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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Old Ares had a farm

Episodio: n. 10

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

Gabrielle: [Entrando in una taverna.] "Xena, I'm beginning to lose my appetite."
Xena: "Let's give it a try. Sometimes these places have great food."
Xena: "Won't be a sec... [Si avvicina ad un gruppo di malviventi.] Pardon me, didn't you ride with Ahab the Lame?"
Malvivente: "Yeah, but I've moved on to better things."
Xena: "You look like the self-improvement type... and aren't those Attila's colors your wearing? Some color... and you, I could swear your Turkestan's boy... What is this? A scumbag convention?"
Xena: "What brings you cutthroats together?"Malvivente: "I don't have to tell you that."Xena: "Oh, but you do." [Usa il tocco sul malvivente.]Gruppo di malviventi: "Get her!"
[La Principessa Guerriera e la Barda Guerriera iniziano a combattere.]
Xena: "Alright, you got seconds to live, so spit it out."
Malvivente: "The warlords of Greece, Macedonia and Thrace have put a price on his head. We're united under Gasgar the Terrible to hunt him down and split the bounty."
Xena: [Annulla il "tocco" al malvivente.] "Alright, hunt down who?"
Malvivente: "The God of War... Ares. He's mortal, and now the warlords that he crossed when he was a god are having their revenge."

[Ares cammina lungo un sentiero.]
Siki: "Ares, prepare to die. [Xena e Gabrielle arrivano.] Who are you?"Xena: "Who are you?"Siki: "They call me 'Battling Siki'."Xena: "Nobody ever called you that. You just made that up. But if you don't want to be known as 'Dead Siki' you'll be moving on."
Siki: "Alright, but the gold is mine, Ares."Ares: "I've been getting a lot of that lately. So, what brings you here? Animal magnetism?"
Xena: "I'm here to save your butt. The word is out that you're mortal. There's a price on your head, Ares, and every scumbag in the world is looking to cash in."
Gabrielle: "Gasgar the Terrible. Lombar. The Howl Brothers. Mosher."
Xena: "Attila."
Gabrielle: "The Beast of Turkestan."
Ares: "It'll be great fighting by your side. We'll take no prisoners."
Xena: "No, we're not here to participate in a blood bath. We're here to offer you a new life."
Ares: "You're a little ahead of me."
Xena: "Ares, you're going to spend the rest of your life a hunted man unless you assume a new identity."
Gabrielle: "You need to go undercover as someone else."
Ares: "Reinvent myself. Well, I'm not opposed to the idea. I've given a lot of thought to how I'm going to spend the rest of my mortal life. A king. A priest... if the cult was sexy enough."
Xena: "Ares, you've got to do something that no one would ever suspect of you."Ares: "Like what?"Xena: "How are you at shoveling sh*t?"

Gabrielle: "Ares, what's wrong with being a farmer?"Ares: "For a rube, nothing. But for the God of War--"Xena: "Former God of War."
Ares: "Xena, let's you and I go crazy on Gasgar and his boys. I am talking about slaughter and mayhem."
Xena: "Ares, do you really want to fight every warrior who wants to make a fortune?"
Ares: "Okay, it's getting to be a chore."
Gabrielle: "If we set you up as a farmer, you can come and go as you please."
Ares: "Really?"
Gabrielle: "No one would suspect the God of War to be living on a country farm."
Xena: "Gabrielle and I will stay with you, just until you get the swing of things."
Ares: "Yeah, plantation, some slaves, half a dozen flute playing girls..."
Xena: "Just what I was thinking."

Xena: [Si avvicina ad una casa diroccata.] "There it is, just as I remembered it. The Elysian Fields on earth... Come on, come on. Well, this is it."Ares: "What, the outhouse?"Gabrielle: "It's beautiful."Ares: "Hello! We're looking at a hovel."
Xena: "Look... [Indica un palo di sostegno.] I carved my initial in this pole. Here."Gabrielle: "Let's see. It's still there."
Xena: "My grandma used to sit in this chair. She'd rock and she'd tell us stories about the Olympian gods."
Ares: "Bet you never thought you'd grow up to kill most of them, did you?"
Xena: [Ignorando Ares.] "But wait... the best is yet to come." [Entra nella casa.]
Gabrielle: "Come on."
Gabrielle: "Xena, it's charming."
Xena: "It even smells the way I remember it."
Ares: "I don't want to spoil your waltz down Memory Lane, but Ares ain't living here. Now, you can tell us all about your pastoral childhood on the way back to civilization."
Xena: "Ares, it's a little run-down, but we can fix it."
Ares: "When I was a god, I couldn't have fixed this place."
Gabrielle: [Cerca di rimettere a posto un tavolo.] "It's nothing that a little hard work can't put right."
Ares: "See, now you're scaring me."
Xena: "More than a band of cutthroats who are after your blood?"
Ares: "Do I have to answer right away?"
Xena: "Gabrielle, come check out the stove."

Siki: "So, I get the God of War down, and I wouldn't listen to his pleas for mercy. And then I... I cut his throat."
Ragazza: "What did he look like?"
Siki: "You know, he wasn't as mean looking as everyone says. Kind of a dark, handsome guy dressed all in black with a beard, and he had this gray vest -- oof!"
Gasgar: "You didn't kill anyone, you little pimple. But, you might have seen something. That description of Ares was pretty good."
Siki: "I - I did see him."
Gasgar: "Where?"
Siki: "Outside of Ipeiros. I followed them as far as the Lakawan Valley. Then I lost my nerve."
Gasgar: "What do you mean 'them'? Does he have an army with him?"
Siki: "No, a couple of women."
Gasgar: "Ares always did have a weakness for the ladies. Probably looking for a place to shack up with them. Pass the word. We're headed for the Lakawan Valley."

Xena: [Dall'interno.] "Ares, hurry up with those rags!"Ares: "You know what... [Nasconde gli stracci sotto l'asse di un pavimento.] I, uh, just can't seem to find them anywhere."Xena: "Well, that doesn't make sense. Come on, then, we'll do something else."Ares: "I was doing... a thing."
Gabrielle: "Has anyone seen that saw I left out here?"
Ares: "Well, don't look at me. I try to touch tools of common labor as little as possible."
Xena: "Well, that's gonna change. Let's go." [Fa entrare Ares con alcune pacche sul sedere.]
Ares: "Not the butt... if that leaves a mark..."
Gabrielle: "I know I left the saw on the railing."
Xena: "Alright, Ares, I want you to get up here on the mantelpiece and nail those boards to the ceiling."
Ares: "After you."
Xena: "Ares... come on."
Ares: "Okay, what did you want me to do with the rags?"
Xena: "I wanted you to stuff them in the holes in the outside wall to keep the wind from coming though."
Ares: "I'd rather do that."
Xena: "Alright, what are you looking for?"
Ares: "Okay, I hid the rags. I thought you were going to get me to mop the floor or do some other demeaning job I'd rather die than do."
Gabrielle: "That's strange. I left both my boots out here and now one of them's gone."
Ares: "Okay, where's my wineskin."
Xena: "Something's out there."
Greba: "Excuse me! Hello! My name is Greba. I'm your neighbor."
Xena: "Oh, hi."
Ares: [Assume l'aria da duro.] "Hel-lo."
Greba: "I just came from Ipeiros. There's an army heading toward the valley led by the warlord Gasgar. That Gasgar... he's a bad one. You know what they say his favorite sport is? To take a young, beautiful, helpless maiden and despoil her chastity again and again and again."
Ares: "Oh, the beast."
Xena: "Thanks, Greba."
Greba: "It makes me shudder just thinking about it, being a young widow on my own without a man to take care of my wants and needs, alone in my house over the fence, just over there."
Xena e Gabrielle: "Thank you, Greba."
Ares: "Hey, drop by again when the news is better. We'll have a glass of wine, swap stories on raising root vegetables."Greba: "Well, goodbye."
Xena: "Alright, you two take care of the thief, I'm going to talk to Gasgar." [Entra per cambiarsi.]Ares: "Oh, so you still get to be a warrior!"Xena: [Esce con l'armatura addosso.] "Uh-huh. But, believe me, I would much rather stay here and work on the house."Ares: "You know the sad thing? I believe you... where's my belt?"Xena: "Definitely take care of that one."

Demetrius: "Gasgar... Xena's here."
Gasgar: "Xena?"
Xena: "Gasgar, I've come to present you with a little gift."
Gasgar: "What is it?"
Xena: "Ares' head on a platter."

Gasgar: "So... you want a piece of him, too. Figures. I've heard about some of the things he's done to you over the years. Let me ask you something... when you were slaughtering gods up on Olympus, why didn't you just take him out then?"
Xena: "The coward ran. I didn't get the chance."
Gasgar: "Hm. Well... he's mortal now, so any of us can kill him. We don't need you... Xena. I sure don't need to split the bounty any more ways."
Xena: "I'm not in this for the gold, it's personal. Besides... what if you're wrong? What if it's just a rumor and he hasn't lost his immortality at all? You'd be stalking the God of War. But, I... I have the ability to kill gods. Wouldn't that make a nice insurance policy? Besides... I know where to find him."

Gabrielle: "Ares, when you gave up your immortality to save me and Eve, that was... that was quite a sacrifice. Thank you."
Ares: "If Eve had died, and Xena had lost the power to kill gods, then Athena would have killed Xena. So, I was saving Eve to save Xena. You were an afterthought."
Gabrielle: "Thanks anyway."
Gabrielle: "How'd it go?"Xena: "So far so good... you cleared the chimney."Gabrielle: "Ares did the heavy work."Ares: "She's exaggerating. She just doesn't want to admit that that she couldn't get me to work any better than you could."Gabrielle: "A lot of truth in that."
Xena: "You know, my brothers and I used to sit by the fire here and tell ghost stories. My brothers... I miss them sometimes."
Ares: "Xena... the thief is still here. He got my gauntlet this afternoon. Whoever it is, he's good, I mean very, very good. We didn't see a thing."
Gabrielle: "What if there's nothing to see?"
Ares: "Like a ghost?"
Gabrielle: "Yeah."
Ares: "You mortals go to the most incredible places just to rationalize unexplained phenomena."
Xena: "You know what's wonderful?"
Gabrielle: "What?"
Xena: "It's wonderful that we're sitting here together in front of this cozy fire."
Gabrielle: "That's right. Life on a farm is so peaceful."
Ares: "Are you two insane? The life is incredibly boring, it's horribly uncomfortable and it's hard."
Xena: "Oh, you'll change your tune when you get a few... [La pioggia inizia a filtrare dal tetto.] ...calluses on your hands."Ares: "Let me guess, this is your favorite part."Xena: "Split up. There has to be one dry room in the house."
Gabrielle: "The kitchen's worse."
Xena: "Hey, it's dry in here. This was my room. Grandpa must have fortified the roof. It's the only dry room in the house."
Ares: "That's a big bed. The three of us can sleep in there."Gabrielle: "The three of us in one bed?"Ares: "Sure."Xena: "Well, I suppose we are all grown-ups."Ares: "We certainly are."

Xena: [Si sveglia e trova la faccia di Ares proprio accanto alla sua.] I think a change in position is in order. [Xena si gira dall'altra parte ma Ares si appoggia a lei.] I meant we should both change positions."
Ares: "Alright." [Si mette sulla schiena.]
Ares: [Gabrielle si gira e appoggia una mano in mezzo alle gambe di Ares ma Xena la toglie immediatamente.] "I'm in Tartarus."

Xena: [Da lontano.] "Gabrielle! I don't care if it is a ghost. If I can kill gods, maybe I can kill ghosts, too."
Ares: [Esce dal letto.] "Oh, thank God I'm a country boy."
Xena: "Wait a minute... drag marks. Look."
Gabrielle: [Ad Ares che si trova in camera da letto.] "The ghost stole her breastplate."
Ares: "It couldn't carry her breastplate. Had to drag it. An ample breastplate to be sure, but.." [Salta nel cortile.]
Xena: "This way, come on!"
Xena: "Something buried our stuff."
Gabrielle: "What is this..."
Xena: "Look..." [Toglie la sua corazza dalla buca.]
Gabrielle: "Strange... Where are my boots?"
Ares: "It's a wolf."Gabrielle: "It's not a wolf, it's a dog. Don't they have dogs on Olympus?"Ares: "Not one-headed ones."
Ares: [Il cane si avvicina ad Ares ed inizia a leccarlo.] "Get him off me!"
Xena: "Hey, he's not attacking you. He's trying to be affectionate."
Ares: "I am not interested in that kind of relationship."
Ares: "Oh, no, no, no. Don't do that. We'll never get rid of it."
Gabrielle: "Maybe we don't want to get rid of him."
Ares: "Is there anything you and I agree on... [Gabrielle guarda Xena.] ...oh, yeah, anything else?"
Xena: "Alright, Ares... you can stay here with your furry little friend and fix the roof. Gabrielle and I are off to town for some supplies."
Ares: "Could it get any worse?"

Greba: "Hello again!"
Ares: "Neighbor lady, hello... [Scende dal tetto e viene accolto dal cane che scodinzola.] ... you filthy mongrel."
Greba: "Dogs make me go all cuddly."
Ares: "Ah. See the lady? Say hello to the lady, say hello!"
Greba: "My husband and I had a dog, but then he died three years ago in the battles. My husband, not the dog. But then, the dog was run over by the funeral wagon that was carrying his body home. There's been a great gaping hole in my heart ever since that day. Isn't war just terrible?"
Ares: "A crime against humanity."
Greba: "I don't know why people can't just be more like animals. I mean, animals don't go to war, or lie, or cheat, or betray each other. Take this little fellow here, I mean, when he likes you, he just comes up and starts licking you. Why can't we be more like that?"
Ares: "That is a very good question. Maybe we can take him for a very long walk sometime, huh?"
Greba: "They wouldn't mind us borrowing their dog? Your daughters?"
Ares: "You mean slave girls."
Greba: "They don't act like slaves."
Ares: "Yeah, well, I spoil them."
Ares: "So, uh, what made you think they were my daughters?"
Greba: "Well, I mean, you being an older man and everything. Oh, don't get me wrong. You're in great shape and you hold yourself so well. You know, good posture is so very important. It's just that you're, you know, so much more sophisticated than what I'm used to. And, well, with the gray hair I just--"
Ares: "Gray... gray hair? Gray hair."
Greba: "You have a patch of gray just right there."
Ares: "Is that rain? I... fix the roof."
Greba: "Oh, well, goodbye."
Ares: "Bye."
Ares: [Al suo nuovo migliore amico.] "Think that's funny? Yuk it up."
Ares: [Sale sul tetto che inizia a scricchiolare sotto i suoi piedi.] "Of course." [Il tetto si rompe ed Ares cade nella casa.]

Xena: "Ares... [Lo vede steso a terra.] ...what are you doing?"
Ares: "Oh, I'm just lying here smelling my mortality, every muscle in my body aching. I have gray hair. And, the dog has its tongue in my mouth."
Xena: [Al cane.] "Well, enough of that. Scat! Go!"
Ares: "All due respect, Xena, this is the worst idea you have ever had. I'll never make a convincing farmer."
Xena: "Nonsense. You just need to know how to accessorize. Come on."
[Gabrielle arriva con un carro pieno di galline, un maiale, una mucca e altro.]
Ares: "I'm guessing these are the accessories."
Gabrielle: "Look what I found."

Ares: "This dog is incredibly needy."
Gabrielle: "Why don't you pet it? Then maybe it won't be so needy."
Xena: "Ares, I got a job you might like."
Ares: "Really?"
Xena: "Why don't you go kill a chicken for dinner."
Ares: [Afferrando la sua spada.] "Alright! Now you're talking!"
Gabrielle: "Only one chicken."
Gabrielle: "Think he'll ever get used to this?"Xena: "He just has to convince them once. After that, he can hire in some help or get those dancing girls for all I care. And once he is settled, you and I are out of here."Gabrielle: "Ah, mm-hmm."
Xena: "What?"
Gabrielle: "Xena, I know you want to help Ares, but you're here to relieve you childhood memories."
Xena: "You think?"
Gabrielle: "Yeah."
Xena: "Maybe you're right. I was happy here. It was peaceful and I felt safe. Ever since, my life has been anything but."
Gabrielle: "I'll say. Let's enjoy it while we can."
[Le ragazze guardano Ares mentre cerca di cacciare le galline senza successo. Alla fine l'ex dio rinuncia.]
Ares: [Al cane che lo sta leccando nuovamente.] "Careful... I'm beginning to like that."
Xena: "Uh, Ares? My plan is working perfectly."Ares: "Your plan to drive me insane?"Xena: "No, my plan to deal with Gasgar."Ares: "Are they leaving the valley?"Xena: "No... they're coming right toward us."

Xena: [Si mette l'armatura con l'aiuto di Gabrielle.] "Alright, Ares, if you can pull this one off and convince them you're a farmer, they'll leave and you'll have your cover."
Ares: "But Gasgar and Attila know what I look like."
Xena: "That's the beauty of it. I've asked around. They're the only ones who know what you look like, and they won't be a part of the search party."
Demetrius: [Dall'esterno.] "You inside! Show yourself!"
Xena: "Okay, the official story... Ares passed by here a couple of days ago..."Gabrielle: "Suck it in."Xena: "... and when he left, he was headed for the Hurata Pass."
Demetrius: [Dall'esterno.] "I said, get out here!"
Xena: "Alright, you're on. I'll be out back. Wouldn't do to find a warrior princess hanging out on a farm."
Demetrius: "If you don't come out here, things are going to get ugly!"
Gabrielle: "Go on out there."
Ares: "No, no, no. I'm going to need a moment. Stall."
Gabrielle: "Stall?"
[Gabrielle si scompiglia i capelli e si strappa la camicia.]
Demetrius: "Torch the place."
[Gabrielle esce dalla casa fingendo di essere stata occupata a....]
Gabrielle: "Sorry, I was... um... busy."Demetrius: "Come down here pretty one. Would you like to help us?"Gabrielle: "Of course."
Demetrius: "We're looking for somebody. His name is Ares. Her probably doesn't go by that now. I've never seen him, but they say his looks are dark and women like the look of him."
Gabrielle: "There are a lot of men whose looks I like."
Ares: "Josa! What are you doing?! Get back in the house, woman... Harlot!"
Ares: "What do you want?"
Demetrius: "I want you to drop the attitude, farm boy. And then, I want you to tell me if you've seen anybody suspicious around here."
Ares: "Yes, sir. Yes, I have. That'd be you... oof!"
Demetrius: "Now... give me an answer. Have you seen any tall, dark, handsome guy around here? I'm sure your woman over there would have been all over him if you did."
Xena: [Arrivando in groppa ad Argo] "Wait a minute! If he's out cold how can we question him?"
Demetrius: "He's pretty feisty for a farmer. How do we know he's not Ares himself?"
Xena: "Are you kidding? Ares is much younger than this."
Demetrius: "Oh, yeah. You've seen him. The question is, has he seen him?"
Xena: "That's exactly what I'm going to find out."
Demetrius: "Put the pinch on him. I've never seen it."
Xena: "It's not exactly a spectator sport."
Demetrius: "Yeah, but I've heard it makes the nose gush blood... Are you gonna do it or not?"
[Xena usa il tocco paralizzante su Ares. Quando lo fa, il migliore amico di Ares la attacca e le morde il sedere.]
Xena: "You are going to be dead in thirty seconds, you and your little dog, too, if you don't tell me. Have you seen Ares, God of War?"
Ares: "He stayed here a couple of nights ago and went to the Hurata Pass."
Xena: "The Hurata Pass."
Demetrius: "Good work. I'll let Gasgar know right away."
Xena: "I'm gonna head for the Hurata Pass." [Parte in groppa ad Argo.]
Gabrielle: "Ares... you shouldn't have come out with such an attitude."
Ares: "My woman was about to take on an entire army. I think even a farmer would have just a little bit of an attitude about that, don't you?"
Gabrielle: "I was playing with my character. I just used the first thing that popped into my head."
Ares: "I think that says a lot about you."
Xena: "Well done, Ares. You fooled them. They're gone... [Lancia il chakram al cane che è in groppa al cavallo di Gabrielle.] Get down from there."
Ares: "Hey! Do not be throwing things at my dog."
Xena: "What do you mean? He bit me! Did you say, 'your dog'?"
Ares: "He is the only one who stood up for me just now. I think I'll call you... Horace. Horace, let's go kill some chickens."
Gabrielle: "It's amazing. He's bonded with the dog."Xena: "Well, the dog worships him. That's a relationship Ares can understand."

Gabrielle: "I see you use the pull-and-squeeze method. I prefer the double-squeeze."
Xena: "Double-squeeze takes too long."
Gabrielle: "No, you get more milk that way. It's easier on the cow."
Ares: "The Warrior Princess and the Battling Bard discussing the correct technique for milking a cow - absurd, and yet at the same time ridiculous."Xena: "It's important."
Salesman: "Hello... is anybody there?!"
Ares: [Horace esce dal fienile.] "Horace! Where ya going buddy?"
Gabrielle: "In here!"
Salesman: "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if anyone had seen my dog."
Ares: "Your dog?"
Salesman: "I'm a traveling salesman. I was passing through here a couple of weeks ago and my dog ran off during a thunderstorm. I was just trying to find him. You can't miss him. He's got two different colored eyes."
Ares: "One gray, one blue?"
Salesman: "Yes."
Ares: "I've never seen him."
Salesman: [Sente abbaiare e guarda fuori dalla finestra.] "That's him... that's him!"
Ares: "That's not a dog, it's a horse. We breed them small around here."
Salesman: "No, no, it's really him. Jake! Jake! Come back!"
Ares: "Run, Horace, run."

Demetrius: "Get out of the way."
Salesman: "Oh, I'll be with you later... Now, how may I help you gentlemen?"
Gasgar: [Si avvicina al cane.] "What's he chewing on?"
Salesman: "It's funny you should ask that, because this is one of the most precious items here. Look at that... [Gasgar glie lo toglie di mano.] It's available, for a price."
Gasgar: "Looks like Ares' gauntlet. Where'd you get it?"
Salesman: "Now, that's a very interesting thing in itself, you see--"
Gasgar: "Where'd you get it?!"
Salesman: "My dog found it on a farm."
Gasgar: "What farm?"
Salesman: "A farm."
Gabrielle: "Maybe he buried it."
Ares: "Oh, you are so quick to blame Horace."
Xena: "Well, who else would steal your gauntlet?"
Greba: "Hello. Bad news... Gasgar's turned his army around and is heading back down the valley. A soldier in his army was drunk in a tavern in Ipeiros last night and he says that Gasgar is heading for this farm. Somehow, Gasgar has it in his head that Ares is here. Goodness, aren't people just the funniest things?"
Xena: "Thank you, Greba."
Greba: "Oh, and I also heard that--"
Xena: "Greba, go away."
Greba: "Well, goodbye."

Demetrius: "Gasgar... Xena's here."
Gasgar: "Good. Send her in... I thought you were headed for the Hurata Pass, Xena."
Xena: "And I heard you turned your army around. I didn't want to waste you time. Ares headed through here a couple of days--"
Gasgar: "That's not gonna play... [Lancia a Xena il bracciale di Ares.] Ares' gauntlet. A dog found it on a farm... a farm you happened to ride up on when Demetrius was in the middle of an interrogation. Why are you trying to hide Ares, Xena?"
Gabrielle: "I'll tell you why."
Xena: "Gabrielle, what are you doing here?"Gabrielle: "I'm tired of being used by you, Xena."Xena: "Gabrielle, this is not the time for one of your little spats."
Gabrielle: "You want to know where Ares is?"
Gasgar: "Yeah."
Xena: "Don't listen to her, she's insane."
Gabrielle: "I'll tell you who's insane - you, if you think you can walk away from me. You've fallen in love with Ares and suddenly I'm nothing."
Gasgar: "You've fallen in love with Ares? After all he's done to ya? That's pathetic."Xena: "You want a piece of me, Gasgar?!"Gasgar: "None of my business, really."Xena: "Damn straight!"
Gasgar: "You were about to tell me where Ares is."
Gabrielle: "Yeah."
Xena: "Wouldn't do that if I were you, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Xena, you taught me how to fight. I may be tougher than you think... [Colpisce Xena col petto.] Ares is headed for Pultruis. He's going to hide in a mountain cave."Xena: "Why, I ought'a..."Gabrielle: "Come on, Warrior Princess. Let's see what you got."
[Le ragazze iniziano una lite di gelosia. Gabrielle trova alcune giare di ceramica ed inizia a lanciarle contro a Xena.]
Gasgar: "Whoa! Can we take this outside? Okay, I'll leave... How far to Pultruis?"
Demetrius: "It's a day's ride."
Xena: "Alright. Nice moves."

Ares: "Horace! Oh yeah! Come on!"Gabrielle: "Guess you don't need those flute girls after all."Ares: "Hey, I like his company. It's not like he takes care of all my problems."
Ares: "So, what happened with Gasgar?"
Xena: "Oh, he headed with the others up to the Pultruis Caves. He thought you were hiding out there for some reason."
Ares: "That would be the Pultruis where the beast with seven heads makes his lair?"
Gabrielle: "Eight heads. Not one of them friendly."
Xena: "So, you can stay here for as long as you want. No one will bother you here."
Ares: "Thanks, Xena. But to be honest, once I'm out of chickens, I might just move on."
Xena: "Well, you should drag it out. You know, you might find the kind of peace here that you won't find afterwards. And, who knows, I might come and visit you sometime."Ares: "Or, I could give this whole rural thing a good try." [Fa per baciare Xena ma non ci riesce.]Xena: "Good boy. Have fun."

Gabrielle: "How you feeling?"Xena: "I've learned something since coming back here. You can't look for peace in the world around you. You have to look for it in your own heart. I was happy when I was a kid here because I was loved and felt like I belonged. I was lucky then, and I'm lucky now."Gabrielle: "Me, too."

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