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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Death in chains

Episodio: n. 9

Prima serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


Karis [K]: “Only a fool would challenge the gods this way,

Sisyphus [Sis]: “Don’t worry, Karis. I’ve taken care of


Guard1: “Sorry, sweetheart. The king doesn’t want any visitors,
today. But, stick around. I’ll show you a good time.” [Guards
laugh] “Hey, I said no--”

Guards: “Hey! Oh! Run! Don’t touch her! She killed him!”


K: “How can you eat at a time like this? It’s a trap, isn’t

Sis: “Patience, Karis-- you’ll spoil the surprise. [Knock at
front door] Come in. We’ve been expecting you. I guess you
know who I am. And this is my wife--”

Celesta [Cel]: “-- Karis, hello.”

K: “You know my name?”

Cel: “I know everyone’s name, though few know mine. It’s
Celesta. Are you ready to begin your journey, Sisyphus?”

Sis: “Of course. But first, there’s so much I wanna know about

Cel: “You’re not afraid of me.”

Sis: “On the contrary, I’m fascinated. And how about you,
Celesta? Are you not the least bit curious about _my_ world?
Sit. Enjoy a sumptuous feast of earthly delight.”

Cel: “All right, Sisyphus-- but this doesn’t change things. As
soon as we’re finished, we will go.”

Sis: “Splendid. After all, a visit from you happens only once
in a lifetime. A toast-- to a long life, and a peaceful death.”

Cel: “My flame! What is the meaning of this?! I wasn’t told
you were a sorcerer.”

Sis: “No sorcery, my dear-- a simple trick-- devised with wires
and [boards?]-- an illusion I created-- to deceive you.”

Cel: “But, do you realize what this means?”

Sis: “Of course-- and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


G: “Looks like they’re having fun-- not that I envy them, or
anything. I mean, what does she have that I don’t have? OK--
love. But what about the important things in life? Travel;
adventure; meeting interesting people? And as for the apple, I
can pick my own.”

Toxeus [Tox]: “Well, well-- if it isn’t the legendary Xena.”

G: “I lost my appetite”

X: “Do I know you?”

Tox: “I’m Toxeus. I saw you fight Nestor[?] awhile back. My
army could do with a-- warrior like you. How about it?”

X: “Join a band of worthless, lowlife scum-- I think I’ll pass.”

Tox: “Pity-- I have a strict recruiting policy-- join or die.”

[Fight-- Xena “kills” Toxeus]

X: “Another wasted death.”

[Toxeus comes back to life] [Laughs]



G: “I don’t get it. Toxeus knew your reputation. So, why would
he wanna fight you?”

X: “Becuase he knew my reputation.”

G: “Oh. You mean, he wanted to be known as the man who killed

X: “Argo[?]”

G: “That’s not a smart goal.”

X: “What’s up?”

G: “What’s happening?!”

X: “I don’t know. Take cover. Go!”

Hades [H]: “Always ready for a fight. That’s why I like you,

X: “Hades.”

H: “God of the underworld-- at your service.”

X: “What do you want?”

H: “Hey, relax. I’m a big fan-- though for a while, you were
working us pretty hard down there. I need your help. My
sister’s been captured by King Sisyphus. He holds her at his
castle. I want you to rescue her.

X: “Why me?”

H: “You know him. You’ve seen the deadly tricks he’s capable
of. But you have to act quickly. Time is short, and the price
of failure is high.”

X: “What are you talking about?”

H: “In a few hours-- Celesta’s eternal flame will burn out. If
you don’t release her before that happens-- eternal suffering
will be the fate of all mankind. You know who my sister is--
don’t you?”

X: “Death.”


G: “I’ve been thinking. If Sisyphus gets his way, and nobody
ever dies, people will have to watch how they word things. I
mean, if you tell someone that you’ll love them forever, it means
forever. Xena!”


X: “Let me take a look. Take this. It’s for the pain.”

G: “Is his leg broken?”

X: “Among other things. Gabrielle-- take this. Go help the

Man1: “Save your medicines. There’s nothing you can do for

X: “What happened here?”

Man1: “Rockslide in Ketamus[?] The others are old or sick.
We’re heading for the hospital in Corinth.”

X: “Let me help.”

Man1: “Suit yourself; but you’re wasting your time with that
one. Only death will give him release.”


G: “Hold still.”

Man2: “Ahh-- get away from me.”

G: “I, look-- I’m trying to help you.”

Talus [Tal]: “Here.”

G: “Thanks. I’ve gotta stop his bleeding.”

Tal: “Easy, easy-- you’ll be OK. So, where you from?”

Man2: “Carthage.”

Tal: “Carthage? Well, we have your great city to thank for the
weather. There was once a young man, Lepidus. And he met the
beautiful Io in Carthage. They fell madly in love. The gods--
they grew jealous of their-- great love-- and condemned them to
separate destinies-- Lepidus to live only in the summer, and Io,
only in the winter. Luckily, Aphrodite-- she took pity on the
lovers and, uh-- thought of a way to reunite them.”

Man2: “How?”

G: “What’s it gotta do with the weather?”

Tal: “Well, Aphrodite turned Lepidus into snow, and Io into
rain. So, in the winter, when snow falls, it’s really Lepidus,
blanketing his love, Io. And in the spring-- well, the gentle
rain-- that’s Io caressing Lepidus. You’ll be all right.”

Man2: “Thanks.”

G: “Where did you learn that?”

Tal: “Ah, books-- I read a lot about medicine.”

G: “No, I meant the-- the great bedside manner.”

Tal: “Oh-- well, I guess a good story-- always helps me through
the hard times. Hi, I’m Talus.”

G: “Gabrielle. Where are you headed?”

Tal: “Well, I was on my way to Corinth-- when I met these
people. Never seen so much suffering.”

X: “Gabrielle?! Get me some more water.”

Tal: “There’s a pond not far from here.”

G: “Let’s go. And I’ve got a story for you.”


G: “And so, until we release her, nobody on earth can die.”

Tal: “Well, that explains it. You know, awhile ago, I would’ve
been glad to hear that Death had been taken. But now--”

G: “I know. It’s like, after seeing all this suffering, I
understand how important she is.”

Tal: “You know-- not everyone would risk so much for the sake of
mankind. You’re very brave, Gabrielle.”

G: “Well, I have a lot of help.”

Tal: “When I was a small boy, my mother worked for King

G: “Really?”

Tal: “I practically grew up in the castle. I could-- show you
the way.”

G: “That sounds great. What’s this?”

Tal: “Jasmine blossom-- it’s a rare beauty-- just like you.”

G: “Talus! Wait! No! Stop it!”

Tox: “Where is she?”

X: “Some guys never give up. You look good.”

Tox: “Like I said Xena, I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”


Tox: “I could get used to this. Give it up, Xena! You can’t
kill me. I’m a god.”

X: “You’re no god, Toxeus. Death’s capture has kept you alive.
And when I release her, you will die.”

Tox: “That’s not gonna happen! Just where I want’cha!”

X: “I’m not that easy.”


Sis: “I know I can’t blow out your candle, Celesta. But I’ve
noticed, when you’re not holding it, it burns down very nicely.”

Cel: “If it burns out, I will cease to exist.”

Sis: “Well, that’s the point. You should’ve thought of that
before you came to my castle.”

Cel: “I had no choice. You should not have angered Zeus.”

Sis: “I _can’t_ concern myself with Zeus’ petty jealousy. My
kingdom needed water. I made a deal. It’s not my time, and you
know it.”

Cel: “That is a decision for the gods.”

Sis: “Not anymore.”

K: “It isn’t like you to be so cruel, Sisyphus. What happened
to the compassionate man I married?”

Sis: “My compassion brought death to my door. If I release her
now, it’ll be all over. What else would you have me do?”

K: “I want you with me, my love.”

Sis: “And I will be. In a few hours, the candle will burn down,
and extinguish-- so will Celesta. And you and I will be together
for all eternity.”


Seerus: “Men-- follow me to the next village. There, we’ll make
our own conquests.”

Tox: “So, you’re the new leader, huh, Seerus?”

Seerus: “Toxeus?”

Warrior: “But, Xena killed you!”

Seerus: “You’re still alive.”

Tox: “Very observant. There is no death anymore.”

Seerus: “But how?”

Tox: “That’s not important. What I need is an army-- to stop
Xena, before she ruins it for all of us. Who’s with me?”

Seerus: “Xena’s a powerful woman. I mean-- look what she did to

Tox: “Cowards! Maybe this will make you change your minds!”

[Toxeus “kills” his men]

Seerus: “So-- what did you have in mind?” [Warrior in
background: “We should be dead, but we’re not.”]

Tox: “I knew you’d come around. Saddle up! We’ll follow Xena
to Corinth-- and capture Death for our own safe-keeping.”

Seerus: “What if she tries to stop us?”

Tox: “How can she? We’re immortal! And if she tries-- we’ll
make her one of us.”




G: “So, what do you think of Talus?”

X: “He’s nice.”

G: “’Nice?’ Hah! You’re kidding, right? You didn’t hear the
story he told. It was warm and sensitive. And it cheered up
that poor man. He’s perfect, Xena. He’s funny; he’s smart;

X: “All right. All right. He’s more than nice. I’m glad
you’ll have some company.”

G: “Why? Where you going?”

X: “You two head to the hospital. I’m going on alone.”

G: “But, what if--”

X: “Gabrielle, the hospital should be full of people looking for
relief. Tell them about the injured people on the roadside. And
stay out of trouble.”

Tal: “She’ll be all right.”

G: “I hope so.”


Tox: “They’ve split up. We’ll do the same. One of them will
lead us to where Death is held prisoner. Follow them closely!
And report back to me.”

Warrior: “Yes, Toxeus.”

Tox: “Remember, your deaths depend upon it.” [They laugh]


Warriors: “Faster!” “Lead the way!”

[Xena wards off two horsemen following her.]


[Xena gains access to the castle]


X: [Knocks out sword-wielding guard] “Nice try.”


Sis: [Laughing]

K: “What is it?!”

Sis: “Xena is here to rescue Death.”

K: “Xena, why?!”

Sis: “She’s a warrior. Without death, Xena has no way to defeat
her opponents. [Laughs] This makes things much more
interesting. [Laughs]


Old woman: “Water. Water. Please. Someone?”

Tal: “You see what you can do for her. I’ll fetch water.”

Old woman: “Thank you. Don’t be afraid when I tell you this. I
died this morning. But as I was crossing to the other side-- a
strange thing happened-- and I wound up back here. Where is

G: “King Sisyphus has captured her. But don’t worry-- my
friend, Xena, will make everything all right again.”

Old woman: “Oh-- is your friend a god?”

G: “No-- but she knows Sisyphus, and she can take care of

Old woman: “But what of Death? How will she handle her?”

G: “What do you mean?”

Old woman: “Come closer. If your friend touches Death, or
allows Death to touch her, she will die.”

G: “Xena’s in trouble. I have to go to her, Talus.”

Tal: “Sisyphus has guards posted at every gate.”

G: “It doesn’t matter. You know the castle. Now tell me how I
can get in.”

Tal: “I’ll do better than that. I’ll show you.”

G: “You don’t have to go, Talus. We may come in contact with
Death herself.”

Tal: “I assure you, Gabrielle, I’m not afraid of her.”


Sis: “Welcome back, Xena.”

X: “Always the grand entrance. We need to talk.”

Sis: “What should we talk about? Relive old battles?”

X: “Let’s talk about Death.”

Sis: “Why must you be-- so depressing?”

X: “Don’t you realize the pain you’ve caused?”

Sis: “Nonsense. My subjects are overjoyed. Their king has
given them eternal life.”

X: “You’re blinded by your selfish desire to live, Sisyphus.
Now, tell me where she is-- or I’ll make your eternity a living

Sis: “Still favoring brawn over brains, Xena? Think about it.
You must have loved ones-- somewhere. You never have to leave
them-- never have to watch them leaving you. You’d have eternal
bliss. Perhaps you should take some time-- mull it over a

X: “Sorry, Sisyphus-- time is the one thing I don’t have.”

Sis: “On the contrary-- time is the only thing you have.”



Tal: “I found an escape tunnel-- back when my mother worked in
the castle. Nobody knew about it, except us children. Here it
is. Come on.”


G: “Not much of a housekeeper, is he?”


Toxeus’ goons: “This way.” “Yeah.”


G: “Talus, this could be dangerous. You should go back.”

Tal: “And leave you alone.”

G: “There’s no reason for both of us to risk our lives. Look,
Xena’s my friend. It’s got nothing to do with you.”

Tal: “I’m not leaving you, Gabrielle. I’ve never met a girl who
knows every line of Sophocles by heart. I’m not gonna let
anything happen to her.”

G: “Thank you. Actually, I’d rather not be alone in a place
like this.”

Tal: “Well, there’s no need to worry about that.”

G: “You, you know-- there’s-- there’s a high rate of infection
in wounds left untreated.”

Tal: “Right, uh-- maybe we should find you a doctor, uh-- you
can’t be too careful.”

G: “Then again, we could just--”

G and Tal: “Run!”

Toxeus’ goon: “Get them!”

G: “Which way?! Talus?!”

Goons: “Forget him! Get the girl!” “Get her!”


Tal: “Wait, it’s me.”

X: “Talus? What are you doing here?!”

Tal: “Gabrielle wanted to tell you not to touch Death.”

X: “Of course not. Where is she? I told her to stay out of

Tal: “She was concerned about you. I-- I don’t know where she
is now. We ran-- and there were these tall, ugly guys who looked
like they were dead. And then I fell in here.”

X: “They were Toxeus’ men. We’ve gotta get out of here.”

Tal: “Ah, it’s all my fault! I should never have let her come!”

X: “When Gabrielle has her mind set on something, nothing can
change it. You’ll learn that soon enough.”

Tal: “We’ve got to find her. I’ve never seen this part of the
castle before. It must be in one of the king’s traps. We’ll
_never_ get out.”

X: “Shh! Listen.”

Tal: “It sounds like water.”

X: “It must drain somewhere. I found it. Let’s go.”


Warriors [Off-screen]: “I want her!” “Hey!” “This way!” “Find

Tox: “Where are they?!”

Warrior: “We cornered the girl, but the guy fell down the trap

Tox: “You lost them?! Fools! Search the castle! Find Death,
and bring her to me!”

Warriors: “Right! Let’s go!” “Come this way, quickly!” “Check
behind those arches!”


X: “Come on.”



X: “Rats!”


X: “Stay right behind me, Talus. Talus?”

Tal: “I’m OK. I guess I’m just not-- used to this much

X: “Why were you headed to Corinth?”

Tal: “I grew up in Corinth. I-- guess I just wanted to see it.”

X: “One last time. Is there anything I can do?”

Tal: “No-- thanks.”

X: “Does Gabrielle know?”

Tal: “I should’a told her-- I know.”

X: “How long have you known?”

Tal: “I started getting the pains-- about a year ago. And
they’ve been getting worse ever since.”

X: “This makes my job a lot tougher.”

Tal: “What you’re doing is right. There are too many people who
need her.”

X: “I can see why Gabrielle thinks you’re so special. Come on.”


K: “Sisyphus-- I need to talk to you.”

Sis: “Not now, Karis. Xena has proved more of a challenge than
I thought.”

K: “What we’ve done is wrong. I realize that, now.”

Sis: “We’ve cheated death. How can that be wrong?”

K: “What about those who need her?! The people who are in

Sis: “I’ve given them life. Isn’t that what they want?”

K: “If I were to give myself a mortal wound, would you have me
suffer as well?!”

Sis: “Enough of this nonsense! If Xena wins, I die.”


Tal: “This hall leads to the king’s private chamber.”

X: “Good.”

K: “Xena.”

Tal: “Your Highness?”

K: “Talus. I want to help you.”

X: “Why?”

K: “Because what my husband has done is wrong. Look, you can’t
defeat him without me. Enough if you survive his traps, you’ll
never reach Celesta in time.”

X: “Thanks for the advice.”

K: “Wait! Please. I know another way.”


Sis: “Well, Xena. It seems, finally, the spider has caught the
fly. What’s the meaning of this?”

K: “It’s time for you to listen to reason, Sisyphus.”

X: “I agree.”

Sis: “Xena.”

X: “It’s time to let Death go, Sisyphus.”

Sis: “Not without a fight-- draw your weapon.”

X: “No weapons-- there’s someone you should meet.”

Tal: “Do you remember me, your Highness? My mother and I lived
in the castle when I was-- a small boy.”

Sis: “Talus-- how are you, my boy?”

Tal: “Not good, your Highness. I’m dying-- or at least, I
should be. You were very good to my mother and me. Now, I ask
you for one more act of kindness. Let Celesta go.”

Sis: “You don’t understand. If I let her go, I will die.”

Tal: “You shouldn’t fear it. I did for the longest time. But
now my suffering has-- grown so-- real-- and deep. Now I know--
death can be a friend-- a resting place.”

Sis: “You must understand, Talus, that-- I’m not suffering. My
life can still be good.”

Tal: “I don’t believe that. When the good King Sisyphus sees
all the pain and misery he has caused the world, he’ll die inside
a million times in regret for what he has done. Don’t you see?
It’s not how long you live that matters. It’s how well you live.
Please, let her go.”

X: “You’re a great king, Sisyphus. Be remembered that way.”

Sis: “I was so concerned with my own life, I forgot about the
rest of the world. I’ve been such a fool.”

K: “Oh-- it’s not too late. I will miss you.”

Sis: “Don’t count me out yet.”

X: “Sisyphus-- there’s not much time.”


G: “Xena! Talus! They’re right behind me!”

Tox: “Stay away from those chains! Or this young thing-- will
be Death’s first victim.”

Tal: “Let her go!”

X: “Talus-- let me. Shouldn’t you be looking for a shallow
grave somewhere?”

Tox: “Just a few more minutes.”

X: “Come on, Toxeus-- wouldn’t you rather have me by the throat
than that scrawny little girl?”

Tox: “Are you offering to join me?”

X: “Run me through, and I’m yours.”

G: “No, Xena!”

X: “You unlock Celesta. I’ll handle the others.”


Warrior: “Die, Xena!”

X: “Not today!”

Tox: “Get away from those chains.”

X: “You all right?”

G: “That was a little close.”

Sis: “I’m ready, Celesta.”

Cel: “Your time will come. First, someone else needs me.”

G: “Wait. Wait. There’s been some kind of mistake.”

Tal: “No, Gabrielle, it’s-- no mistake. I have to say goodbye.”

G: “’Goodbye?’ I don’t understand.”

X: “Talus is very sick. He has been for a long time.”

G: “But I didn’t know.”

Tal: “I’m ready.”

G: “No. You don’t have to take him. We saved you. You owe us.

Tal: “I should’ve told you. Forgive me, Gabrielle. All I
wanted was a memory of you.”

G: “This can’t be happening.”

Tal: “We’ll meet each other again, someday-- on the other side.”

G: “You won’t forget me?”

Tal: “How could I?”


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