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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Lyre, lyre hearts on fire

Episodio: n. 10

quinta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


Draco [Dra]: "X marks the spot, boys. The treasure should be
under these pillars. Where are you, my golden one?
Ah-h-h-h-h-h. At long last-- the quest is finally over. The
lyre's mine."

Warrior [War]: "Yeah, boss."

Amoria [Amo]: "Correction-- since you found it on Amazon
territory-- I'd say it belongs to us."

Dra: "Rah-h-h-h."

War: "Rah!"

Dra: "Here. Psych! [Laughs] No! No, no, no! Look, look--
I'll tell you what. If you want the lyre so badly-- you can pry
it-- from my dead fingers."

Amo: "With pleasure."

X: "Well, kids-- if you can't play nicely with your toy, I'm
gonna have to take it from ya."

Man's Voice: "What?"

Dra: "Xena."

G's Voice: "What's the lyre doing here?"

X: "Oh, there's more than one of them. They're hidden all over
the world. It's Terpsichore's way of spreading music."

Dra: "Hi, Gabrielle."

G: "Draco."

Joxer [Jox]: "What's wrong with him?"

G: "Baby Bliss put a spell on him."

Jox: "Creepy."

Dra: "Aw, how can you say it's a spell, when I would gladly tear
out my own spleen and carve your initials on the side of it, just
to prove my undying love for you?"

G: "I'm flattered."

Amo: "Check it out, sisters. `Draco the Lionhearted' is really
`Draco the Dandelion.'"

Dra: "You want a war, Amazon? You've got one."

Song [By X, G, and Jox]: "War! What is it good for?
Absolutely nothin'!
Uh-huh, yeah. War! What is it good for?
Absolutely nothin'!

"Listen to me, now.
War is a thing that I despise
'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives.
War means tears in thousands of mothers' eyes
When their young go out to fight and lose their lives.

"War! Good God, y'all-- what is good for?
Absolutely nothin'!
Say it again, yeah. War! What is it good for?
Absolutely nothin'!

"War! It ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker!
War! Free only to the undertaker!

Amo: "War is the enemy of all mankind.
The thought of war just blows my mind.
War handed down from generation to generation--
Induction and destruction-- who wants to die?!

"War! What is it good for?
Absolutely nothin'!
Say it again, yeah. War! What is it good for?
Nothin'! Say it again!
War! [Dra: Ah-h-h-h-h-h!] What is it good for?
Nothin'! Say it again!
War! What is it good for?"

Dra: "Absolutely-- nothing. OK-- since we're not gonna battle
it out-- how are we gonna decide who gets the lyre?"

X: "Oh, there's gonna be a battle, all right-- battle of the



X: "All right, listen up.
Playing music's the way
For a muse to inspire.
And the best-sounding band
Will win Terpsichore's lyre.

G: "If the people don't mind
There's a contest for peace.
And we'll do it right here
Spiro [Spi]: "In Melodia-- music capital of Greece."

[Spi]: "Hi, Vargus. [Vargus [Var]]: Hi, Spiro.
What's the hurry? Why the scurry?
Where's the fire? Why the lyre?
[Spi]: Did you hear? There's a concert in town!

[Sarah [Sar]]: "Hi, Cory. [Cory]: Hi, Sarah.
News I'm bringing. Time for singing.
Can you hum? Get your drum.
[Sar]: Oh, my gosh, there's a concert in town.

"Is there really a jam? [Spi]: Yeah!
Can we participate? [Spi]: Sure!
Should we go there right now? [Spi]: Why not?
Or is it too late? [Spi]: No!

"Yeah, there's really a jam
For you and the rest.
So take your sitars
And give it your best.

Alabartus [Ala]: "Hello, Farmer Paxon, I am Alabartus.
Won't you let me sing with you?

Paxon [Pax]: "Is there really a jam? [Ala]: Yes, there is.
Pax: I've got talent to spare. [Ala]: That's why I asked.
Pax: Just take over my stand. [Ala]: But I thought--
Pax: "And get out of my hair!

"Bang, bang, you know it.
Bang, bang, swing swing.
Bang, bang, you know it.

"Here's your note in your key.
That's too high. Not for me.

Ala: "Hello, Miss Leandra, I am Alabartus.
Won't you let me sing with you?

"Got no talent. I got money.
I just need to bribe that judge.

"Oh, they think they're so cool. We've got talent.
Playing music's a gag. We've got music.
When you get onstage. We got singing.
They'll fall down on their--

Ala: "Hello, kind barbarians, I am Alabartus.
Please just let me sing with you.

G: "But you've got it all wrong. Gettin' ready!
G: There's no talent to find. Gettin' ready!
G: If this concert's too big. Gettin' ready!
G: I'll go out of my mind. When you gotta sing-- really gotta

"When the music plays,
Then my hips will sway.
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do?

"Is there really a jam? Whoa, man!
Can I participate? Whoa, man!
Should I go there right now? Whoa, man!
Or is it too late?

"Gettin' ready! Let's rock!
Gettin' ready!
Let's rock! Ready to rock!
Gettin' ready! Let's rock!
Gettin' ready!
Let's rock! Ready to rock!

"Yes, there's really a jam. Whoa, yeah!
For you and the rest. Whoa, yeah!
So, put down your sitars. Whoa, yeah!
And give it your best.

"Gettin' ready! Gettin' ready!
Gettin' ready! Gettin' ready!
Gettin' ready! Ready to--
Gettin' ready! Gettin' ready!
Gettin' ready! Gettin' ready!
Gettin' ready! Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!


X: "So I'm figuring, this'll be a great place for a stage."

G: "Xena-- the word is out. The bands are coming from

Jox: "Wow."

X: "I guess the contest is gonna be bigger than we thought."

G: "Yeah."

X: "Well-- everybody deserves a chance. Gabrielle, why don't
you just-- audition each band as it comes in, and make a first
cut. Good girl. Joxer, get together some villagers. See if you
can build a stage. I'm figuring here."

Jox: "OK."

X: "Yeah."

Cyrene [Cyr]: "Xena!"

X: "Mom! Ah-h-h!"

Cyr: "So, it's true! And when were you going to tell me?"

X: "Amphipolis was my very next stop."

Cyr: "Well, you look positively radiant. When are we gonna meet
your-- special someone?"

X: "If you mean the father, the answer's never. He's not in my

Cyr: "But Xena, every child needs a father!"

X: "You raised me on your own."

Cyr: "I attest that would have been much easier with help."

X: "I have help, Mom."

Cyr: "You have now."


"Singer": "The place is rocking! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! A-o-o-o-o-oh! Yeah!"

Musician: "Ye-eah! Play it, man! Whoo!"

"Singer": "A-o-o-o-o-oh! Yeah!" [Laughs]

X: "Oh, Gabrielle, sign them up."

G: Kill me, please."

Jox: "Aw, come on. They can't all be-- mediocre."

G: "No, they all suck. Sadly, everyone in the music capital of
Greece is tone deaf."

X: "Maybe not everyone. Come on."


Jace: "Everyone! Why don't you all throw up your hands-- and
fe-e-e-e-e-el my rhythm?!"

X: "Another one?"

Jox: "That's my brother, Jace."

Jace: "Uh! We get it on 'most every night.
And when that moon gets big and bright
It's a supernatural delight.
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight.

"Everybody here is out of sight.
They don't bark and they don't bite.
They keep it loose. They keep it light.
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight.

"Dancing in the moonlight.
Everybody-- feeling warm and bright.
It's such a fine and natural sight.
Everybody's dancing in the moonlight.

"We like our fun but never fight.
You can't dance and stay uptight.
It's a supernatural delight.
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight.

"Dancing in the moonlight.
Everybody-- feeling warm and bright.
It's such a fine and natural sight.
Everybody's dancing in the moonlight.

G: "Come on!"

Jace: "Bella! Mi amigo! Bella! Ha-hah-h-h-h-h! You think
that was something?! This is how we dance before breakfast where
I come from! Repeat after me-- ole, ole!"

All: "Ole, ole!"

Jace: "Ole, ole!"

All: "Ole, ole!"

Jace: "Ole, ole!"

All: "Ole, ole!"

Jace: "Dancing in the moonlight.
Everybody-- feeling warm and bright.
It's such a fine and natural sight.
Everybody's dancing in the moonlight.

"Dancing in the moonlight.
Everybody-- feeling warm and bright.
It's such a fine and natural sight.
Everybody's dancing-- bailando. Yeah! Huh?"

Dra: "You fall off the circus wagon, boy? We don't like your
kind around here, freak."

G: "Drace! Let's take him."

Dra: "But, Gabrielle-- I am just trying to keep you from being
infected by-- by this lily-livered panty-twist!"

X: "You harm so much as a hair on Jace's head-- I'll scalp you.
Good luck in the contest."

Men: "Huh!"



Man's Voice: "A little more! A little more!"

Jox: "Oh!"

Amo: "Need a hand, killer?"

Jox: "Where? Oh-- m-me? Um-- yeah-- I am a killer. In fact, I
can kill a person with a cold stare. But, uh, you know, inside
I'm-I'm-- delicate as a-- a daisy. I'm-I'm-- inside."

Amo: "Mm-hm-m-m-m-- don't try so hard, Joxer. Didn't anyone
ever tell you the quickest way to win a woman's heart-- is by
making her laugh?"

Jox: "Oh-- well, in that case, I'm the sexiest man in the

Jace: "There you are! Joxer!"

Jox: "Damn."

Jace: Ha-ha-ha!"

Jox: "Who's that guy? Why don't you wait here? I'll be back in
a moment."

Jace: "You crazy fellow, you. Give your big brother a hug."

Jox: "No-- Jace-- no!"

Jace [Sighs]: "Play the game."

Jox: "No."

Jace: "Play the game!"

Jox: "No, Jace-- not now."

Jace: "Where is he? I don't see my little brother! Where is
he? There he is! Where have you been? I was starting to think
I was an only child."

Jox: "Look, Jace-- I'm a grown-up, now. I'm not your little
baby brother. And-- I'm a warrior with a reputation to protect.
I follow my sword."

Jace: "Well, I-- I follow the music-- wherever it takes me. I
thought you'd be happy it took me to you."

Jox: "Yeah, made my day. Now quit talkin' like that."

Jace: "Like what?"

Jox: "Like-- I don't know, that-- stupid accent of yours, like
you're from Spain or somethin'. You're from Olympic Street in
Athens-- two blocks from Akhmar the meatman-- just like me."

Jace: "Well, not _just_ like you. I don't have a pasta strainer
for a shirt."

Jox: "Just stay away from me-- Bro."


Jace: "My own brother-- insulting me. Can you believe it?"

X: "As a matter of fact, I can."

Woman's Voice: "I'll have another one."

X: "Joxer likes to think that he knows who he is, but all he
really knows is who he wants to be."

Jace: "That's right. And who would not want to be just like
me?" [Hums]

Cyr: "Oh, Xena-- Xena. Uh-- meet Phillipis. Uh-- he's a
healer. Uh-- tell Xena about all the exciting things you've been
doing with leeches."

X: "Oh-- well, that's great, because I could sure use a doctor
about now."

Phillipis: "Oh."

X: "Could you give me and Mom just a moment?"

Phillipis: "Uh-huh."

X: "Thanks. All right, I'm telling you for the last time
politely, I do not need help finding a man!"

Cyr: "No? But finding the _right_ man, now that's a different

X: "I'm beginning to remember why I left home so young."


G: "Joxer."

Jox: "Ow! What?!"

G: "What is your problem? Why were you so rude to your

Jox: "Look, Gabrielle-- you don't understand. Things are
different. We're not kids, anymore. I'm a warrior, now, and
Jace is still-- Jace."

G: "So you're telling me that you're so heartless towards him
because he's-- "

Jox: "Different? Different-- and, he is-- "

G: "Yes?"

Jox: "He's wasting his life. He is-- wasting his life. That's
it. I am a warrior-- and he is--"

G: "-- your brother? No matter what else he is, he will always
be that."

Amo: "Hey, Joxer. My band's rehearsing our moves. You wanna
watch, handsome?"

Jox: "Ha-ha-ha. Do birds fly? Do bees buzz? Do I take a bath
once a month whether I need it or not? You bet. Hold that."

G: "Oh! Ah!"

Jox: "Let's go."

Amo: "Oo-o-o-oh."

Jox: "You're not on the back burner, now. You're smokin'."


Man: "Xener [sic], right?"

X: "Who wants to know?"

Man: "I saw'r [sic] your ad-- `Single Greek female seeks
marriage with stable provider-- to raise a child and to dote-- on
an exceptionally wonderful mother-- who doesn't look a day over

X: "Gee, I wonder who wrote that?"

Man: "It wasn't you?"

X: "No, I am not in the market for a husband."

Man: "Yeah-- sure-- I understand. How 'bout a little casual

Amo: "5, 6, 7, 8, and step and kick and twist and punch.
[Sighs] No, ladies! It's step, kick, _twist_, punch-- not step,
kick, punch, twist. Again-- slowly. Step, kick, twist-- punch."

G: "Why do I care? It is _Joxer_."

Dra: "Ain't love grand?"

G: "Draco, I 'm busy."

Dra: "I've come to talk to you about our future. Now, I'm a
changed man. My warlord days are well behind me-- and when I win
that lyre-- I will prove it to you in song."

G: "I'm the reason you want-- ?"

Dra: "-- the lyre? Ha-ha-ha. Of course, it is! When I win
that melodious instrument-- I will serenade you for all

G: "That's very sweet-- in a completely deranged, obsessed kind
of way. Draco, you do not love me. You're under a spell."

Dra: "Call it what you will, my love. Just as long as you marry
me. We could have a-- wedding in spring-- and a honeymoon in

G: "The answer is no."

Dra: "Your lips say `No'-- but your eyes scream `Yes.'"

G: "Don't make me say it in a way you won't like."

Dra: "I will never give up on us, Gabrielle. You may kiss me."

G: "Don't even think about it. Oh! Uh! Let me get this
through your thick skull. I would not marry you if you were the
last man on Earth."

Dra: "She wants me."

Dra: "I walk along these city streets you used to walk along
with me.
And every step I take
Recalls how much in love we used to be.
Oh, how can I forget you?

"When there is always something there to remind me!
Always something there to remind me!

"I was born to love you,
And I will never be free,
You'll always be a part of me.

"When shadows fall, I pass a small cafe
Where we would dance at night.
And I can't help recalling
How it felt to kiss and hold you tight.
Oh, how can I forget you?

"When there is always something there to remind me!
Always something there to remind me!

I was born to love you,
And I will never be free.
You'll always be a part of me! Gabrielle!

"If you should find you miss
The sweet and tender love we used to share,
Just come back to the places where we used to go.
And I'll be there.
Oh, how can I forget you?

"When there is always something there to remind me!
When there is always something there to remind me!
When there is always something there to remind me!
When there is always something there to remind me!
Always! Something! Always! Something!

"If I can't have you, Gabrielle-- no one will!"



Jace: "Yes, that's the groove, right there. I like this groove.
Yes, this does it for me. Oh, very much, very good. Mm-m-- yes,
I like this one-- turn around, that's it-- back, back, step,
step-- "

Jox: "What are you smilin' at?"

Amo: "Your brother."

Jox: "Oh. Uh-- yeah. I'm really sorry about that."

Jace's Voice: "Oh, I'm so sexy!"

Amo: "What are you apologizing for? Look at him. He's amazing!
He's so uninhibited."

Jace: "Ow!"

Amo: "Now, _that_ is a true sign of a secure man."

Jox: "Oh-- oh, yeah-- yeah. I'm just sorry he's not dancing
_more_. You know-- "

Amo: "Hm-m. So-- think you could get him to teach me some of
those moves?"

Jox: "Oh, yeah-- any-anything for you. You know? Um--
uninhibitedness runs in my family."

Amo: "Joxer."

Jox: "Yeah?"

Amo: "You're trying too hard again."

Jox: "Right. I'll go-- get-- Jace."

Amo: "Come on, girls."

X: "Hi."

G: "Xena-- I, um-- I wanna ask you something."

X: "Well, make it snappy. I've got a lot of single Greek losers
to turn down."

G: "What do you think about Amoria-- for Joxer?"

X: "Works for me."

G: "Are you crazy?!"

X: "Why did you ask me if you already have an answer?"

G: "Because she's so wrong for him! He should be with someone
that's like-- like-- "

X: "-- you?"

G: "Come on, Xena."

X: "Well, hey, if _you're_ not gonna take him, it's not fair of
you to stop someone _else_ from tryin?"


Jox: "Jace-- how are ya, Bro? Listen-- I know whatcha
thinkin'-- I've been acting crummy to ya-- and I probably
shouldn't 'a said what I said."

Jace: "Really?"

Jox: "Look-- you're a grown man. You wanna-- dress like a
clown, and-- act like a spaz, that is _none_ of my business."

Jace: "Joxer-- back in the old country-- "

Jox: "Jace-- you're not from the old country-- and you're not
from Spain-- and I doubt very much if you've ever even had a
plate of Paella."

Jace: "I am-- your older brother by half an hour-- and I see
that is going to make all the difference in the world. I 'cept
your apology-- because I know it is as good as I'm ever gonna get
from you-- because you obviously don't know any better. Adios."


X: "All right, come on. The concert's starting soon."

Kid: "Um-- Xena, right?"

X: "She left town-- just missed her."

Kid: "Before you say no, hear me out. I may not look like much,
but-- in a few years-- when my face clears up-- I'll grow up to
be the kind of man your child will be proud to call Dad."

X: "You know what, kid? That is the nicest offer I've had all
day. You shouldn't be in so much of a hurry to grow up."

Woman's Voice: "Let's go."

X: "Mother."


Cyr: "Hm-m-m-m-m-m. Mm-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m. Oh-h!"

X: "I'm going to kill you."

Cyr: "All I want is for you to have a family, Xena."

X: "I _have_ a family. I've got Gabrielle-- I've got Joxer--
and as much as it pains me to say it, I've got you. This child's
life will be filled with more than enough love."

Cyr: "Still, it doesn't replace a father."

X: "Oh, for crying out loud, what _century_ are you living in?!
[Sings]: Now, there was a time
When they used to say
That behind every great man
There had to be a great woman.

Amo: "But in these times of change, you know?
It's no longer true
So we're comin' out of the kitchen
'Cause there's somethin' we forgot to say to you, yeah.

All: "Sisters are doin' it for themselves. [Amo: Girl, isn't
that true?]
Standin' on their own two feet
Ringin' on their own bells.

X: "Now, this is a song to celebrate-- [All: Yeah!]
The conscious liberation of the female state.
Amo: Oh, I'm talkin' 'bout a state of mind.
Mothers and daughters and their daughters, too.
Woman to woman-- we're singin' with you. Oh, yeah.

All: "Sisters are doin' it for themselves.
Standin' on their own two feet.
Ringin' on their own bells.

X: "Oh, we ain't makin' stories
And we ain't layin' plans.
Amo: 'Cause a man still loves a woman,
And a woman still loves a man. [X: That's right.]

All: "Sisters are doin' it for themselves.
Standin' on their own two feet.
Ringin' on their own bells.
Amo: "Oh, ringin' on my bells, now, yeah.

All: "Sisters are doin' it for themselves. [Amo: Ah, ringin'
on my bells.]
Standin' on their own two feet.
Oh, ringin' on their own bells.

"Sisters are doin' it for themselves.
Standin' on their own two feet.
Oh, ringin' on their own bells.

"Sisters are doin it for themselves.
Standin' on their own two feet.
Oh, ringin' on their own bells.

"Sisters are doin it for themselves."

Jace: "I _love_ it! I _love_ it! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Cyr: "You've always danced to the beat of your own drum, Xena.
I suppose it would be foolish of me to stop you now."

X: "Thanks, Mom."

Cyr: "Now, who did you say the father was?"


Dra: "Yah-h-h-h-h!"

War: "Everything OK, boss?"

Dra: "Does everything _look_ OK? The woman I love-- my sweet,
beautiful Gabrielle has _spurned_ my advances! No! No-- not
spurned-- she ha-- she hates me!"

War: "Hey-- don't let it getcha down. I mean-- there's plenty
other chicks in the sea."

Dra: "Rah-h-h-h-h!"

War: "Whoa."

Dra: "Gabrielle is _not_ a chick. Her and I are soulmates-- and
as long as she's alive-- I will never be able to love again.

War: "Ah-- but what about the concert? I mean, um-- me and the
boys are really lookin' forward to rockin' down."

Dra: "Oh, we'll perform, all right. In fact-- we're gonna slay


Men's Voices: "Bo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!" "Let's go-- for cryin' out
loud!" "Get on with the show!"


G: "We still need you to perform. Can you please just warm up,
in the dressing room? Uh, no, you need-you need to put on your
costume. Just go to the left. It's on a rack. Could we please
clear this area?!"

X: "What's going on? Come on, the crowd's going wild."

G: "Xena, nobody wants to be the first band."

X: "All right. You go out there, and stall. I'll deal with the
bands. All right! Come here!"


G: "Um-- the concert's about to start. All right. I-I need to
make an announcement. There's some bad slouvaki going around, so
stay away from the slouvaki. Hey! Hey! It's not _that_ bad."

Dra: "Gabrielle?"

G: "All right!"


G: "Draco, uh-- you're on."

Dra: "This is your last chance, Gabrielle. Marry me, my love."

G: "Draco, no!"

Dra: "Have it your own way-- but you're part of the act now--
and for our grand finale-- you get to die."



Woman's Voice: "Yeah, as if it's gonna _start_ you know?! I
mean-- ho!"

Dra: "Right now, it's time to-- rock on!
Right now, it's time to--
Right now, it's time to--
Check out the jams! Come on!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
I gotta kick 'em out!

"Well, I'm feelin' pretty good
And I guess that I could
Get crazy now, baby.
'Cause we all gotta do
What the dressing room-- .

"I know how you want it, girl--
Hot, quick, and tight--
The girl gets hotter
When you're doin' it right.

So, let me up on the stand.
Let me kick out the jams.
Yeah! Kick out the jams.
I gotta kick 'em out!

Whoa! I'm trying to touch you
You know, my jet's on fire.
Well, I feel you. Yeah!
From the sounds of the fire
That resounds in the sky.

When I touch you now, baby
You can't do without.
When you got that feelin'
You got to sock 'em out.

So, put the mike in my hands.
Let me kick out the jams.
Yeah! Kick out the jams.
I gotta kick 'em out.

G: "Help me! I need something heavy! Anything, please!"

Man: "How 'bout a rock?!"

G: "Rock! Yeah! Can rock!"

A Man: "Here!"

G: "Come on!"

A Man: "Rock him with this!"

Dra: "Goodbye, my love. Get her!"


Dra: "Gabrielle! Wait for me, my love!"

G's Voice: "Xena! Xe-- "

Dra: "Come back! Time to die, Gabrielle."

X: "Show's over, loverboy."

Dra: "Rah-h-h-h-h-h-h! The name's Draco! Give me my props!
'Cause I'm the gee when the music stops!
X: I'm the baddest Momma jammer this side of Thrace.
Your expression's gonna change when I'm in your face.

Dra: "No, I'm the baddest rapper there is,
And you're the saddest there is, and that's the way it is.
X: You're just a copycat. That's where your head is at.
You chase the rhythm from a place you was never at.

Dra: "Ain't nobody told you that payback's a mother?!
X: Heads up, my brother, 'cause here comes another.

Dra: "It's time to face the funk blastin' atcha!
You better give it up 'cause you ain't gonna match my rhyme!
X: Just like old times, when you be trippin' in your own stuff,
didn't know what.

Dra: "I'm the number one warlord, king of the horde.
And I'm out to collect my reward.
X: Let's get it on 'cause I'm gettin' bored."



X: "There, now. That's so much better."

Amo's Voice: "I just love a man in uniform."

G: "You all right?"

Jox: "Ye-- oh-- what do _you_ think?"

G: "Joxer, she's a rocker chick. What d'you expect? I have to
admit, I, uh-- thought it was kind of strange seeing you _with_
her. It's only 'cause I'm so used to your-- you know-- being
around me, and-- that kind of thing."

Jox: "Mm-hm-m-- like a puppy-dog."

G: "That's not what I meant."

Jox: "Gabrielle, you are sort of used to having me around when
you need me."

G: "I know I take advantage of you, Joxer, but I care about

Jox: "Hm-m?"

G: "You mean a lot to me."

Jox: "OK-- so, what are you doin' tonight?"

G: "Not a chance in Tartarus."

Jox: "Right, because I have _lots_ to do, as it gets-- later."

G: "Oh, good."

Crowd's Voices: "Xena! Xena! Xena! Xena! Xena! Xena!"


Crowd: "Xena! Xena!"


Crowd's Voices: "Xena! Xena!" [Continues]

Jace: "Xena! Come quick! The crowd's going wild! They want an

X: "I'd love to, but I'm fresh out of asses to kick!"

Jace: "But you just won Terpsichore's lyre!"

Crowd's Voices: "Xena! Xena!" [Continues]

Jace: "But if you don't want it, I'll put it in my living room--

Crowd's Voices: "Xena! Xena!" [Continues]

Jace: "-- maybe next to the bed or something."


Crowd: "Xena! Xena! Xena! Xena!" [Cheer]

X: "Now, Terpsichore wanted this lyre to spread music-- so I
don't think that it's fair that only one person should own it.
And that's why I'm leaving it here-- in the musical capital of
Greece-- because Melodia-- you ro-o-o-o-ock!"

Crowd: [Cheer]

All: "All the world over so easy to see
People everywhere just wanna be free.
Listen, please listen, that's the way it should be.
Deep in the valley people got to be free! Oh, yeah!

Jace: "Mi amigo! Listen to me.
You should see what a lovely, lovely world this would be
If everyone learned to live together. [Jox: Ah-ha-ah.]

Jox: "Seems to me such an easy, easy thing it should be
Jox and Jace: Why can't you and me learn to love one another?
Oh, yeah.

All: "All the world over so easy to see
People everywhere just wanna be free.
Can't understand, it's so simple to me
People everywhere just got to be free. Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

G: "If there's a man who is down and needs a helping hand
All it takes is you to understand and to pull him through.
X: Uh-huh. It seems to me we gotta solve it individually, now,
yeah, oh-oh.
I'll do unto you what you do to me."

Jace: "You're a very good singer, but you can't be in my show."

All: "Shout it from the mountains all out to the sea. [Jace:
Out to the sea.]
No two ways about it, people have to be free. [Jace: Got to be
Ask me my opinion, my opinion will be
Natural situation for a man to be free. Oh-ho, yeah. [Jace:
Get right on board, now.] Oh, yeah.

All: "Oh, what a feeling's just come over me. [X: Come over
Love can move a mountain, make a blind man see. [Jace: No two
ways about it.]
Everybody, sing it now-- come on--
Peace in the valley, now, we ought to be free."


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