in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio: seconda serie (si ringrazia Cristina Creek) [TEASER] G: “Xena!” X: “We’re
going down ! Take my sword and cut the ropes! G: “Nooo!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cecrops’
[C] men: “Quite a wreck.” “Yeah.” “Two
people Hidsim [H]: “Rama--
Some sharks on the other side-- coming C: “Bring them aboard.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “Very
impressive. Wonderful craftsmanship. Custom-made, I G: “They
were trying to take us. My friend and I-- we were-- C: “Xena.
Xena. The pirate ship survived the rocks. But if G: “There-- She would have made her way to land.” C: “Maybe
she did. Let’s get back to it! We have to be around G: “Wait! Can’t you take me to shore?” C: “You’re
staying with us. You don’t seem to understand the G: “No.
_You_ don’t understand the danger. This is a boat-- C: “Do you
hear that, Hidsim? I’m not averse to a bit of Man: “No. No, it can’t be. You’re Cecrops.” G: “Cecrops-- the lost mariner.” Man: “You’re not keeping me here!” C: “That’s up to you. You know the risk.” Man: “No-- I’m not gonna end up like one of them!” C: “You know who I am! You’re _not_ gonna leave this ship!” Man: “No!” C: “Now, that you’re here, you better get used to [me?]” Man: [Screams] G: “You could’ve prevented that.” C: “He chose
to go against 300 years of curse. That’s his G: “I’m on the cursed ship of Cecrops.” C: “Yes-- you are.” G: “For eternity?” C: “Ah--
no. That particular part of the curse is mine. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ACT I] Basculis [B]: “Hah! Thought you might wash up here!” X: “Basculis--
I don’t have time for this. My friend got B: “That’s
the ship of Cecrops, the mariner. Anyone who boards X: “Pity-- I could’ve used the company.” B: “I lost
all the loot on that ship! But, you’re a much [Fight] B: “After
her! You! Go back to the ship! Weigh anchor and ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pirate: “Get up, you fool!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “Snap
to it, men! Blumah! Put your back into it! You’ve Blumah: “I’d
like to see your energy for once-- energy enough, C: “Probably
not! I don’t _like_ you that much! Besides, I’m G: “I’m still trying to deal with this situation.” C: “Deal
with it quick. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a Altrech [A]: “Hi.
My name is Altrech. If you’re not feeling H: “Leave
her alone, Altrech. She doesn’t need the likes of A: “I’m
only trying to help. See? It-- it-- It’s ash. I eat ---------------------------------------------------------------- B: “Yeah,
she’s been through here. Funny-- Xena’s not known Pirate: “She’s in a hurry.” B: “Still,
it has me worried. I don’t wanna take any chances. ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “It’s real.” G: “Ah--
I’m really sorry. I, um-- I was just-- just looking C: “It’s
OK. It’s not like it’s valuable. It’s only an G: “Yeah-- it’s a big emerald.” C: “Still,
it might as well be a grain of sand for all the good G: “That’s
the only way to judge beauty-- not by the price, but C: “It has
to be a full moon-- but the story is true. Pirates G: “And now, I’m part of your crew-- right?” C: “Do you
know the story of how Athena became goddess of G: “Yeah.
Poseidon and Athena both wanted Athens. So a C: “He wasn’t
the first citizen. A minor point-- but go G: “Poseidon
brought forth a spring on the Acropolis-- and C: “That’s
all anybody ever knows. Nobody remembers that ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pirate: “I’ve got her!” [Small fight] B: “Where?
Where’d she go? [Tend the house-cropping?] You ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “Poseidon’s
curse was that I could never return to land G: “But, that was so long ago.” C: “300
years ago. Athena decided to give me immortality. I G: “But
Athena gave you hope. Don’t you see that? She knew C: “Oh,
please. Who’s going to love me? I mean, I’m hardly A: “You got something out here you gotta see.” G: “Thank you.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- H: “Altrech! Over there.” [Sees Xena fighting] G: “Xena. Xena! I’m here!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- B: “Come on!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “Think
about what you’re doing, girl. If you care about ---------------------------------------------------------------- X: “Gabrielle!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “All
right, turn it around! I want as much distance between ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pirate: “She’s trapped. Now, we’ve got her.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ACT II] Pirate: “She’s got nowhere to go!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “That
should do it! Keep it up! We’re turning away from Men: “Take her up!” “She’s turning!” “Get that sail up!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “Give me a hand!” A: “Get it up! We’re heading back in toward shore!” C: “You
get that sail back up! Or I swear, I’m gonna throw a ---------------------------------------------------------------- B: “Shoot! Shoot her!” X: “Come and get me, fellas!” [Incredible jump] ---------------------------------------------------------------- X: “Hah! Got’cha.” Men: [Cheer] G: “Xena-- oh Xena.” C: “Are you out of your mind?!” X: “Gabrielle, are you all right?” G: “Yeah,
I’m fine. I’m-- seasick. I’m cursed. Actually, I’m C: “Excuse me. Do you know who I am?” X: “You’re
Cecrops. I wasn’t gonna let you take off with my C: “Oh,
well, that’s good. That’s real good. So, now I have X: “Looks like it.” C: “Hah!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pirate: “That
was _just_ insanity! She just jumped onto that B: “Xena’s
not crazy! She knew what she was doing. And I know Pirate: “You
forget Poseidon’s curse? We get anywhere near B: “If anybody
can beat that curse, Xena can. And when she G: “His cabin is back there. What are you going to do?” X: “Try and convince him there is a way out of this.” G: “Is there?” X: “Athena
wouldn’t have given him immortality if there wasn’t G: “Hah-hah.
No, we don’t! Because I will not live through a X: “Here-- see that small bump?” G: “Mm-hmm. Ouch! My seasickness!” X: “Every
time you feel your stomach getting queasy, jab your G: [Screams] A: “I brought you some squid.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “Look
at that-- land. So close, I could swim to it, and X: “Seems
to me like you’ve given everything to Poseidon-- C: “Oh--
we have a Warrior Philosopher on board-- a regular X: “What was her name?” C: “Terai.
I loved her as no man has ever loved a woman. X: “I’m sorry.” C: “I was
on my way to see Terai when-- Poseidon arose from the X: “Turn east. Let’s go back to Terai’s village.” C: “That
was 300 years ago. Terai is dead-- dead. The village X: “The
whirlpool is still there. Poseidon created it. It C: “Faith?! Faith has killed more people than war!” X: “You
said that Terai had faith in you. So either were lying ---------------------------------------------------------------- G: “The ship turning?” X: “East, toward Charybdis. What are you eating?” G: “Squid. Want some?” Man: “How’s about some more rope?!” X: “Cecrops.” C: “Don’t--
start with me! Now there are better pickings X: “Right-- I can see that.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- G: “Mmm.” G: “Much better. Hmm. You want some squid?” H: “Ah, no, no. I-- can’t eat and twine rope.” G: “Looks confusing.” H: “Nah,
it’s really easy once you get the hang of it. It’s G: “Hah-hah.” H: “Of course, now you’re condemned to do that forever.” G: “What?” H: “It’s a joke .” G: [Laughs] H: “Ah,
it’s good to hear laughter on the ship. Rama-- he G: “How did you meet him?” H: “A long
time ago, ah-- I was rescuing orphans from a tidal G: “You did that?” H: “No,
little one. But it sounds better than saying I was a G: “How long, now?” H: “A long
time. I don’t know how old I am now. Don’t need to G: “I have
faith in Xena. You should too. She’ll get us out H: “Well--
it’d be nice to lay on the grass again. Me and my G: “You have a daughter?” H: “Somewhere.
She’d be about your age, now. Probably thinks Man’s voice: “Starboard side! Coming up fast! Ship ahoy!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- Man’s voice: “There!” C: “Pirates.” X: “Basculis.
The ones from the island-- they’re after your C: “That would make them stupid pirates.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “I love stupid pirates.” A: “We gonna
attack? You need a new crew. That’s them. You C: “No.
Stay the course! East! The wind’s no good. Those X: “No, Cecrops, wait. Something’s happening.” Poseidon [P]: [Emerges and yells] Man’s Voice: “Get back!” X: “Poseidon!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ACT III] X: “What
do you want, Poseidon?! Haven’t you done your damage G: “Excuse me! But we don’t have a choice!” C: “You made the rules, Poseidon!” P: “Very
well. Xena, I grant you safe passsage from the ship X: “Not without Gabrielle.” P: “Take
her. Love can’t redeem Cecrops. He doesn’t even know X: “Thanks
for the offer, Poseidon, but, we like the smell of C: “Don’t be a fool!” Man’s Voice: “Is she crazy?” X: “I think we’ll stay on a little while longer!” P: “You won’t get a second chance! [Laughs] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pirate: “I’m not sure this treasure is worth it!” B: “Of course,
it is! Did you hear Xena? She had a chance to ---------------------------------------------------------------- X: “You
keep those ropes tight the way I showed you-- and we’ll A: “Poseidon’s trying to make things difficult for us.” X: “With this? Believe me, Poseidon’s much more devious.” H: “Warrior
Princess? The men-- They-- they talked about you. X: “Well, that’s the plan. How’re you doing?” G: “Good.
This sailor stuff is kind of fun once you know about X: “Let’s
hope it doesn’t get any worse. Poseidon obviously G: “That
means you were right. The key must be there, and he X: “And if I’m wrong?” G: “If you’re
wrong? Xena, I have to spend the rest of my life X: “Oh, well, uh-- I couldn’t risk it. It has side effects.” G: “Side effects? Yeah, what kind of side effects?” X: “Well,
that pressure point numbs your taste buds. Anything G: “Like-- raw squid. Oh, I‘m gonna be sick.” X: “Well, not until later-- when we’re on solid ground.” H: “I thought
you should know-- Rama’s turning back, come X: “What are you talking about?” H: “He’d
kill me for telling you. But he told me we’re turning ---------------------------------------------------------------- C: “Make yourself at home.” X: “Why are you turning back?” C: “I changed my mind. It happens.” X: “No. No, you’re afraid.” C: “Afraid? Afraid of Poseidon?! Not quite.” X: “It’s
not Poseidon. It’s because you think I might be C: “You
don’t think-- that I would end this curse in a second, X: “No--
because it’s gone on too long. Thousands of people C: “Shouldn’t
I? For the first hundred years, it was merchant X: “And
all become your friends. This isn’t a curse to you-- C: “How
in the name of _Zeus_, did you ever come up with such a X: “By watching
you. I’ve known many types of fear in my life, C: “What
do you know of fear?! Do you fear death?! Do you X: “Then
break the cycle, Cecrops. You didn’t start this-- C: “How?
Were you planning on falling in love with me? I X: “Because I’m not leaving this ship without everyone else.” C: “Oh, right-- it’s as simple as that, ay?” X: “Yeah, it’s as simple as that.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- X: “Gabrielle!” G: “I’m OK!” C: “Brace
yourselves! Brace yourselves! Move us into the bow! A: “Aye-aye, sir!” C: [?] X: “Over here, Gabrielle!” H: “Rama!” X: “No! Come on help me move this thing!” C: “What?
What? What? What were you thinking?! You pathetic H: “I just--
I just reacted, Rama. I saw you were in danger. G: “No, you’re gonna be OK.” C: “Hidsim!” H: “Rama. Touch the Earth for me.” C: “No.” X: “It’s too late.” C: “Poseidon. No. No! No! No!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- P: “Cecrops. You’ve learned a sad lesson.” C: “If you’ve
come to gloat, Poseidon-- save it ! Hidsim was P: “There
is a way out for you and your crew. I can give you C: “Why now?” P: “Because
now, you have something I want-- the Warrior C: “Just yesterday, you were offering her her freedom.” P: “And
she defied me! No one does that to me! Your curse is X: “Cecrops.” C: “We’re going to Charybdis. It’s going to end there.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ACT IV] C: “Take your stations! The sky is clearing.” X: “We’re close to Charybdis.” G: “The pirates are still with us.” C: “It makes no sense. I was his enemy.” X: “Maybe
at one time you were, but over the years, Hidsim saw C: “He always
called me ‘Rama.’ Where he’s from, I guess Rama X: “Obviously, to him you were.” C: “Goodbye, friend.” A: “We caught the current. It’s a strong one.” X: “It’s the outter rim of Charybdis. We gotta break free.” C: “We need
somebody up in the crow’s nest-- Dyossus. One-eyed Blumah: “The
crew won’t take your command-- too dangerous. X: “I’ll go.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- G: “Xena! Hold on!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- B: “We have to catch up to them!” Pirate: “We’re
not gonna do it this way! We’re caught in the G: “Cut the main mast lines! Do it!” Pirate: “That will send us right into Charybdis!” B: “We’ll
use the current to cut across the edge-- then raise ---------------------------------------------------------------- G: “What are they doing?!” C: “Making a big mistake!” X: “Hold it to starboard! Pull both sails!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- X: “My sword!” P: “Now,
Cecrops! Give me the Warrior Princess! Cut the rope! C: “Xena!
No, Poseidon! Love redeems me! I finally figured P: [Yells] X: [Laughs, then war yell] C: “ It
isn’t that-- someone loves me! It’s my love for X: “Cecrops! No!” C: [Screams] G: “Cecrops!” ---------------------------------------------------------------- A: “I hope you understand--” G: “Yeah-- it was great for me.” A: “Bye.” X: “You all right?” G: “Yeah--
I just had to-- had to get rid of my squid friends-- X: “Come on. There you go. Come on.” Blumah: “Thank you, Xena.” G: “I guess
the answer was inside Cecrops all along-- ‘Till X: “I guess
Poseidon gave it away when he said that Cecrops C: [Laughing]
“I’m alive! I-- I’m alive! I-- I thought I X: “Athena--
she gave you immortality. Even Poseidon couldn’t C: “You
know? All these years, I-- I--I’ve been cursing her X: “Yes-- almost anything else!” G: “Where will you go?” C: “I don’t
know! I don’t know. A lot has changed in three X: “Terai.” C: “Terai.
I can’t thank you enough. But-- maybe I can-- help G; “Oh,
I know how you can start. Hidsim had a daughter. C: “I think
I will. But I’m going to walk there! [Laughs] X: “Well,
he’ll find someone else to be angry at-- that’s just |