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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:


Episodio: n. 21

quinta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


[[[[[[Narrator: "Previously, on Xena-- " X's Voice: "Ares?!"
Woman: "Beg pardon, but, uh-- Ares hasn't been seen in these
parts since the legend'ry [sic] Xena died about, ooh, 25 years
ago." Meg: "I gave you the best chow-- " G [Interrupts]:
"Joxer?" Joxer [Jox]: "What?!" G: "Is that you?" X:
"Octavius. Where's my daughter, Octavius?" Crowd's Voices:
"Livia! All hail Livia! Livia! Livia! Livia!" Livia [Liv]'s
Voice: "You don't know the first thing about me!" X's Voice:
"But I do." X: "I know your first laugh-- your first tears. I
know your first breath. I'm your mother." X's Voice: "I've
gotta go after her, Gabrielle." X: "I gotta save her from
herself-- and the gods."]]]]]]

G: "We'll find Eve, Xena."

Jox: "Yeah, look at all these tracks-- even _I_ could follow
'em. I mean, uh-- you know-- judging from the, uh-- the
hoofprints-- uh, chances are a large group of men passed through
here. Most likely they were on, uh-- horseback, I think."

X: "Good eye, Joxer. She's at least got a company-- Roman
troops still loyal to her. They can't be more than half a day
ahead of us."

Virgil [Vir]: "Don't worry, Xena-- we'll find Eve."

X: "You keep saying `Eve.' The woman we're tracking is Livia,
champion of Rome. I'm not sure that my daughter even exists

G: "It doesn't matter what she calls herself, Xena. A lifetime
serving Rome doesn't change the fact that she's your daughter.
When she looks inside herself, she'll see you there. She'll be
Eve again."

Jox: "Sure, with a mother like you, how bad can she be?"



Liv: "Followers of Eli-- don't forget to turn the other cheek.

Soldier [Sold]'s Voice: "Traitors! Do you like train! [?]"

Liv: "Why Xena is determined to protect you sheep is beyond me."

Lieutenant [Lieu]: "Livia-- we can't find a temple to Eli in the
village. There's no proof these people were even part of Eli's

Liv: "And I should care?! Why? Eli's followers are vermin.
They hide amongst true Romans, spreading like a sickness. If a
few innocents must die to stop their heresy-- so be it. And if
it vexes Xena-- so much the better."

Old Man: "You can't destroy our spirit! We've seen worse than
you. We've lived through Callisto's raids."

Liv: "Callisto-- she did some good work-- but I'm not Callisto.


X: "My daughter did this."



G: "I can't believe Eve could do this."

X: "`Rome needs no mother.'"

Vir: "Canidus-- it's Titus-- these were my friends."

X: "Get 'em down. Get 'em all down."

G: "Xena, you know this isn't your fault."

Woman's Voice: "Xena?"

Woman: "You're Xena?"

X: "That's right."

Woman: "She killed them all! My husband-- my children! I asked
her, `Why?! Why?!' She said, `Ask Xena-- ask my mother!' Tell
me, why, Xena! [Crying] Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?!"

Ares: "She's something, isn't she? Looks like Livia's nearly
racked up the body count you had at her age."

X: "She's my daughter, you sick bastard."

Ares: "Why do you think it was so easy to turn her? Look-- this
is all blood under the bridge. You give me a child-- the other
gods will never find out that Eve is still alive."

X: "I'd rather go to hell."

Ares: "Damn it, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you! You give
me what I want! Or I will bring _all_ of Olympus down on your
daughter's head!"

X: "The thought of being with you-- or of having your child--
that sickens me."


Liv: "We'll set up camp here."

Sold's Voice: "It's about time we get a break!"

Ares: "Kinda early for hard stuff, huh?"

Liv: "Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!"

Ares: "Who-o-o-oa-- whoa-ho-o-o-o-o-o! Down, girl-- we got some

Liv: "Take your _business_-- to my mother-- your long-lost love.
We've got nothing!"

Ares: "Oh, grow up. I had a thing for Xena, once-- but no
longer-- so get over it-- and get even. Wouldn't you like that?"

Liv: "What do you think? I was supposed to marry Augustus. I
was destined to be the empress-- of the empire-- till she came

Ares: "So, what's changed? We have an arrangement-- you destroy
the cult of Eli for me-- I run a little divine intervention for
you-- get you to be empress of Rome."

Liv: "Where's Xena fit into all this?"

Ares: "She doesn't-- but you're gonna have to kill her to keep
her from stopping you."

Liv: "And the twilight? Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid
I'll bring about the _end_-- of your gods?"

Ares: "When you were born-- there was panic on Olympus. It cost
Zeus his life. Hera vanished. And then-- we thought you were
dead-- for twenty-- five years-- and do you know-- what happened?
Nothing. So, the only power you have over us is our own fear.
Reclaim your destiny, Livia. Kill Xena."


Vir: "It must feel great to be on the road again-- leading Xena
and Gabrielle into battle again after all these years?"

Jox: "Yeah-- well, you know, you never lose a warrior instinct,
you know."

X: "These tracks are fresh. I can't believe that it's my
daughter we're tracking-- that it's Eve who's doing these
terrible things."

G: "Xena, this isn't the Eve that you would've raised. Ares did

X: "Ares might have opened the door, but Eve had to walk

G: "How do you know that?"

X: "You said it yourself-- Eve finally took a good look inside
herself, and she found _me_ there."

G: "That's not what I meant."

X: "I know her rage-- it's in Eve's blood, Gabrielle. I made
her who she was. I _was_ her."

G: "Then there's hope-- because you changed."


Solds' Voices: "On your feet, sheep!" "Get outside! Go on!
Move! You, too! Get going! You heard me!" "I said move!" "Go
on! Quick!" "It's Xena!"

X: "All right, boys-- that's enough arts and crafts for today."

Jox: "Now you'll taste the steel of Joxer the mighty!"


Jox: "Wait till-- "

Vir: "I got it, Dad."

Jox: "Get 'em, boy! Like I taught ya!"

X: "Where _is_ she?!"

Liv: "Oh, Mommy-- "

G [Whispers]: "Joxer."

X: "Eve-- "

Liv: "I told you, my name is Livia!"

X: "All right-- Livia. You've got a bone to pick with me. Here
I am-- but let Joxer go."

Liv: "It's time for some payback, Xena. I think I'll start with
this loser."

Vir: "Dad!"

G: "Joxer."

X: "Ah-h-h-h-h-h!"

Vir: "You OK?"

Jox: "Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah."


Ares: "Oh, yeah."

X: "You can get past this anger, Eve."

Ares: "Don't listen to her, Livia! She's just jealous of your

Liv: "I'm glad you came back. Killing you must be part of my

X: "No, your destiny _isn't_ to kill. Your destiny is to find a
new way _beyond_ the killing!"

Liv: "Shut up, and fight me! Fight me! Fight me!"

Ares: "Do it! She's all that stands between you and Rome!"

X: "He's lying to you, Eve. He'd say anything to keep you from
your true path. That's why I came back-- to show you who you
truly are."

Ares: "Come on. Do it."

X: "Listen to your heart."

Liv: "My heart is a traitor."

X: "Eve-- "

Man: "Die, butcher!"

X: "Hey-- it's all right."

Liv: "Archers!"

X: "Get dow-w-w-w-wn!"

A Man's Voice: "Fire!"

Liv: "Yah!"

Ares: "How does it feel, Xena-- knowing the person you love--
despises you-- trying to reach her, but-- knowing in the end--
it'll either be her-- or you."

Man: "Why did you stop me? She murdered my wife-- my daughter.
What about the next family she butchers? And the next? Their
blood's on your hands, now!"



Ares: "All better now?"

Liv: "She could have let that peasant kill me. She could have
ended it right there. She laved my life. Why?"

Ares: "The same reason she didn't kill you in the arean. She
wants you to buy into all the touchy-feely garbage, like love and

Liv: "She came all this way. She survived in an ice cave for 25
years to find me."

Ares: "She came to destroy you! Now, who are you gonna listen
to? The mother who abondoned you 25 years ago? Or the god--
who's gonna make you an empress?"


G's Voice: "Austia."

X: "Why Austia?"

Vir: "It's near the coast. Eli's largest temple's there. Word
has it, that the last of Eli's faithful are gathering to pray for
a miracle to help save 'em from Livia."

X: "Well, let's hope that they get one. Why don't you guys get
some rest. We're heading out at first light."

G: "Xena-- you were getting through to Eve today. All you
need-- all you need is another chance."

X: "Chances run out, Gabrielle-- for all of us."

G: "If that's true-- if Eve can't be changed-- could you kill
your own daughter?"

X: "If I had to-- yes, I could."

Jox: "Virgil-- about today-- "

Vir: "Forget about today, Dad. You were just tired."

Jox: "Listen-- let me finish. I always wanted to be a great
warrior. It didn't work out. I tried to join every army from--
here to Egypt, but nobody ever wanted me-- and, ah-- well--
that's all."

Vir: "So, you never battled the dryads?"

Jox: "That was Xena."

Vir: "What about the harpies?"

Jox: "Xena, too."

Vir: "Sent Callisto to hell?"

Jox: "Xena."

Vir: "Got Callisto out of hell."

Jox: "Xena."

Vir: "Wow-- sounds like you and Xena had some real adventures
together, Dad."

Jox: "We sure did, Son. We sure did."

X: "If this plan is going to work, I have to get to Austia
before Eve's forces dig in."

G: "It'll work."

X: "See you there. Tsk-tsk."


G [Whispers]: "Virgil. Virgil, I have something I have to do.
If I'm not back by dawn, I need you to meet Xena in Austia, like
we planned."

Vir: "Where are you going?"

G: "Promise me."

Vir: "I will, but what are you gonna do?"

G: "I'm gonna try to keep Xena from doing something that she'd
never forgive herself for. Thanks."


Liv: "Have the preparations been made for the attack?"

Liru: "Yes-- but there's a complication. She just walked into
camp-- unarmed."

Liv: "Leave us. Auntie Gabrielle-- welcome."

G: "I've come here-- "

Liv: "No-- please-- let me. You thought if you could just--
talk to me-- heart to heart? You could convince me that Xena
wants only to help me-- and if I could find it-- within myself,
to give her a chance-- Mommy would make it all better."

G: "The gods wanted you dead. Xena risked her life to save you.
Does that mean anything to you?"

Liv: "It means, she's as stupid as she is sentimental."

G: "Your mother loves you."

Liv: "Then why is she trying to destroy me?"

G: "Xena wnats to protect you. She will _not_ fight you."

Liv: "Maybe-- she hasn't been properly motivated."


Jox: "I can't _believe_ you let Gabrielle go alone."

Vir: "She wanted us to wait for Xena. What are you doing?!"

Jox: "She could be in trouble."

Vir: "Dad, you don't have proof-- !"

Jox [Interrupts]: "Listen! You get Xena, and you bring her

Vir: "But Dad-- !"

Jox: "Do what I tell you, boy."


Sold: "I hate-- !"

Jox [Whispers]: "Wow."

Sold's Voice: "Yes, sir! I'll get right on that!"

Jox [Interrupts]: "17, 18, 19-- 20-- to one. Good odds."

Solds' Voices: "Come on! Come on, you scurvy dogs! Let's move
out! Move!" "Put that on the fire!"

Liv: "Today-- we wipe out the remnants of Eli's cult-- and I--
take my revenge on their champion-- Xena."

G: "It's not too late to stop this, Eve."

Liv: "Don't-- call me Eve. Tie her up."

Jox: "Xena-- where are you?"

Jox: "Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-- hit your mark, baby. Oop."

Sold: "Ooh!"

Liv: "Do you think that Xena will still want that
mother-daughter reunion-- after she finds your bloodless corpse--
Auntie Gabrielle?"

Jox: "No! Problem! Heh-heh. Spill that infidel's blood!
Personally, I never like to kill infidels before noon-- though,
in your cases, I'll make an excep-- ooh! Hey, that _is_ sharp."


Liv: "Oh, good-- Mom's here."

Jox: "About time."

Lieu: "Move!"

Liv: "This will be much more effective with an audience."

Jox: "No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! Rah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!"

X: "Joxer, get down!"

G: "No-o-o! No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! Joxer! No-o-o-o-o-o!"

Vir: "No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!"

Liv: "Yah!"

Jox: "Oh!"

X [Whispers]: "Joxer."

Vir: "Dad!"

Jox: [Moans]

Vir: " Can you help him?"

Jox: "Hey-- are you OK?"

Vir [Whispers]: "Yeah."

Jox [Whispers]: "OK."

G: "Joxer-- "

Jox: "Yeah?"

G: "What were you doing?"

Jox: "I didn't want-- didn't want to disappoint you."

G: "You could never disappoint me."

Jox: "What? What's the matter with you guys? I'm gonna be
fine. Come on. I'm a little cold, but-- it doesn't hurt

G: "We should take him home. He would do the same for us."

Vir: "I'll take him-- after we deal with Livia."

X: "Virgil, you should be with Meg. This isn't your fight."

Vir: "Look-- you have my respect, because you had his-- but
don't tell me this isn't my fight-- not now."



Vir: "Is this what it means to follow Eli? I knew my faith
would be tested, but never like this."

G: "Eli always says it takes courage to walk his path."

Vir: "How can I love when my heart is filled with vengeance?"

G: "I know that it's hard. When you're pushed, you just wanna
push back-- but you have to ask yourself, is that want Eli would

Vir: "I don't care what Eli wants. I just know what I have to

Ares: "That Virgil is one angry guy. I can't say I blame him."

X: "Get lost."

Ares: "But he shouldn't hate Livia-- should he? You're the one
he should hate. You could have prevented all of this-- but no--
Joxer is dead-- because the thought of me made you sick. OK--
but if I _sicken_-- your soul-- stopping Livia-- will _kill_ it."

X: "I never thought it would be my friend."

G: "It's not your fault, Xena."

X: "Isn't it?"

G [Whispers]: "No."

X: "I spared Eve. I thought I could save her, and now Joxer is
dead. What part of that isn't my fault?"

G: "You had to try."

X: "That's cold comfort to Virgil and Meg. How many more
innocents will die before I end this?"

G: "None. Xena, I went to Livia. I tried to tell her that we
love her. She didn't care."

X: "You called her Livia."

G: "That's who she is. Eve is dead. She's not your daughter
anymore, Xena-- she's Rome's."


X: "Eli, wherever you are, I know you can hear me. I'm having a
little trouble understanding your message, Eli. I'm a warrior.
I have a warrior's heart-- and yet, you told me to-- to fight my
enemies with compassion instead of the sword. Well, now I find I
have to kill my own daughter-- my own flesh and blood. Is this
what you meant when you said I must love my enemy? Show me
another way. Where's your infinite love?"


Liv: "Good-- the sheep are all here. Aren't you afraid of me?!
You think Eli's gonna save you?! Glad you could make it, Xena.
I hope you're not going to ruin my day with more of your
excrutiating mother-daughter platitudes."

X: "No-- I'm done talking-- Livia."



X "This ends here, Livia."

Liv: "You finally get it. Eve is dead."

X: "That's right. I'm here to avenge her."

Liv: "Time to put you out of my misery."

X: "Give it your best shot."


Ares: "Oh, yeah-- who's my girl?! Who's my girl?! You are!
Oh, nice."

Liv: "Attack! What is this?"

X: "You didn't think Augustus was just going to sit back and let
you take his throne, did you? He was more than happy to lend me
a few reinforcements-- and Eli's followers had to take a little

Liv: "Attack!"

[More fighting]

Liv: "Come on, Mother-- do it. Ares was right-- you're weak."

X: "Eli, save my daughter. I couldn't. I love you."

[[[[[[X: "It's a little girl!" X: "We're gonna be together
now, Eve-- you and me." X [Sings]: "Hush, now, my little one.
Please don't you cry.
Lay your head down
On my shoulder and sigh.

"Sun's gone away, and Mama will pray.
Silence will keep all the while you're asleep.

X [Whispers]: "Livia-- "

Liv: "Ooh, what have I done?!"

X: "Livia-- "

Vir: [Yells]

X: "No-o-o-o-o!"

Vir: "I had her! Why'd you stop me?!


G: "Xena, what happened?"

X: "I think Eli's followers got that miracle they were praying

G: "What did she say to you?"

X: "She said her name was Eve."

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