s pretty well

X: “I have my ways of getting in. Hey.”

G: “Oh, I know. It’s-- easier to get two in than three. I’ll
just go-- guard some villagers or something-- even if they’re
not in danger.”


Aes: “What’s the problem? How did you get this far? I had
guards posted.”

X: “Oh, they’re lying around somewhere. I need to talk to the
king, and I don’t like formalities.”

Aes: “You were in that village earlier. Tell me what you have
to say to the king, and I’ll see what I can do.”

X: “I’m not that trusting.”

Aes: “Neither am I.”

T: “The bandit Cortese has a spy inside the castle!”

Aes: “Come.”


Aes: “Your weapons. Wait here.”

X: “It was dangerous speaking out like that, Toris.”

T: “It got us in here.”

X: “And what if Aescalus had been the spy?”

C: “But, Aescalus, isn’t the spy. The king is the spy.
Recognize me, Xena? It’s been a while.”

X: “Cortese.”



C: “Oh, come now. You must have something to say-- after all
this time and effort-- just to see me.”

T: “Yes, Cortese-- You’re dead!”

X: “No!”

C: “That’s just one of the surprises in this room. Don’t try
it again! So-- what do you think of my little operation?”

X: “It’s very cunning. You rule over a kingdom threatened by
raiders, and your people tolerate huge taxes, because they think
it goes to the war effort.”

C: “I become incredibly rich off the taxes-- not to mention,
the pure fun of being able to put my mask on, go out and
slaughter a few dissident farmers, and come back to a warm bath.
I’m glad you like it.”

X: “I said it was cunning; I didn’t say I liked it.”

T: “You murdering harpie!”

C: “Careful! You’re talking to the legal regent of this land.
Cortese-- now-- he’s a murdering harpie.”

X: “So, what’s next? You haven’t killed us, and you’re not
talking just to hear the sound of your own voice.”

C: “The people are getting tired of my army losing. My army is
getting tired of losing.”

X: “Your army doesn’t know who you are.”

C: “They’re loyal to the king. But, they need a victory. And,
they can’t have Cortese, of course. So, I’m gonna give ‘em the
next best thing-- his second-- in-command-- the evil Warrior
Princess, Xena. Guards!”

Guards: “Open the doors!” “Knock it down!”

T: “I can’t hold them!”

X: “Then let them in.”

T: “What?!”

X: “Open the door. Let’s go!”


Sold: “Halt!”

T: “I think we can take ‘em out.”

X: “No, we can’t kill them. They’re the good guys, remember?
That window behind them.”

T: “How do we get to it?”

X: “Remember this, Toris? Come and get it! Let’s go.”

C-as-King [C/K]: “I want them for execution by morning!”

Aes: “What time?”


M: “He wants them for execution by the morning. Avoid the
soldiers-- they’ll be looking, too. Move!”

Warriors: “All right!” “Come on.” “Come on.” “Let’s go.”


G: “OK-- let’s try it again. OK. Xena! I’m glad you’re all
right. Hey, Sera-- this is my friend Xena who I told you
about-- and her-- her brother-- Toris. This is my little friend
and warlord, Leia.”

X: “Sera, I need to speak to your village elders. Can you
bring them back here? It’s very important.”

S: “I’ll try.”

G: “What’s going on, Xena?”

X: “The good king and Cortese are one and the same.”

G: “Not happy news. What are you gonna do?”

T: “We could’ve murdered him-- but we didn’t.”

G: “Murder-- you can’t just murder someone.”

Toris: “As if you know the difference between murder and


X: “Toris.”

T: “How do you put up with that girl?”

X: “Why? She knows more about wisdom and justice than you’ll
ever know.”

T: “At first, I thought she was just blindly following your
lead-- and that you were gonna do the same thing to her that you
did to our village-- use their fear to manipulate them-- but
that’s not it! She’s brave because that’s the way she is! I
was so sure that I had you figured out-- that I never bothered
to figure myself out. All these years, I’ve been trying to
convince myself that I knew what was best for our village.”

X: “Toris, we all made decisions based on what we thought was
right. We did what we had to do, because we cared about our

T: “No, no, no, no-- you don’t get it! You stayed because you
cared for us all! I left because-- because I was--”

X: “-- because you were afraid.”

T: “I was afraid I would die! That was all I could think of!
I mean, I cared about you, and Lyceus, and Mother, but-- I was a

X: “Murdering Cortese will not ease that guilt.”

T: “You don’t know that. When I found out that you and the
others had turned him back-- when I found out that Lyceus had
died-- my life meant nothing anymore. There was only one thing
left to do-- that was to take Cortese to the grave-- the grave
that I should have had-- the grave that Lyceus has now. I have
to find Malik-- and force him to take me to Cortese.”

X: “You listen to me-- I already lost one brother to that
madman, and I’m not gonna lose another.”

S: “Xena? The elders are gathered. You better come quick.”


G: “Now, now-- think for a minute. When Cortese and his
bandits were about to obliterate this village, who stopped them?

Elder: “The two of you did.”

G: “Two of us-- yeah, well-- right-- but, mostly Xena--her.”

Elder: “And we are truly grateful. But still, she may not stay

X: “The king and the raider, Cortese, are one and the same.”

Elder: “But, that’s impossible. The king is at war with

Woman’s Voice: “This can’t be true.”

Elder: “Now we hear that the army is searching for you, as well
as the raiders. You’ll get this village destroyed!”

G: “We’ll stay, and we’ll help you fight-- whatever it takes,
we’re with you.”

X: “No, Gabrielle-- he’s right. Cortese will only come here if
he knows I’m here. We only stand and fight when we have to.”

Elder: “And we appreciate it.”

G: “Where’s Toris?”

S: “He’s gone. He said he had a debt to pay and that you’ll


T: [Moaning]

X: “Toris.”

T: “It’s a trap.”

X: “I know. The wood is soaked with oil.”

M: “There she is! One arrow, and your brother dies in a ball
of fire. Oh, yes-- I know he’s your brother. You’d be
surprised what a man will say when he’s been tortured. You’re
going to Cortese-- but first, there’s something that I owe you.
Wait! This is Cortese’s pleasure-- and when he’s done with
you-- I’ll spit on your burning carcass.”



X: “Well, it wasn’t too difficult getting back into the castle.
But it sure is gonna be hard to figure out our escape with you
not talking to me.”

T: “Why’d you have to follow me? This is my time-- I told you

X: “Your time? What’s that supposed to mean?”

T: “It means you should’a stayed out of this! Do you know how
long I planned the moment when Cortese and I face off?!”

X: “Things don’t always work out the way you want.”

T: “What did it feel like-- after you had beaten Cortese?”

X: “Feel? I didn’t have time to feel anything. Maybe, that
was the problem. I knew that he’d come back, so I decided to
form an army for defense. And then I figured to take the
surrounding villages for a buffer. And then somewhere-- I don’t
know where-- I changed. I didn’t have time to feel anything.
And I promise you, Toris-- if you murder Cortese, you’ll become
what I was.”

T: “I’ve seen you kill, Xena. What’s the difference?”

X: “Maybe it’s just a difference in my head, but the pure evil
of murder is that ist’s premeditated. It’s not in the heat of
battle. And it’s not for self-defense. You have been planning
this for years. When the guards come back, we’ve gotta move.
Is something funny?”

T: I’m sorry I got you into this mess, Xena-- but I’m glad
you’re with me.”

Aes: “The king has ordered your burning tomorrow. I don’t
believe in such executions, so if you can find me where I can
find Cortese, I’ll try to make your death quick and painless.”

X: “Very well-- go to the throne room. You’ll find him seated
on the big, comfy chair. Your king is Cortese.”


Aes: “You’ll never get out of the castle alive!”

X: “Oh, no? Oh, we don’t have any intention of leaving.
First, you’re going to show me where the messenger pigeons are


S: “Gabrielle! Gabrielle! Gabrielle!”

G: “What is it?”

S: “Gabrielle! Your friends! The king has them!’


T: “Why don’t we just find Cortese?!”

X: “’Cause I wanna stir the pot a little. Now, where is the

Aes: “I’d rather die.”

X: “That can be arranged. Now, where is he?”

Aes: My king practices at the archery range outside the west
wall-- but you’ll never get there.”

X: “We’d better split up. Can you handle this?”

T: “I’ll take care of him.”

X: “Now we both know-- that you are protecting the king. So
tell me where he really is.”


M: “On your feet! We’re to attack the castle immediately in
full strengh! Go!”

Warriors: “Yes, sir.” “Come on.”

M: “At last.”


T: “Cortese! Where are you?!”

Sold: “Huh?”

T: “The captain lied, and Xena knew it!”


M: “You are dead!”


G: “Where’s Xena?!”

T: “Xena!”

G: “Xena!”

X: “Go get your men. Go!”

T: “You deceived me!”

X: “Fight now-- talk later. Cortese, order the raiders to drop
their weapons.”

C: “Someone, kill her! Take a good look at my chakram,
Cortese. It’ll be the last thing you ever see, if you don’t
tell them now.

C: “Wait! Give your weapons to the soldiers. Surrender!”

War: “Surrender?”

C: “I’m ordering you!”

M: “No!:

X: “There’s only one man with the power to make them do that!”

Aes: “Cortese.”

M: “No! You betrayed us!”

T: “You knew he was lying, didn’t you? You wanted him to

X: “You’re so hungry for that blood you’ll never wash off--
here he is. Everything I hated about me, you’re determined to
make of yourself. Go on-- do it. And then tell me how much
better you feel about yourself. Lyceus would have been proud.”


T: “I feel, ah-- so free-- after so long. In all the rush, I
forgot to tell you something. I missed you.”

X: “I guess you had other things on your mind.”

T: “The wrong things. Thanks for setting me straight.”

X: “Oh. What now?”

T: “It’s time I came full circle. I’m going back home-- to see

X: “That’ll make her very happy. Tell her I said-- just tell
her you saw me.”

T: “Maybe you could come with me.”

X: “No, not yet-- besides, Gabrielle and I are headed the other

T: “I understand. After so long, I should bring Mother some
kind of gift.”

X: “You already are.”


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