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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Married with fishsticks

Episodio: n. 15

quinta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


G: "Come on, Eve. Come on, it's all right. Who's your favorite
auntie?! Gaby! Xena'll be back any minute. I promise. She's
just grabbing a quick bath. Come on. Hush, hush, hush, hush,
now. Hush. I'll give you a dinar. I'll give you five dinars!
Oh, please."

X: "All right, sweetheart. Momma's here"

G: "Xena, I can't figure out what's wrong with her."

X: "All babies cry, Gabrielle. It's just a fact of life, huh?
I'm her mother."

G: "You're a natural."

X: [Chuckles]

G: "I thought _I_ was, but I lost my touch."

X: "Nah, you're great with kids."

G: "Xena, I don't have the patience to even raise my own."

X: "You rise to every occasion, Gabrielle. I don't think
motherhood's gonna be any different. Don't lose any sleep over

G: "Speaking of-- "

X: "Hm-m-m-m-m-m."

Jox: "Come and get it!"

G: "Sh-h-h-h-h-h!"

Jox: "Ah-hah!"

G: "Sh! Sh!"

Jox: "Huh?!"

G: "Quiet."

Jox: "What? It's not sleeping, is it? Here's the grub for the

X: "What's this?!"

Jox: "You asked for baby food."

X: "Babyback ribs are not _baby_ food, Joxer."

G: "Eve doesn't have teeth. How is she supposed to tear meat
from the bone?"

Jox: "What, she doesn't have hands?"

G: "You, me. Town, now."

Jox: "Fine. Hey, you don't mind if I have some of those, do
you? You can spare some ribs-- get it?"

G: "Watch that tree."

Jox: "OK, I'm comin'."

X: "I know. He'll grow on ya."


Man: "She loves me-- she loves me not."

A Man's Voice: "This way!"

Man: "She _loves me_-- she loves me not."

Dis: "Well-- if it isn't the ever-titillating Aphrodite. I
almost didn't recognize you with your legs so close together."

Aph: "Discord-- are you still looking for someone to shave your

Dis: "You've crossed the line for the last time. That pirate
you turned into a lovesick idiot-- I had big plans for him!"

Aph: "All I did was give him a slight attitude adjustment."

Dis: "How? By cutting off his-- ?"

Aph: "All right-- It's time someone washed your mouth out with
soap." [Giggles]

Dis: "Uh! You're dead, Bimbolina!"


Aph: "Love-40!"

Jox: "What's goin' on?!"

G: "Give me two guesses. Aphrodite-- got a problem?"

Aph: "Nothin'" a bucket of disinfectant can't fix."

Dis: "Eat me, hosebag!"

G: "Uh!"

Jox: "Gabrielle!"


Crustacea [Crust]: "Huh-h-h-h-h-h-h?"

Hagar [Hag]: "Are you OK?"

Crust: "Where am I?"

Hag: "Sh-sh-sh. You took a nasty spill."

Crust: "I don't remember-- anything-- not-- not this place--
not-- not you-- not-- my legs! My legs! What happened to my

Hag: "Just-- you know? Fins when you're in the water, legs when
you're out? You don't remember anything, do you?"

Crust: "No."

Hag: "Total amnesia-- that's perfect-- ly awful. The kids and I
were worried sick."

Crust: "What kids?"

Hag: "Our kids!"



Crust: "Oh-h-h-h-h-- that was so _weird_."

Hag: "Wake up, my little cuttlefish! Time-- to take-- your
medicine. Hey, there's no need for that-- nothin' I haven't seen
before. Here you are. Drink it up."

Crust: "What-- is this?"

Hag: "Oh, that-- that's just som'in' the doc said'll help you
get back on your feet a little faster-- you know."

Crust: "You-- "

Hag: "Drink it down-- down the hatch. That's it. That's a good

Crust: "No offense-- but who _are_ you?"

Hag: "Me? I'm your husband-- Hagar. Huh?"

Crust: "You-- are my husband?"

Hag: "Oh, yes."

Crust: "I don't have a wedding ring."

Hag: "Oh-- oh, you must 'a lost it in the pools. We'll getcha
another one. Nothing-- is too good for the mother of my sprats.

Crust: "Please tell me these kids are adopted."

Hag: "Oh, no-- heh-heh-- we had 'em the old-fashioned way. We
earned 'em."

Flipper [Flip]'s Voice: "Row's doing it again!"

Hag: "Keep the bed warm. I'll be back. Row! I told you, keep
your tentacles to yourself!"

Crust: "Maybe amnesia's not a bad thing after all."


Hag: "Get out of the way, you blowfish. Nice tail. Oo-o-o-o-oh
[Snickers]. Oh, yes. Now, that's what I call a lungfish."

Crust: "This place is a sty."

Hag: "Heh-heh-heh-hay! Not for long! 'Cause now that you're
feelin' better-- you can start cleanin' again!"

Crust: "Did we have a happy marriage?"

Hag: "Happy as clams."

Crust: "Oh! Aren't there children-- somewhere around here?"

Hag: "Kids-- "

Crust: "I want down now."

Hag: "Kids!"

Urchin [Urch]: "Hey!"

Hag: "Your mother has told you a _hundred_ times-- not to play
games in the living room!"

Row: "Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h."

Hag: "Now, let her-- down!"

Row: "Uh-oh!"

Crust: "Oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oh!"

Hag: [Chuckles]

Crust: "Some kids."

Hag: "Yes, aren't they? In case you don't remember-- in
descending order-- that's Flipper."

Flip: "Look Mom! No hands!"

Hag: "Quite the-- wiseacher. Next to him is the curious one--

Urch: "What's a sphincter?!"

Hag: "Hm-m-- and who could forget little baby Row?"

Row: [Squeals]

Hag: "Oop! Be back in a moment, my little sea mollusk."

Row: "Momma?"

Crust: "Yeah."

Row: "Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!"

Crust: "Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h! Get this slime bag off!"

Hag: "Hel-- lo. Didja get it? I only had enough for one

Sturgina [Stu]: "Stinger stingerray-- the ultimate mind-erasuh--
just like you asked."

Hag: "Great."

Stu: "You know? I'd never let you down."

Crabella [Crab]: "Hey, _I_ paid for it. 'Course, with me, you'd
never have to."

Stu: "I know you must be lonely since Crustacea walked out on
you, so-- "

Hag: "Walked out on me? Ha-ha! Walked out on me? That's a hot
one! Heh-heh, no, no-- no, she's at the spa-- vacationing."

Stu: "Too bad she's-- "

Crab: "Back!"

Hag: "Hm-m-m?"

Crust: "Get this tentacle off of me!"

Stu: "But that's impossible!"

Hag [Laughs]: "Girs-- you know how the council is about family
values. If I'm gonna win that re-election-- I'm gonna need a
mother-- for my children-- even if she's not the original. Get

Crab: "Oh, so you picked up some look-alike to play the part."

Hag: "Yes. Yes. She has amnesia-- so now-- she thinks-- she's

Stu: "And ya need this to keep her in charactuh, huh?"

Hag: "That's right. Please? I'll do-- anything. Thanks. You
can show yourselves out."


Crust: "Oh. Uh."


Row: "Oh! Momma! Momma." [Giggles]

Crust: "Come in! Uh!"

Row: "Whoa!"

Crust: "Uh."

Crab [Gasps]: "Wow, you look just _like_ her!"

Crust: "Like who?"

Stu: "Just like ya did before the accident. We thought there'd
be more scar tissue."

Crust: "Who are you?"

Stu: "Only your best friends in the whole world!"

Crust: "Oh. I-I should've known that, I'm sure. I-I have

Crab: "Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h. So, _that_ explains the new look.
It's so not you."

Stu: "And, it explains why you weren't there today."

Cru: "Where?"


Crust: "What is this place?"

Crab: "It's the clu-u-u-u-u-u-ub. Anyone who's anyone belongs
to the club."

Stu: "Mermaids or not."

Trainer: "All right, ladies! Let's get those fins in gear!
It's time ta-- aquacise! Ow-w-w-w!"

Crust: "Hm-m."


Trainer: "All right! Everyone in the pool! That's good!
That's right! Now! Swim toward me. Everybody-- come in
together. Come in together."

Stu: "So, Crustacea-- have things gotten any better, you know?
At home."

Crust: "What things?"

Crab: "Oh, that's right. The amnesia. Well, maybe it's for the

Trainer: "All right, now-- come in together-- smoothly, though,
smoothly. Come in, together. That's it-- smoothly, forming the
orb. Oh-h-h-h-h-- beautiful orb. Right."

Crust: "What's wrong at home?"

Stu: "Well, according to you-- everything. The kids are

Crab: "Yeah. Flipper's a smart-mouthed brat. And Urchin's a
budding pervert. And Baby Row-w-w-w-w-w-- well, no one knows
exactly what baby Row is."

Crust: "He's-- not really a pervert. Did I say all that?"

Stu: "You think we'd make it up?"

Crust: "I guess not."

Crab: "I'm tellin' ya, girl-- you've been ready to jump ship for

Stu: "Not that we blame you-- especially since you told us Hagar
wants a dozen more-- just like 'em."

Crust: "He does?"

Crab: "Mm-hm-m-m-m-- we'll help you pack."

Crust: "If the kids are that bad, I can't-- I mean, I can't
leave them. I have to raise them to be better, right? I'll

Trainer: "Now-- holding-- and let the flower-- bloo-oo-oo-oom.
Oh! That's it! Ow-w!"


Hag: "And so-- wise-- members of council-- if elected
president-- I promise that I _will not rest_-- until I have
established schools for our little fishes-- everywhere! Thank

Boss: "So-o-o-o-o-o, I heard your wife's back from vacation.
Hope she's happy to be home. You know how important a stable
family _is_ to the council."

Hag: "Well, um-- with all due respect, sir-- I don't think my
wife-- can remember-- when she's been so happy. [Laughs]


Children: "Na-na-na-na-na-na! Na-na-na-na-na-na!"

Crust: "That's funny! Please, let me down now! Come on, I-- I
can't feel my feet anymore! Let me down!

Flip: "Now!"

Crust: "Oh-ho! OK, that's enough! Mommy's had a shower!

Flip: "Come get it, Titan! It's suppertime! Now!"

Crust: "Oh, no, no, no, no, no."

Crust: "Shark!"

Children: [Laugh]

Crust: "Shar-r-r-r-r-r-r-rk!"



Crust: "Shar-r-r-r-r-r-r-rk!"

Flip and Urch: "Whoa! Whoa!"

Crust: "How did I do that? All right, you're _al-l-l-l-l-l-l_

Urch: "But-but-- but-- it was his-- oh, it was his idea, Mom!"

Flip: "Don't listen to him, Mom! He's lying!"

Crust: "Quiet! I don't care _who_ is responsible-- I don't know
how things used to be around here, but they're about to change."

Row: "Oh-h-h-h-h-h, Mom."

Crust: "Go to your room! Move it!"

Flip: "Boy-- she's _really_ mad."

Crust: "Guys?! Hey, wait a minute! Help, I can't move! Guys?!
Can you come on?!"


Boys: "Hi, Dad!"

Hag: "Hi, kids. Oh, what a day I had. Let me tell ya. Murder
out there. What's for dinner? I'm starved. You know?
Sometimes, I wish I could just do what you do-- hang around--
play with my hair-- try and look pretty-- you know? Nothin'."

Crust: "Yah! Children, will you please excuse us."

Urch: "Yes, Mommy Dearest."

Flip [Interrupts]: "Yes, Mommy Dearest."

Crust: "Hagar-- am I mistaken? Or are you under the impression
that this house cleans itself? That the dinner that _you're_
about to eat-- somehow-- jumped up on the stove and hopped in the
pot? That our children-- taught themselves manners?"

Hag: "Is my widdle cwab cake feeling underappreciated?

Crust: "Now, she's feeling patronized, and that's worse. I
don't care how hard you think you work, 'cause I work just as
hard! Look what you did to my wall! Now, look! Mister-- You
and I-- are going to raise these children together-- because I
will not have them treating their spouses the way that you treat


Crust: "Hagar!"

Hag: "What?!"

Crust: "Do you expect me to believe that I wear this to bed?"

Hag: "Ooh. Well, um-- no. Usually, you sleep in the nude."

Crust: "In your dreams."

Hag: "Um-- um-- I-- boy."

Crust: "Hagar, how exactly did we meet?"

Hag: "Well-- it was a-- beautiful, sunny day-- "

[[[[[[Song: "Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man-- no time to talk.
And music loud and women warm--
I've been kicked around, since I was born.

"And now, it's all right. It's OK.
And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man.

"Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin' alive-- stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'
You're stayin' alive-- stayin' alive.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Stayin' alive-- stayin' alive.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Stayin'

Crust [Interrupts]: "Hi. Hey!"

Song: "Well, now, I get low and I get high.
And if I can't get either, I really try."

Crust: [Giggles]

Hag: "Coughs Hey [Chuckles]-- far out.]]]]]]

Hag: "You know? There _is_ one thing I never told you."

Crust: "What?"

Hag: "I was only pretending to be unconscious-- so I could kiss

Crust: "That's almost sweet."


Stu: "Who does that cheap piece of tail think she is?"

Crab: "Hello! She thinks she's Crustacea! And now, thanks to
you, she's buckin' for mother of the year."

Stu: "How was I supposed to know she had a conscience?
Besides-- there's more-- than one way-- to skin a catfish."

Crab: "You got another plan?"

Stu: "Let's just say, I get the feeling something terrible might
happen to her!"

Crab: "You mean like an accident?"

Stu: "Accidentally-- on pupose."


Crab's Voice: "I hope Crustacea likes calamari."


Crust: "OK, OK. It's coming. It's coming. There you are.
Yummy! There you go. Ow!"

Folks: "Whoo! Whoo!"

Stu: "Crustacea!"

Crab: "Wow! What brings our best pal back to the club so soon?"

Crust: "You. Well, you said I should bring Baby Row to the
swimboree class, right?"

Stu: "Of course, she did. Amnesia must be catching."

Crust: "You wanna go for a swim?"

Stu: "Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h, but _look_ at you two! Look, Crabella--
ain't they sweet?"

Crab: "A regular portrait."

Stu: "She's right. We must preserve this familial moment.
Salvador! Hello! Dali-- over here!"

Crust: "You have a portrait artist."

Crab: "Oh, it's a very exclusive club."

Crust: "Oh."

Stu: "Now-- let's see. Why don't you two go-- stand by the

Man's Voice: "Ah, yes, a lighthouse on the rocks."

Crust: "Well, OK-- here?"

Stu: "Uh-- a little more."

Crust: "How about right here?"

Stu: "A little more."

Crust: "Here?"

Row: "Uh-oh."

Stu: "A little more."

Crust: "OK-- here? You know? Ah! Help!"

Crab: "Oh-h-h-h-h."

Stu: "Guess she forgot to say, `Cheese.'"



Crab: "Oh, no-o-o-o-o-o-o!"

Woman: "Oh! My God!"

Flip: "Yeah! Go, Mom!"

Urch [Interrupts]: "Go, Mom!"

Boys: "Yeah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!"

Urch: "Come on!"

Flip: "Go, Mom!"

Stu and Crab: "Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h"

A Woman: "Oh, my God!"

Man: "Hey-- did she make it?"

Boys: "Yeah-h-h-h! Yeah-h-h-h-h! Go Mom!"

Another Woman: "Wonderful!"

Stu: "Imagine that, Crabella-- an excaped [sic] octopus!
[Sighs] We'er so glad you're all right."

Crab: "Yeah-- We had no idea you knew how to defend yourself.
Otherwise, we never would-- "

Crust: "Huh. Well, I, uh-- I guess the swimboree class is a
bust for today. Sorry about that. See ya, ladies. Come on."

Stu: "This is gonna be harder than I thought."

A Man's Voice: "I'm glad you're all right!"

Another Man's Voice: "That octopus didn't stand a chance!"


Hag: "Table-- for four."

Crust: "Hagar, please tell me you had this delivered."

Hag [Sighs]: "Ye of little faith. Let your tongue-- be the
judge. Clamburgers!"

Kids: [Cheer]

Hag: "See? The kids love it."


Boys: "Good night. Good night. Good night, Dad."

Hag: "And don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to
bed-- even the retractable ones."

Boys: "You said it already! You said it already!"

Crust: "Good night."

Hag: "Good night.

Crust: "What was the occasion?"

Hag: "You were. Look, I've been thinkin' a lot about what you
said about shared responsibility."

Cruts: "Mm-hm-m?"

Hag: "And-- after the way I treated you, you-- could 'a left,
but you didn't. So, I just wanted to let you know that-- things
will be different."

Crust: "You promise?"

Hag: "Oh, yes."

Crust: "Then you'll do the dishes."


Trainer: "Come on, girls, let's pick it up. Now, down the back.
Let's go. Instructor's watching. Let's go. That's it. You're
doin' good. Come on. In, out-- in, out."

Stu: "We need a new plan."

Crab: "Oh, right, 'cause you're last two worked so well."

Stu: "Question-- how do you deal with you excessive

Crab: "Oh, yeah? Well, I'm not the one with `Open all night'
monogrammed on my underwear."

Stu: "You've been looking through my closet?!"

Crab: "Truth hurts, don't it?"

Stu: "Oh-- maybe you're right."

Crab: "I am?"

Stu: "Not about me! About the _truth_. We can't-- tell
Crustacea the truth, or Hagar will hate us. But if she got her
memory back-- !"

Crab: "-- then she'd leave him! And Hagar would be mine."

Stu: "Cut bait and sail on, Sister. Hagar is mine."

Crab: "Whatever."

Trainer: "Come on. Let's go! And push. And lift. And push.
And let's go, now. Come on, pick it up! That's it. Come on."

Woman's Voice: "Whoo!"


Hag: "Don't look."

Crust: "Come on."

Hag: "Don't look. D-- you're gonna ruin it if ya look. OK.
All right, now you can look."

Crust: "It's beautiful."

Hag: "Ya like it? It's the coral gardens. It's where I asked
you to marry me."

Crust: "Thank you."

Hag: "For what?"

Crust: "For having a learning curve. Hagar-- I never dreamed
you could take me serioiusly, but-- you have risen to the

Hag: "You have no idea. You know? I should thank _you_--
because-- I am always at my best when I'm around you."

Crust: "I wish I could remember this place."

Hag: "Maybe you don't have to. Crustacea-- will you marry me?"

Crust: "Hagar, I, um-- we're already married."

Hag: "I know. But I want us to start over again. You know?
Like we did at the tidal pool."

Crust: "We can begin again?"

Hag: "Yes."


Boss: "You must be awfully proud of yourself eh, Hagar."

Hag: "Sir?"

Boss: "Stroke of genius-- renewing your vows so close to the
election. The other candidates are kicking themselves they
didn't think of it first."

Stu: "You sure you switched the drinks?"

Crab: "Positive."

Boss: "Trust-- is the cornerstone-- of every relationship. It
is the foundation upon which love is built."

Hag: "There's something I have to tell you."

Crust: "Are you nervous? I am. We've done this before."

Boss [Interrupts, In Background]: "The rock on which it is-- "

Hag: "Well, that's exactly what I want to talk to you about."

Boss [In Background]: "-- no real love-- no serious commitment--
one heart to another-- each beating as one."

Crust: [Clears throat]

Hag: "Are you OK?"

Crust: "Yeah."

Boss: "And so-- if there's anyone present who sees any reason
why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony-- speak now,
or forever hold your peace."

[[[[[[X: "Gabrielle?"]]]]]]

Crust: "I can't do this. I can't."

Hag: "What?"

Crust: "I am _not_ Crustacea-- I'm Gabrielle."



Boss: "Hagar? What's the meaning of this?"

Crust: "You pig! Why did you lie to me?!"

Hag: "I-- um-- my wife is divorcing me-- and I was so concerned
with being-- council president that I-I lost sight of what was
really important-- being a good husband."

Crust: "Mm-- hm-m. So you thought I could just take her place,
and then you could climb the corporate ladder, huh?"

Hag: "Yeah-- no-- I did, yes, I did at first. I did at first.
But then I realized-- when I was making you happy, I was happy.
I'm sorry. When I told you I-- I wanted to marry you, that was
for real. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Crab: "Whatevuh! The point is-- you two ain't gettin' hitched."

Stu: "Mm-m-m-m-m-- seems like a shame to waste the minister and
the cake, wouldn't you say?"

Crab: "My thoughts exactly! I guess it's time to choose."

Hag: "Choose what?!"

Stu: "Your new wife!"

Crust: "My best friends, huh?"

Crab: "Hey, it's not our fault you don't know a good thing when
you see it."

Stu: "So, who's it gonna be, Hagar?"

Crab: "Um-- before you decide-- you should know-- that--
Sturgina snores like an asthmatic walrus."

Stu: "You should _also_ know that-- every member of the council
knows exactly what the top of Crabella's head looks like-- if ya
get my meaning."

Crab: "That's it! I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna make you
insane! Get off of me!"

[Cat fight]

Guests: "Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!"

Bouncer: "Easy."

Crab: "Shut up!"

Bouncer: "Stay there."

Hag: "Look-- after what I did to Gorb, uh, Gerbil, uh-- "

Crust: "Gabrielle?"

Hag: "Gabrielle-- I'm gonna spend some time alone and figure out
how to make it up to her."

Stu: "I'm sorry Hagar, but-- we just can't allow that to

Crab: "That's right. If we can't have him-- no one will."

Stu: "No! Come back here!"

Hag: "I'll handle this."

Stu: "He's mine!"

Crust: "Allow me."

Crab: "Did not!"

Stu: "Out of my way, fish food!"


Flip: "Come on! Nail them, whoever you are! Yeah!"

Crust: "What's a bloody nose among friends?"

Stu: "I'm going to enjoy taking that ring off your severed

Crab: [Screams]

Crust: "If you wanted my finger-- all you had to do was ask."

Stu: "Ew-w-w-w-w!"

Crab: [Yells]

Crust: "Perfect! A-ha! Thanks!"

Stu: "Ah-h-h-h-h-h! Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h! I'm gonna kill you!"

Bouncer: "All right!"

Row: "Whew!" [Sighs]


Flip: "Sorry about all the tricks we played on you."

Crust: "It's OK, I understand. Look-- never lose your sense of
humor, OK?"

Flip: "I'll miss you lady, whoever you are."

Crust: "Me, too. Urchin-- your curiosity is gonna take you many

Urch: "What?"

Crust: "That's very funny. And you, little lady-- you have
shown me that I have more patience that I ever dreamed that I
had. Listen, I need to talk to your dad for a minute."

Hag: "Go on."

Crust: "I think you should have this."

Hag: "No, no, no. Look-- I-- if-- if there is _anything_ I can
do to make it up to you-- I will."

Crust: "Actually, there is something you can do."

Hag: "OK, name it."

Crust: "You go your wife-- your real wife-- and you show her
what you've shown me."

Hag [Whispers]: "OK."

Crust: "That behind the sexist, corporate-climbing,
self-centerd, lazy, stupid-- "

Hag: "OK-- I-I get it. I get it."

Crust: "-- there's a man with integrity-- who learned from his

Hag: "OK-- I can do that."

Crust: "Here."

Hag: "No-- no, you, um-- you can keep it. It'll be something to
remember us by. Besides, it looks better on you than it does on
me, so-- "


Jox: "Ooh. Hm-m-m. Hm-m-m-m-m. Heh."

G: "What are you doing?"

Jox: "Well-- apparently-- just what you've always want-- ooh!
Ooh!" [Moans]

X: "You wanna tell me som'in', Gabrielle?"

G: "What a weird dream."

Aph: "You almost drowned! You were out for, like-- a whole

Dis: "Thanks to this lemon tart."

Aph: "Aren't you late for your delousing?"

Dis: "Right-- that's it!"

X: "Ladies, you wanna take this someplace else? Unless you want
a taste of my new chakram."

Dis: "Olympus. 3 o'clock. Be there."

Aph: "Ah! I can't wait! Your black eye'll match your outfit

Dis: "Huh!"

X: "Oh-h-h. Oh-h-h-h-h-h. It's all right."

G: "Can I? Can I try?"

X: "I don't know. You sure you're all right?"

G: "Better than ever. "

X: "All right. OK. Sh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h."

G: "Sh-sh-sh-h-h-h-h-h-h. I have a new story for you. This
woman fell into the deep blue sea-- and she found herself in
another world."

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