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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:


Episodio: n. 22

quinta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


Eve: "Uh! Ah-h-h!"

G: "Xena, I don't know if I wanna help her, or-- . She killed

X: "And she's lost-- just as I was. But I got lucky-- 'cause I
found you. Now, I have to try to help her find her way.
Gabrielle, I understand if you can't go-- through-- "

G: "Xena-- let's save your daughter."

Eve: "Uh-h-h! Uh-h-h!"


A god's Voice: "Come on, now!"

Ares' Voice: "Back off!"

Ares: "I'm the one figured out that Livia was Eve."

Hades: "You should have told us immediately. The prophecy says
she'll bring about the end of the gods."

Deimos [Dei]: "She probably developed enough power to kill-- all
of us!"

Ares: "I guarantee the only thing this girs has developed is
inferiority complex."

Hephaestus [Heph]: "He's right. I hear she's a babbling idiot."

Discord [Dis]: "I say we move on her right away. What's the

Athena [Ath]: "Xena-- is the challenge, Discord. If we wish to
kill Eve-- we have to go through Xena-- and as a mother-- she'll
be more dangerous than ever."

Artemis [Art]: "So, what exactly is the plan?"

Ath: "Furies!"

Ares [Laughs]: "Yeah. Um-- I gave the furies a shot at Xena.
It-- didn't work out."

Ath: "Hm-m. I know. My plan is a bit more-- subtle."

Aphrodite [Aph] [Whispers]: "Can we leave the bard out of this?"

Ath: "Do you have a soft spot for Gabrielle?"

Aph: "She's my friend."

Ath [Condescendingly]: "Oh-h-h-h-- well-- then don't watch."


Man: "Death! To the monster, Livia!"

Men: [Cheer]


X: "Come on. Eve! [Whistles] Yah! Yah! Yah-h-h!"

Man: "Yah! Yah! Yah!"

X: "Who-o-o-oa!"

Eve: [Moans]

X [Whispers]: "Eve. Give me that."

Eve: "You should have let them kill me!"

X: "Never-- hear me? Never. Gabrielle, bring be some water.
Quick. OK, try to drink."

Alecto [Ale]'s Voice: "Xena-- Eve will only break your heart."

Ale: "There'll be no peace for you until she's dead."



Ale's Voice: "She killed Joxer."

Ale: "Who will her next victim be?"

X: "We've gotta get her to shelter. Gabrielle?"

Ale's Voice: "She killed Joxer. Who will her next victim be?"

G: "Xena? Of course."

Woman: "Xena? Excuse me, did you call that woman Xena?"

G: "Yes."

Woman: "Oh. Well, our scriptures tell us that our founder knew
a woman called Xena. We call her the defender of the faith,
but-- well, it couldn't be the same woman."

G: "The founder-- do you mean Eli?"

Woman: "Yes!"

G: "This is the defender of your faith."

X: "Give me a hand to get her on the horse. Come on."

Woman: "It would be a great honor if you would all take shelter
in my home."

X: "Thank you. Come on."


Woman's Voice: "Is it true that he could breathe fire?"

G: "No-- no."

G: "He was a man, made of flesh and blood-- like you. That's
why his mission was so important."

Woman: "You see, Jeb? Now, I want you to take that
fire-breathing stuff out of your scroll. Tell us some more,

G: "He, um-- he gave us all hope-- that every living thing could
be saved by love."

Eve: "He was wrong. How can I be saved? The things I've done."

X: "Eve, maybe you should listen to what they have to say about

Woman: "Eli teaches that, even if you've done something really
bad-- you can find comfort and love."

Eve: "I wiped out entire villages because they wouldn't pay me
tribute. I've drunk the blood of men that I tortured to death!
I killed her best friend!"

X [Whispers]: "Stop. Stop it."

Ale: "She's gloating about killing Joxer. I shouldn't leave her
alone with Xena. Who knows what she's capable of?"

X: "Eli used to initiate sinners into his way of love with some
sort of ceremony."

Woman: "Yes, yes, w-- there's a man that continues that
tradition. We call him `The Baptist.'"

X: "Where can we find him?"


X: "Here."

Baptist [Bap]: "Do you admit your trespasses?"

Man [Sobbing]: "Yes."

Bap: "I now cleanse your body-- with these sweet waters-- and
initiate you-- to the way of love."

Eve: "What are you looking at?!"

Bap: "Suffering-- horrible suffering."

Eve: "I should die for my deeds."

Bap: "You're right. You must die to the things of the flesh--
and be reborn-- to the way-- of love."

X: "If that's the way it must be-- then I'm ready."

Ale: "Look at Xena!"

Fury 2: "She's just setting herself up to be hurt again."

G: "No."

Ale: "You know there's no reforming Eve."

Fury 2's Voice: "She's just setting herself up to be hurt

X: "Eve."

[Poseidon dies.]

Dis: [Yells]

Dei: "No! No, no, no, no, no!"

Dis: [Yells]

[Discord dies.]

[Hephaestus dies.]"

G: "Xena-- "

Ath: "So-- you can kill gods."



X: "How does it feel to smell your own mortality? You know,
there's nothing more pathetic than a dead god. So do yourselves
a favor-- don't follow us."

Ath: "You fools! If you'd waited for the furies to do their
work, we could have gotten through this without losing anyone!"

Ares: "You know? I'm just guessing-- but I'm thinking Xena's
gonna be pretty tough to kill."

Ath: "We don't _have_ to. Her daughter must somehow give her
that power. It's Eve who has to die-- and the furies are still
our best chance!"

Ares: "So, what we need is a distraction. [Sarcastically] Ooh,
pick me."


G: "Xena, you can kill gods! How is that possible?!"

X: "While Eve was being initiated, I was visited by a spirit.
He said that Eve's cleansing-- gave me the power to kill gods."

G: "What do you mean? What kind of spirit?"

X: "It was sent by the archangel, Michael."

G: "Michael?"

X: "He said that Eve would prepare the way for the rule of the
God of love."

G: "And you're to protect her?"

X: "I was chosen as the mother of the messenger. As long as Eve
lives, I have the power to kill gods."

Eve: "What's happened to me is all so confusing. When I was
being initiated-- I felt one load being lifted, only to be
replaced by another just as frightening. Where should I begin?"


X: "By facing someone you've wronged."

Virgil [Vir]: "Xena-- Gabrielle." [Yells]

G: "No."

Vir: "Let me cut her throat."

X: "Put it down, Virgil. Put it-- down."

Eve: "I don't expect you to forgive me."

Vir: "Good-- because that's _not_ happening."

Eve: "If my death could bring your father back, I'd accept it--

Vir: "You know-- in my entire life, I never saw my father be
cruel to a man-- woman-- child, nor beast?! He brought joy to
everybody who knew him-- and you? You killed him."

X: "That kind of reaction comes with the territory."

G: "Where are you going?"

Vir: "My mother was mad with grief. She took my brothers and
sisters to Athens to stay with some relatives. I'm going to
catch up with them."

G: "I'm sorry, Virgil."

Vir [Whispers]: "Thank you." [Makes two kissing sounds]


Eve: "You preserved Xena for all the ages in these scrolls,
Gabrielle. Thank you."

X: "Watch the back."


X: "Ares?!"


Jox [Sceptre-like]: "Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h. Oh-h-h-h-h.
Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h. [Normally] Oh. Oh.
Oh! Ow! Ow! Damn! Materializing is _not_ like it is in the
brochure. Hi."

G: "Joxer. Y-- you're, uh-- "

Jox: "Uh, yeah-- I'm dead."

G: "I miss you, Joxer."

Jox: "Then you shouldn't 'a let Eve kill me."

G: "Joxer, I didn't _let_ Eve kill you."

Jox [Whispers]: "Kill her, Gabrielle. [Normal Voice] Kill her
before she kills somebody else."

Hope's Voice: "Good point."

Hope: "Hello, Mother."

G: "Hope?"

Hope: "Xena's making a terrible mistake-- trying to save Eve?
The same mistake _you_ made-- when you didn't kill me when you
had the chance."


Ares: "Hello, Xena."


Hope: "Only _you_ can stop the cycle of violence. Eve-- must
die. Xena won't kill her own daughter. You know how hard that
is. Be brave, Mother [Whispers]-- for Xena. You can do it,
Mother. [Normal Voice] You _must_ do it."


Ares: "You're not gonna kill me, are you?"

X: "Why ever not?!"

Ares: "Because I love you. Yeah-- I love you."


Hope: "You can do it. You can do it, Mother. You have to do
it. You must-- do it. Do it, Mother-- kill her. Do it! Do it
for Xena. I know you can. This is the decision Xena can't make!
Kill her! Kill her!"

X [Whispers]: "Eve. [Normal Voice] Eve!"


G: [Yells]

Eve: [Yells]

X: "No-o-o-o-o-o!"

Eve: "Uh!"

X: "Eve? Good girl. You _hang_ in there. You're gonna be
fine. Ga-- Gabrielle. Furies."



X: "Gabrielle-- stay with me, OK? Stay with me."

Eve: "How's Gabrielle?"

X: "Not good."

Eve: "You taught her-- ah-h-h! You taught her pretty well."


Ath: "All you had to do was distract her. How was she able to
stop Gabrielle?"

Ares: "How does Xena do anything? She just _does_."

Ath: "All right-- now we have no choice. We launch a full-scale


Ath: "There's no need for you to be hurt as well, Xena. Give us
your daughter. It's true you can kill gods, but at 4-to-1-- it's
not great odds."

X: "Not for _you_."


Aph: "No! I just wanna help!"

X: "Quick."

Dei: "Ooh! Ooh!"

X: "Come on! You gotta get out! OK."

Eve: [Screams]

Dei: [Laughs]

X: "All right?"

Hades: "How did you _think_ it would end?" [Screams, then dies]

X: "Come on. Go! Go! Go!"

Ath: "No-o-o-o!"

X: "Aphrodite?! Aphrodite?! Take care of her!"

Dei: [Screams, then dies]


X: "Neither of you is going to leave me. Gabrielle-- you're the
most pure thing in my life-- and you're my great hope. So, I'm
not gonna let either of you go!"

Aph: "So sad."

X: "Well, if you care so much, why don't you cure her?"

Aph: "Gods can only heal with Athena's blessing. That's not
gonna happen."

X: "Then take us to Olympus."

Aph: "Why?"

X: "I want to offer them a deal."

Aph: "And you'll-- kill them if they don't accept?"

X: "Please? Gabrielle doesn't have much time."

Aph: "All right! I'll take you to Olympus!"



X: "Where are they?"

Aph: "They're probably in the main hall, which is right through

X: "Aphrodite, you might wanna take off. Things could get

Aph: "Goodbye, little one."

X: "Thank you. Here we go."

Eve: "Mother?"

X: "What is it, Eve?"

Eve: "Nothing. I just wanted to say it. I-I've never called
anybody Mother before."

X: "I just wish I had 'a seen you grow up. I bet you were a
beautiful little girl."

Eve: "I was. [Chuckles] I liked spiders."

X: "Me, too. OK-- let's get you two outta here."

Ares: "Quite a load you got there. Just-- take it easy. I'm
here to make you an offer."

Eve: "Like she'd trust _anything_ you'd say, you lying bastard!"

Ares: "We'll make you a god."

X: "What about Eve and Gabrielle?"

Ares: "Gabrille-- we can negotiate. But Eve-- she's our death
warrant. She has to die. You know? Uh-- this is the second
time since you became-- Xena, slayer of gods-- that we've faced
off, one-on-one-- and you still haven't been able to pull the
trigger. Ooh! You shot me! I'm the god of war! Nobody shoots
the god of war!"

X: "Move on!"

Ares: "Oh-h-h-h!"


X: "I have a deal for you, Athena. You heal Eve and Gabrielle--
and I'll leave you alone."

Ath: "Xena wants to make a deal-- I don't think that's going to
be necessary."


X: [Yells]

[Art dies]

X: "You sure you don't wanna reconsider?"

Ath: "Never!"

X: "Goddess of wisdom, you got two choices-- either you heal my
friends and I leave you in peace-- or you die now."

Ath [Yells]: "I will _not_ be dictated to by a mortal! I don't
feel a thing, Xena. You've lost the power to kill gods. It's a
shame it had to come to this, Xena. [X stabs Athena.] You
healed them without my blessing. That's impossible."

Ares: "I gave up my immortality to save them."

Ath: "Why?"

Ares: "I'm sorry-- but I got a thing for her."

X: "Thank you."


X: "Ooh-- what have we got here?"

Eve [Laughs]: "Gabrielle? About Joxer? I, uh-- "

G: "Eve-- Joxer's at peace."

Eve: "Thank you."

G: "Looks like you got your daughter back."

X: "No, we got _our_ daughter back."

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