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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Animal Attraction

Episodio: n. 4

quinta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)


Amarice [Ama]: "Ow! Joxer!"

Joxer [Jox]: "Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Ama: "Come on."

Jox: "I wasn't looking."

Ama: "Yeah, you were, at Gabrielle."

Jox: "Was not."

Ama: "Was to-- . You know what? If I ever go ga-ga like that over anyone-- you have my permission to kill me."

Jox: "Happy to oblige. Ow!"

Ama: "That is so guy!"

Jox: "What do you know about guys? You're an Amazon. All you know-- is shopping for bows and arrows and emasculation."

Ama: "I know you don't have to live with pigs to recognize one."

Jox: "You know? I'm so glad all women aren't like you."

Ama: "All the women I know are. We don't need a man to get along. In fact, as far as they're concerned-- you _guys_ are toatally dispensable."

Jox: "Hmm. Hmm. Yeah."

G: "He did it again."

X: "What? Aw-- I must have missed it. I think I dozed off."

G: "Yeah, you've been doing that a lot lately."

X: "Yeah. I've been taking hornbain and olive [?], but it doesn't seem to be helping. I guess I just need a bit more sack time, huh? What are you? A healer? Nah, I'm just tired. Why, what did I miss?"

G: "Joxer gave me one of those looks again. Xena, when he said he loved me-- he said that he didn't expect anything from me. Clearly, he does. I'm trying to be sensitive. Do you have any advice?"

X: "Huh? What was that? Yah!"

Jox: "Oh."

X: "Yah!"

Jox: "Xena-- uh-- "

X: "Yah!"

Jox: "OK. Oh. Gaby-- would you-- ?"

G: "Later, Joxer. Come on, Amarice!"

Jox: "Wait."


X: "OK, Argo, I'm gonna need your help here. Come on, big fella. It's OK. It's OK. You're gonna feel a _whole_ lot better by the time we're through with ya. All right. All right. We gotcha now. OK, Argo. Here we go. Easy, now. There, boy. Who-o-o-oa."

G: "Oh, by the gods."

X: "Gabrille, come here. Joxer, Amarice, you stay there. G-- Gabrielle-- talk to him."

G: "What do I say?"

X: "Say anything. See if you can calm him down while I set his leg free from that trap."

G [Whispers]: "OK. [Normal Voice] It's OK, boy. It's OK. Easy. Good boy. It's OK. No one's gonna hurt you. Hold still. Steady. Steady. It's OK. Steady-y-y-y. That's it. Hold still. That's a _good_ boy. [Whispers] Good. Sh-h-h, sh-h-h. It's OK. Be still. Stay still."

X: "Steady-y-y-y."

G: "Good boy."

X: "There ya go."

G [Whispers]: "Yeah."

X: "Huh."

G: "Good boy."

X: "We're gonna have to treat that wound before we set him free."

G: "Set him free?"

X: "What's on your mind?"


Jox: "Spa-- moan-- Spamona?"

G: "Spamona. Yeah, it's famous for its hot springs. Hey, Xena-- a little rest, and we'll all feel better."

Jox: "Hot springs, huh?"

Local: "Ma'am?"

Jox: "Hey, ya know that guy?"

G: "Who, him?"

Jox: "Hey, these hot springs-- they, um-- ?"


G: "Come on, boy. Steady. That's it. Good boy."

Jox: "Colonel Horse wants [?] Go on!"

G: "I really appreciate this."

X: "Are you kidding? This way, I get a hot bath and to eat something I didn't kill myself. On the other hand, I'm so hungry I could eat a h-- "

G: "You wouldn't."

Old Man: "Ah, excuse me, folks-- I guess I oughtta tell ya this town's got a law against carrying weapons."

Ama: "In case you didn't know, this is Xena. Who's got the guts to take her weapons-- huh?"

Talia [Tal]: "Me."



Tal: "Yuh!"


Tal: "Aw! [Laughs] I never could put that past you."

X: "Hello, Talia"

Tal [Laughs]: "Aw-w-w-w-- aw-w-w, you _always_ saw that move coming."

X: "Aw, your sword kind of tips it. You could try switching hands-- might save your life-- ."

Tal: "Oh, I'll remember that."

G: "I guess you two know each other."

X: "Oh, this is Talia. We rode together years ago. These are my friends, Gabrielle, Joxer, and Amarice."

Tal: "Welcome to Spamona."

X: "You know, I'm kind of surprised to findja in a place like this."

Tal: "Oh, I'm kind of surprised to find you alive. Word was, Caesar staked you to a cross."

X: "Yeah. It's a long story. Why don't we get together over a meal? You know, I wanna feel I should have some-- raspberry jelly and-- I don't know, some raw fish. What do you say?"

Jox: "Um-- I just ate."

X: "But-- "

G: "Hm-m."

Ama: "Uh-- yeah. I-- wouldn't wanna butt in."

X: "No."

G: "I'm gonna work with the horse."

X: "Aah. Come on. I'm buying."


Tal: "You always eat like this?"

X: "Well-- you know-- "

Deputy [Interrupts]: "Hello, Sheriff-- but I thought you oughtta see this. Showed up while I was on rounds."

X: "It's yours. I recognize the design."

Tal: "Was mine. Last I saw, it was sticking in a dirtbag named Darkon. He used to tear up this town pretty bad."

Deputy: "I'm sorry, Sheriff-- but if Darkon and his boys are out-- no one's safe."

Tal: "What's this?"

Deputy: "My resignation."

X: "Well-- Darkon must be trouble."

Tal: "Nothin' but."

X: "I'm glad we're here to help."

Tal: "No-- I-I mean-- thanks-- but Darkon's my problem. I'll handle him. Your word."

X: "Oh. Promise."


Man's Voice: "He's not comin' up."

Women's Voices: "No. Do something!" "Help him!"

Ama: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you all right? Hello!"

Armon [Arm]: [Coughs]

Ama: "Oh, by the gods. You all right? Hey."

Arm: "I am now."

Ama: "Yeah, me too. I mean-- glad you're all right. I-I-- wouldn't wanna-- drown you my first time here."

Arm: "I know what you mean. Makes for a very bad impression." [Chuckles]

Ama [Chuckles]: "Well-- there's no visible damage, so-- see ya."

Arm: "No-no. Wait. Uh-- look-- you just saved my life and I don't even know your name."

Jox's Voice: "Amarice-- there ya are. Armon-- ."

Ama and Arm: "You know Joxer?"

Jox: "What are you doing here? I thought you were away at school."

Arm: "Well, I was just passin' through."

Jox: "Hey, uh-- listen, I-- I never told you that, uh-- "

Arm: "No, Joxer, uh-- that was the past."

Jox: "So, uh-- ya know, uh-- Amarice."

Arm: "Know her? She saved my life."

Jox: "Oh-h-h, did you now? Saved a man's life, did ya? Mm-m. Huh."

Ama: "I'm glad you're all right."

Arm: "No, wait!"

Ama: "Whoa!"

Arm and Jox: [Laugh]

Ama: "You think that's funny?"

Jox: "Well, no-- uh, but a little bit. Yeah." [Laughs]

Arm: "Sorry-- but it's just-- you're not hurt, and-- and it was pretty funny!" [Laughs]

Jox: "Come on, Amarice. You're not-- really hurt."

Arm: "Where's your sense 'a humor?"

Ama: "You wanna know where my sense of humor is?! I'll tell you! You mother-- !"


Arm: "Does she kiss her mother with that mouth? I'm telling you, she's insane."

Jox: "No argument there."

Arm: "Immature, obnoxious, spoiled-- "


Ama: "Inconsiderate, arrogant, self-centered, uh-- smug."

G: "Maybe it wasn't Armon."

X: "Doesn't sound like him to me."

Ama: "I got news for you. People change."

X: "Hm-m-m-- "


Arm: "Oh, and talk about erratic-- one moment she's savin' my life, the next she's tryin' to take my head off. What's that all about?"

Jox: "Women-- can't live with 'em-- can't chain em in the yard. [Laughs] Ow! Oh."


X: "I don't feel so good."

Ama: "After raspberry jam-- and raw fish? Big surprise."

G: "You haven't been feeling good for days, now."

X: "It'll pass."

G: "I know you're a gifted healer. I think it's time for a second opinion. What do you say?"


X: "Ah-h-h-h-h, a-h-h-h-h-h, a-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h. A-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h."

Doc: "Very good. Well-- congratulations. You're in excellent health-- you know? Considering."

X: "Beg pardon? Hey, Doc, if there's som'in' wrong, you know you can tell me. It-- it doesn't matter what it is. I can take it. I'm pretty tough. Just spit it out. I'm in excellent health, considering what?"

Doc: "Considering you're pregnant."



X: "It's impossible! I can-_not_ be pregnant. If you weren't such a quack, you would know that getting pregnant involves certain physical requirements that I haven't met in a _long_ time-- and I mean a _very_ long time. No one-- zilch, zippo. I am a _love_-free zone. Therefore, it is utterly impossible that I be up the duff. So, what's your diagnosis, now?"

Doc: "Mood swings!"


Jox: "Gabrielle? Gabrielle? Wait up! Wait up! Look, uh-- let me help ya!"

G: "Oh, I can carry a sack of apples."

Jox: "I- I know you can! I know you can! But-but why should ya?"

G: "Joxer, thank you."

Jox: "No-no. Gabrielle, look-- with me around to handle-- the smaller and-- more indispensable aspects of life-- that leaves you to handle the larger and-- more important ones."

G: "No, I can handle my own apples."

Jox: "Gabrielle-- let me help you. You might like it."

G: "I don't think so."

Jox: "Gimme!"

G: "Stop it."

Jox: "I'm gonna help you!"

G: "Joxer-- "

Jox: "No."

G: "Joxer, get your hands off my apples!"

Jox: "Perfect example."


Man's Voice [In Background]: "-- right over here!"

X: "Quack."


G: "Come on. Here you go, boy. Go on, it's an apple. Oh, I know you're hungry-- you know it. Come on. Come on, I'm your friend. Argo, will ya tell him I'm not gonna hurt him? Fine-- if that's your attitude, you can just-- take it when you want it. I'm talking to horses. Am I nuts?"

Arm: "Certifiable."

G: "Armon."

Arm: "Joxer said I'd find you here."

G: "Amarice was right. It _is_ you."

Arm: "Amarice?"

G: "What's going on with you two."

Arm: "She's insane. All I did was laugh a little when she slipped."

G: "You laughed at her?"

Arm: "Well, yeah. It was funny. And she wasn't hurt."

G: "Right-- her pride was hurt. OK, think about if you fell down in front of your whole school. Would you laugh?"

Arm: "I see your point. So, what do I do to make it up to her?"

G: "Flowers-- you can't go wrong with flowers."

Arm: "Flowers?"

G: "Yes, women love flowers-- except Xena."


G's Voice: "You know, she's the only woman that I know who doesn't stop to smell them."

X [Smells flower]: "Hm-m-m. [Cutesy Voice] Oh-h-h-h, it's a wittle [sic] cutey! I-- "


Arm: "You know what? I think you're right. Maybe Amarice and I just got off on the wrong foot. I'll do that. Hey, uh-- thanks for the advice."

G: "`Wrong foot.' Hm-m-m."


G: "Look familiar? Pretty painful, huh? Who-o! Boy! Nah, it's not a nice feeling. Yeah, I know what you're going through. [Sighs] It's tough-- tough on a horse. [Sighs] We're equals now, though. You know that? You can trust me, now-- Horse-- . Forget it."


Tal: "It's not that I don't appreciate your offer. I do."

X: "Then, why don't you accept a little help?"

Tal: "Because this is _my_ problem-- not yours."

X: "You're wrong. Fighing men like Darkon is everybody's problem, especially mine."

Tal: "Not this time."

X: "Really? Ah-h-- so, what makes Darkon different from every other scum-sucking warlord?"

Tal: "He's my husband."

X: "Condolences."

Tal: "I don't love him-- not anymore-- but I did. And now-- I'm afraid-- of him-- of me."

X: "Talia-- this must end here. Face it, you're going to need a little help. That's what I'm here for."

Tal: "No. No, I stand up to Darkon or I don't-- but either way, I am _not_ gonna let you take him on _for_ me-- especially _pregnant_. Oh, come on. Who's kidding herself, now? The need for sleep? The cravings? The nausea? Hey-hey-- not to mention, you know you're looking a little-- . My mother was a midwife, Xena. Wake up and smell the diapers."

X: [Gasps]


Bartender [Bar]: "What'll it be?"

X: "Milk"

Bar [Snickers]: "Milk?!"

X: "I said milk! What, am I over-age?"

Ama: "Xena, hey. I've been looking all over for you. I think I'm in trouble."

X: "What, is it in the water?"

Ama: "Huh? I'm talking about Armon?"

X: "Well, what about him?"

Ama: "Well-- you see, that's the trouble. Every Amazon instinct I have-- says keep away, but my heart just says go for it. Have you ever had this problem before?"

X: "Apparently. Listen, Amarice-- either you kiss him-- or you kill him. But, either way, it doesn't seem to make a difference."

Arm: "Xena? How you been?

X: "You hurt her, Armon-- I will have your hide."

Arm: "Hi."

Ama: "Hi. What are those?"

Arm: "A way to start over-- I hope. These are for you."

Ama: "For me? Wow-- nobody's ever given me anything like this before."

Arm: "I'm surprised. You deserve them."

Ama: "I do?"

Arm: "And more. You deserve someone who'll really appreciate you. A man who'll protect and pamper you."

Ama: "A man to protect me."

Arm: "Make sure you never have to worry-- or be scared-- "

Ama: "You think I'm scared of you?"

Arm: "No, no-- that's not what I said."

Ama: "That's what you meant!"

Arm: "No, it isn't."

Ama: "You calling me a liar?"

Arm: "Are you telling me what I said?!"

Ama: "I know what I heard!"

Arm: "Liar!"



Jox: "Oh! Armon! Oh-h-h-h. We-e-e-ell-- I see you two didn't have any problem makin' up. And I see _you_-- have no problem kissing-- guys! [Laughs] Aw-w-w! Ah-h-h!"

Ama: "He started it!"

Arm: "I did not!"

Jox: "Have you seen Gabrielle?"

Ama: "You kissed me first!"

Arm "I did not! That kill was all your idea!"

Jox: "I'm trying to find Gabrielle. So, if you-- "

Ama [Interrupts]: "You know what? You are delusional."

Arm: "Well, I'd rather be deluded than nuts."

Jox: "Oh! Kids."


G: "I don't know why I tried. I'm just like an idiot. Talking to horses. Think I'd have no friends. Good horse."


Tal: "Hi-ho!"


X: "I've got something I wanna tell you. Just stay put. Believe me, you don't wanna be standing when you hear this. Not that it's bad. See, I would sense that and it's not, but-- there is this small question of how it happened, and-- once you get past that, it's really great. Don't give me that look like you knew. You _didn't_ know. I didn't even know, and _I'm_ the one who's expecting. Or, maybe you did know-- but don't let on to the others. I wanna tell them myself. Gabrielle's gonna freak."


X: "Armon-- come here."

Man's Voice: "Here, boy."

X: "Listen-- what I said to you before-- I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was steamed about something else. You're a good man. I know that."

Arm: "The way I feel about Amarice-- I'm not sure that qualifies as good. I mean-- it's not like I _meant_ for this to happen."

X: "Happen? Something happened?"

Arm: "I kissed her-- and, no matter what she says, she kissed me back. She just won't admit it."

X: "And why do you think that is?"

Arm: "I think it's 'cause she's scared it'll make her seem weak-- "

X: "Hm-m."

Arm: "-- like carin' for someone is som'in' bad. Can you believe that?"

X: "Yeah, I used to-- but now I know that-- any fool can risk his life. It takes a hero to risk his heart."

Arm: "Well, tell that to Amarice!"

X: "I've got a better idea."


Arm: "Hi, uh-- mind if I sit down?"

Ama: "If you want. I mean-I mean, sure, yeah."

Arm: "Great, uh-- so, uh-- look, Amarice, I just want you to know that I've talked to Xener [sic], and, uh-- "

Ama: "You talked to her? Me, too [?]. She's great, isn't she?"

Arm: "Oh! The best. Now, there's a woman who's really got it together."

Ama: "Never loses it."

Arm: "Never."


X: [Throws up]


Ama: "Ga-a-a-a-- what you were gonna say?"

Arm: "Oh, uh-- it's just that, uh-- I understand where you're comin' from, a-and-and I want you to know that there's no hard feelings."

Ama: "Hard feelings? If anyone should have hard feelings, it would be me-- which I don't."

Arm: "Amarice, what's goin' on? Why you acting like this?"

Ama: "Like what? If you don't mind my asking."

Arm: "Like that. So, so phony, it's not you."

Ama: "Oh, like you really know me."

Arm: "Keep this up, and I won't want to."

Ama: "Oh, really? Well, excuse me for being nice. It won't happen again!"

Arm: "That was nice?"

Jox: "Amarice, have you seen Xena? Oh!"

Ama: "Wait till I do!"

Jox: "Armon, have you seen Xena?"

Arm: "Ah, I can't wait to find her!"

Jox: "Kids."


G: "Come on. Come on, handsome."

Ama: "Xena?! Xena! You said, `Kiss him, or kill him,' right?"

Arm [Interrupts]: "Come on, I tried it."

Ama [Interrupts]: "Well, I could kill him!"

Arm [Interrupts]: "-- I couldn't seem to [Etc.]-- "

Ama [Interrupts]: "I was _totally_ [Etc.]-- !"

G [Interupts]: "Will you guys shut up?! Shut up, please! The horse [Etc.]-- "

X [Interrupts]: "I'm pregnant."

G: "Xena, can you tell them, please?"

X: "I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!"



G: "You're pregnant? How can you be pregnant? Xena-- I mean, when did you-- ? Who d-- ?"

X: "I don't know."

Jox: "And you asked her advice on _your_ love life."

G: "You don't know?"

X: "Gabrielle, this is as strange to me as it is to you. I don't understand it, but it's true. I felt it with Solon and I feel it now. There's life within me-- and it's good."

G: "Congratulations."

X: "Thanks."

Ama: "A baby. You're gonna be a really good mom."

X: "Thanks."

Arm: "That's _really_ somethin'."

Jox: "I always wanted to be an uncle. Hello there, little fella! Oh! Beats the heck out of my news."

X: "What's that?"

Jox: "Some creep named Darkon's comin'. He should be here by sundown."

X: "Has Talia seen this?"

Jox: "I can't find her. Nobody can."

X: "Then it's up to us."


Ama: "What are you doing here?"

Arm: "Xena sent me. Told me to guard the flank against a-- "

Arm and Ama: "-- surprise attack."

Ama: "I don't even know why she wants me here. All the action's gonna be down on the street."

Arm: "I heard this Darkon's guy pretty tough."

Ama: "Well, I'm not afraid of him, if that's what you think."

Arm: "No-- why do you always twist what I say? To tell the truth, Amarice, I don't know anyone who'd scare you. You never let 'em close enough to try."

Ama: "That's not true. There is someone who scares me-- you."

Arm: "Very funny."

Ama: "I'm not kidding. I've never met anyone like you. I'm not used to feeling this way."

Arm: "You think I am? This is all new to me, too."

Ama: "It doesn't scare you?"

Arm: "Big time-- but that's what makes us so brave-- to feel this scared and not run away. I'd say that takes a lotta courage, wouldn't you?"

Ama: "You calling me a coward?"

Arm: "I hope not."


G: "You don't have the slightest idea?"

X: "No. Look, we've been through this a thousand times. I don't."

G: "How can you not know? I-- I just find that hard to believe, you know?"

X: "Tell me."

G: "Ares. Maybe he did-- a god thing-- "

X: "No."

G: "OK, fine. When was the last time we saw Hercules? I forget, I can't-- "


Darkon [Dar]: "Hi, Honey. I'm home."

Tal: "This isn't your home, Darkon-- not anymore."

Dar: "Well-- we'll have to see about that-- won't we, boys?"

Boys [Laughter]: "Come on! Hah!" "Get on, Horse! Come on!"


X: "Come on, Gabrielle!"



Bad Guy: [Yells]

Tal: "Yah! Yah!"

G: "Hey, guys-- "

Bad Guys: "Huh?"

A Bad Guy: "Whoa! Hey!"

G: "Stop! Stop!"

Another Bad Guy: "What?! Ya got some little horsey friend?! A little pony all decked out in bows?!"

G: "Yeah. Don't-- please."

Another Bad Guy: "Who's gonna stop me? [Startles, then Yells]

Dar: "Go on! Finish it!"

Tal: "I have. The rest is up to a judge."


Arm: "So, uh-- I guess this is goodbye."

Ama: "No, this is."

Arm: "Wow."

Ama: "You should see my hellos."


X: "Well, congratulations. Looks like we're a two-horse family."

G: "Yeah-- family being the operative word. "

X: "Yeah, how about that, huh?"

G: "You know what I think? I think it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

X: "Yup-- for all of us."


G: "Hi. Whoo! Whoa, boy. Whoa. Come on, Xena. Race ya to Greece?"

X: "I don't know if you're ready for that."

G: "Are you chicken?"

X: "No, just being considerate. We race to Greece, and you won't be able to walk straight for a month."

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