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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Path of vengeance

Episodio: n. 14

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

Mawu-Ka: "You've seen our lands. You've seen our hunting grounds. Our numbers grow bigger everyday. Will you join your tribe with ours?"
Kanai: "These are good lands, but my people grow restless and wish to return home."
Gwyn-Teir: "This valley is the birthplace of the Amazons where Artemis created our people. This is our home... for all of us."
Mawu-Ka: "We can't survive scattered to the winds any longer. Everywhere, Amazons are persecuted. We have united to protect ourselves."
Kanai: "And everything is decided by your council of Queens?"
Varia: "Not everything."
Mawu-Ka: "We uphold Amazon law, but Varia leads our warriors. She is our Queen. She brought us together and made us strong."
Varia: "And now, it's time to use our strength. We've spotted Roman troops combing through our forest."
Gwyn-Teir: "Why would the Romans come here?"
Varia: "Whatever the reason, I'm going to make sure they don't leave."

[Eve si aggira per le foreste amazzoni.]
Romano: [In lontananza.] "Keep moving. She can't be far."
Eve: "What are you doing here?"Romano: "The Emperor dispatched us to be your guard."Eve: "My guard? I'm bringing a message of Peace. I can't come to the Amazons with Roman troops."Romano: "I have my orders. We will accompany you."Eve: "This is insane. Tell the Emperor that I must do this alone. I can't--"
[Tanti gridi di battaglia invadono la foresta ed Eve e le sue guardie vengono circondati dalle amazzoni.]
Soldato: "They're surrounding us!"
Romano: "I thought they were a small tribe."
Eve: "I am a representative of Eli and of Rome! I am here for Peace!"Romano: "I don't think they care... Fall back! Stay together! Keep tight!"
[Le amazzoni attaccano il piccolo gruppo di romani.]
Romano: "Come on! I have to get you out of here!"
Eve: "No. I'm here for a purpose. I'm not leaving."
Varia: "Well, if it isn't Livia."Eve: "I'm Eve, Messenger of Eli."Varia: "Take her prisoner... Whatever name it is that you're going by now, you're going to pay for the crimes you committed against the Amazon Sisterhood."
Romano: [A un soldato.] "We've got to get word back to command! Go back to the last village, find an officer and tell him what's happening. Go!"

Gabrielle: "They won't take us either. He say's there's a legion of Roman soldiers coming through."Xena: "All this movement back towards Rome... I guess this new emperor's really serious about waging Peace, huh?"Gabrielle: "Well, thanks to you."
Xena: "Eve's the one who set him on the road to Peace. Let's find another place."
Gabrielle: "Well, whoever it was, I'm just glad there's an end to the fighting."
Xena: "Yeah."
[Un soldato romano arriva al villaggio e raggiunge le guerriere.]
Soldato: "Amazons. Hundreds."Xena: "No Amazon tribe is that big."Soldato: "Well, I saw it. We didn't have a chance against that many."Gabrielle: "What were you doing on Amazon lands?"Soldato: "The Emperor sent us to protect the Messenger of Eli."
Xena: "The Messenger of Eli, what happened to her?"Soldato: "The Amazons took her prisoner. They were calling her Livia. They seemed set on avenging some wrong she's done to them in her past. I don't know what they're going to do to her."Xena: "They're going to kill her."

Cyane: "What do we do with these?" [Riferendosi ad un gruppo di soldati romani presi prigionieri.]
Varia: "We finish the battle."
Cyane: "But they've surrendered."
Varia: "Finish the battle or they'll just come back and kill more of our sisters."Cyane: "My tribe doesn't kill the enemy once they've surrendered."Varia: [Alle sue amazzoni.] "Come."Cyane: "There's no honor in this, Varia."
Eve: "Varia, no! These men were sent to guard me. They didn't come to fight. I came here in Peace. If you massacre these men, you will be no better than I was."
Varia: "You dare compare me to you?! [Tira uno schiaffo ad Eve.] I'm defending Amazon lands and uniting my people. You were raiding our village for slaves. Marga sentenced you to death if you ever returned to Amazon lands. We let you go last time. This time you're gonna face what you've done."
Eve: "That's why I came."
Varia: "Your clan's gonna protect the pass. No one is to get through to our valley."
Cyane: [Alle sue sorelle.] "You heard her. Let's go."

[Xena e Gabrielle camminano in un sentiero pieno di soldati romani morti.]
Xena: [Una freccia cade ai suoi piedi.] "Cyane's tribe. What are they doing this far south?"
Gabrielle: "I don't know."
Gabrielle: [Spuntano molte amazzoni.] "We're friends of your tribe. We want to talk."Cyane: "Varia, Queen of the Amazon Nation, has ordered that no one is allowed to pass."Xena: "Well, we're coming through."Gabrielle: "Xena, I know you want to save Eve, but these are our friends. Let's keep it that way, alright?"
Gabrielle: "We knew your Queen -- Cyane."
Cyane: "That is my name now. I was given the honor of inheriting her name and rank."
Gabrielle: "This is Xena. I'm Gabrielle."
Cyane: "It is a privilege to meet a fellow Queen of such reputation. The elders of my tribe tell many stories of your deeds. But, I can't go against Varia's orders. She's our leader now."
Xena: "Cyane, these men were executed after surrender. Your namesake would not have stood for that. Now, we need to talk to Varia."
Cyane: "The council is about to meet. You may have a chance to speak to Varia. You may accompany me... and you should know, many of Varia's sisters do not like the path she is leading us on."

Varia: "This woman was banished from our lands under threat of death. Now, she returns with troops at her side as she did years ago... the infamous Bitch of Rome."Xena: "Her name is Eve."
Varia: "These hands enslaved my sisters. Changing her name does not change her crimes."
Xena: "Your Queen Marga already passed judgment on those crimes."
Varia: "And decreed that she would be executed if she ever returned to Amazon lands."
Mawu-Ka: This is an Amazon council. You have no prerogative to be heard here."
Xena: "I'm not leaving here without her."
Gabrielle: "Now, wait."
Gwyn-Teir: "We recognize your right to speak, Queen Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Xena is here with my permission. She has a right to defend her daughter before the Amazon council."
Mawu-Ka: "If she stays, she must abide by our law... continue, Varia."
Varia: "Six years ago, before Livia came to our lands, my tribe was strong. My sister and I were out scouting..."

Livia: "Search the village."
Varia: "Tura, come back. Let's go... Romans! Romans are coming!"
Livia: "Check inside. I don't want anyone hiding... No! Watch the faces. We've got to get the money back at auction."
Varia: "I had the perfect chance. I could have rid the world of Livia, but it was my first battle. I had never killed before..."

[Varia si mette alle spalle di Livia ma non riesce a pugnalarla. Esita quel tanto che basta per permettere a Livia di girarsi, colpirla e sollevare la spada per ucciderla. Tura si libera e si mette davanti a sua sorella per proteggerla. Livia uccide Tura.]
Varia: "If I had killed Livia, I would still have my tribe and my sister. I can't undo the past, but we can redeem it with justice!"
Eve: "Varia's telling the truth. I did those things."
Mawu-Ka: "The accused has confessed to her crimes. Her guilt is not in question. All that remains to be decided is the form of punishment."
Gwyn-Teir: "The law is clear, death or banishment."
Varia: "She was banished before, and returned. This time, she dies."
Mawu-Ka: "All in favor of the execution of Livia of Rome, also know as Eve, stand and be counted."

Xena: [Al consiglio delle amazzoni.] "You're not doing this!"Gabrielle: "By Amazon law, Xena has the right to defend the accused."Varia: "She confessed. What could her defense be?"Xena: "You give me time, I'll present one."
Cyane: "Gabrielle and Xena have done enough for the Amazons to deserve this."
Kanai: "You have one hour to present your case."
Xena: "Did you notice that sword Varia had?"
Gabrielle: "Eve had a sword like that... when she was Livia."
Xena: "That's right. She got it from Ares."

Xena: "Varia... Marga believed that one day you'd be a great Queen. She asked me to train you for that, but I see I failed her."
Varia: "No, you haven't failed. I'm grateful for your training, but I'm on my own now."
Xena: "Is that so?" [Attacca Varia.]
Xena: "Anyone who's ever seen me use that move is dead... except for Ares. He's training you now, isn't he? For what?"
Varia: "He's helping me build the Amazon Nation, and we're doing it, Xena."
Xena: "He doesn't care about you or the Amazon Nation."
Varia: "The Amazons are tired of being pushed around. We are going to fight back united and strong, with the God of War as our ally."
Xena: "You don't need him, Varia. It's within you to lead the Amazons. You're the one."
Amazon: "They want to hear your defense."
Varia: "No, Xena, you're wrong. I do need him."

Xena: "Alright, Eve, why did you raid Varia's tribe?"
Eve: "Slaves."
Xena: "Slaves? Why would any commander lead a regiment of men through swamp and forest, and then engage the fiercest warriors in the land in the vain hope of making them slaves? What really happened? ...Eve, Ares is leading the Amazons into a suicidal war against the Romans. You can make them see how he operates. If you don't care about yourself, at least care about them."
Eve: "I committed these crimes, Mother. I must tell the truth."
Xena: "Then tell the whole truth."
Eve: "I was fighting two campaigns in the north. I was taking provinces for Rome..."

Livia: "So... where are we?"
Romano: [Indica dei punti su una mappa.] "We hold these areas here, here and here. These others will fall before the end of the day."
Livia: "Alright, leave me."
Ares: "What's wrong? Campaign not going to plan?"
Livia: "Exactly as I planned. We're running out of territories to capture. We'll wage so much war, we'll have nothing but peace."
Ares: "You haven't been there." [Indica un punto su una mappa.]
Livia: "Amazon lands? There's nothing to be gained there."
Ares: "Not all gains are showed on a map. I'm talking about glory. The name 'Livia.' What would the world say if you were to conquer the fierce Amazons... for kicks. Or, even better, sold them as slaves. See, I know this Persian warlord, Gurkhan. He has a taste for the exotic."
Livia: "Hm... It doesn't make sense. Even with a surprise raid, I'd still lose men."Ares: "Trust me on this. If you enslave the Amazons, you can watch the name 'Livia' spread all over the world."
Xena: "So, Ares was behind the raid."
Eve: "Yeah."
Varia: "Ares wants a strong Amazon Nation. He's helping me build it."
Xena: "Ares helps no one but himself."
Varia: "I'll find out the truth... from him."
Xena: "I'd consider Eve's verdict carefully, because you're also choosing a path for your people."
Mawu-Ka: "You've had your say, Xena. The Amazons will decide now."
Gwyn-Teir: "You wish to be heard, Gabrielle?"
Gabrielle: "I wish to join the council in the deliberation."
Kanai: "As a Queen you have that right."
Cyane: "We could use your wisdom."
Gabrielle: "Xena... I think I can make them understand what Ares is like. Varia already has her doubts."
Xena: "Still, Ares can be very persuasive. He's managed to con them all so far."
Gabrielle: "Just be patient, Xena. Let me try this. There's wisdom in the Amazon ways."
Xena: "Like the time they painted you blue and made you howl at the moon to consecrate your queenliness?"
Xena: "Look, if can't talk 'em round, I'm getting Eve out of here the old-fashioned way."

Varia: "Ares!"
Ares: "Whoa, is that any way to request the company of your patron god?"
Varia: "You were behind the raid that killed my sisters. Eve told us what happened."
Ares: "And you believed her?"
Varia: "Just tell me the truth."
Ares: "Okay."
Ares: "Artemis was content to let your sisters dwindle away in separate tribes. I saw it coming. I tried to warn her."
Varia: "That doesn't explain the raid."
Ares: "Well, I knew when word of the raid spread, it'd bring the tribes together. You see, hate is a very powerful emotion, Varia. It unites people."
Varia: "That's no excuse for turning my sisters into slaves."
Ares: "I knew Gurkhan would never take Amazons as slaves. They're too spirited to fetch a dinar on the auction block. So Livia took them to market, couldn't make a dinar. I mean, what she did..."
Varia: "What?"
Ares: "She threw them overboard. I mean, she tossed them like spoiled cargo. They still had their shackles on."
Varia: "I want to build an army to bring them back home."
Ares: Well, you can never bring them back, but you can stop this from ever happening again."
Ares: "Eve and Rome are hand-in-hand in the slaughter. So, you know what you do? You lead your sisters against the Romans and you show them you mean business."

Gabrielle: "You know that Ares was behind the raid. Why do you condemn Eve?"
Cyane: "Ares may have put the idea in her head, but it was Eve's hand on the sword."
Mawu-Ka: "She admits her crimes. It is our duty to uphold the laws. If your heart is truly with the Amazon Nation, you must know we speak the truth."
Varia: "Amazon tradition states that the council must speak with one voice. We're growing impatient. What is your vote, sister?"
Amazzone: [A Xena che sta a spettando fuori.] "They're giving the verdict."
Kanai: "We have all made our votes, what have you decided?"Gabrielle: [Si alza.] "Guilty."

Mawu-Ka: "The verdict is 'guilty'."
Gabrielle: [Seguendo Xena.] "Xena... Xena, I had no choice. I had to vote with them. If they had kicked me off the council, they would have found Eve guilty anyway. It was the only thing I could do to save her life."Xena: "By condemning her to death?"
Gabrielle: "No. Xena, this way I have a voice. I can plead Eve's case when they go to sentence her, and I can try to wake up the Amazons to Ares' ways."Xena: "I just can't talk to you right now." [Se ne va.]Gabrielle: "Xena!"

Xena: "Ares! Ares, come out!"
Voce di Ares: "Xena..."
Xena: "Ares, why are you doing this to me?!"
Voce di Ares: "Tell me, Xena, have you heard the story of the scorpion and the swan?"
Xena: "You haven't even got the guts to face me!"
Voce di Ares: "See, the scorpion needs to get across the river, and he asks the swan for a ride. And the swan figures it's not much of a risk. He wouldn't sting the creature who's carrying him over the raging river."
Xena: "My daughter's about to die because of you, and you're feeding me fairy tales?"
Voce di Ares: "Bear with me, it's worth the wait. So, about half way across, the scorpion stings the swan. And, as they're both being swept away to their death, the swan asks the scorpion, 'I was helping you, why did you sting me?' And the scorpion answers..." [Appare dietro a Xena.]Xena: " 'It's what I do.'"Ares: "Yeah, it's what I do."
Ares: "See, I lost a lot of worshippers when I became mortal, and I need something major on my scorecard."
Xena: "Like the biggest war in centuries."
Ares: "No... in history. Those crazy Amazons, the ruthless Romans, both of them worshipping me for success in battle. What a blast. I'm the God of War, this is what I do."
Xena: "You're a son of a bitch."
Xena: "You think I'm gonna let you kill my daughter?"
Ares: "She wasn't invited to the party. She got involved of her own free will."
Xena: "I may no longer be able to kill gods, Ares, but I'm not going to let this happen without a fight."
Ares: "I believe you."

Varia: "The council is finished. Now I decided the sentence... As Queen of the Amazon Nation, and in the name of our god Ares, I sentence Livia of Rome--"
Gabrielle: "Wait."
Cyane: "Varia is the Queen, Gabrielle. She decides the sentence."Gabrielle: "I use my right to challenge. You are not Queen, Varia, until you defeat me."Varia: "You had a better chance of saving her with words, Gabrielle."

Xena: "Gabrielle... Look, I don't want you to do this. Let me fight, Varia."Gabrielle: "Xena, it doesn't work that way. I challenged Varia. It's my fight. Promise that you won't interfere. If I'm Queen, I can pardon Eve and uphold the Amazon law. You know it's the right thing to do. Promise me."Xena: "Alright."
[Gabrielle e Varia combattono.]
Gabrielle: "Varia, it's not me you should be fighting! It's Ares!"
Gabrielle: "Open your eyes, Varia. Ares is destroying you. He's going to lead you to ruin."
Varia: "Actually, Gabrielle. [Fa alcune mosse.] Ares taught me that, and he taught me this."
[Varia inizia a picchiare duramente Gabrielle mentre Xena non può far altro che guardare.] Xena: [Prende Gabrielle tra le braccia.] "Oh, Gabrielle."

Xena: "Gabrielle?"Gabrielle: "Xena, I'm sorry."Xena: "No. No, I'm sorry. Gabrielle, you did all that you could to save Eve. Now I have to do what I have to do."Gabrielle: "Go. It's okay."

Xena: "Ares! Come out! I can smell you."
Ares: "I'm just here to give a little moral support."
Xena: "No, you're here to gloat. Now that you've got your godhood back, you've got everything you always wanted, haven't you?"
Ares: "Well, not exactly everything, but, hey, que sera. I mean, hey, c'mon, I'm not begrudging what you want. Go and grab your kid. I won't get in the way. In fact, I'm kinda looking forward to seeing you take on a few dozen Amazons."
Xena: "Yeah, that'd be a nice warm-up for the main event, huh?"
Ares: "Can I help it if I've played this like the malevolent genius I am? Remember what the scorpion said."Xena: "Ares, the scorpion drowned."

[Le amazzoni portano Eve vicino ad alcuni crateri pieni di una sostanza bollente. Xena arriva ad impedire la condanna.]
Varia: "I don't want to fight you, Xena."Xena: "You got that right."
Varia: "I followed all the Amazon laws. I'm doing this for my sisters."
Kanai: "You defy her, you defy the whole Amazon Nation."
Xena: "She's not doing this for the Amazon Nation. She's doing it out of guilt... You couldn't bring yourself to kill Livia when it really mattered, and you've been carrying that around ever since."
Varia: "I didn't kill my sisters, she did."
Xena: "But you could have saved them. You couldn't bring yourself to kill for them, and now it's too late. You blame yourself."
[Xena e Varia combattono. Col suo nuovo allenamento, Varia riesce a tener testa a Xena.]
Xena: Varia, if you follow Ares now, you'll be worse than Livia ever was. You'll become everything you hate. You don't believe me? You already have... [Mette via la spada.] You want vengeance, Varia? You can start with me."
[Varia realizza quello che sta facendo e si ferma. Evi va subito a confortarla.] Xena: [Alle amazzoni che stanno guardando.] "This is the pain that awaits you if you follow Ares' path."
Varia: "Amazons... Xena's our friend. We have to talk."
Ares: [Appare dopo che se ne sono andate le amazzoni.] "You had this planned all along. You are so good."Xena: "It's what I do."Ares: "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Varia: "This woman has pleaded guilty to her crimes. Even she admits that she can never do enough good to erase the evil that she has done, and yet, she is willing to keep trying. As Queen of the Amazon Nation, I hereby sentence Livia, Killer of Amazons, to death... so that Eve, the Messenger of Peace, may live."Cyane: [A Eve.] "You are free to go."

Xena: "Thank you, Varia."
Varia: "You were ready to let me kill you just so I could see that I was headed down the wrong path."
Xena: "I knew the truth was inside you. You just needed a chance to decide what was right."
Varia: "Thank you."

Xena: "They've forgiven you, Eve. Maybe you should think about forgiving yourself."
Eve: "Have you forgiven yourself, Mother?"
Xena: "Good point."
Eve: "I know what I have to do. I have decided to go east, to Chin and the land of Indus. Eli's message will be heard."
Xena: "Now?"
Eve: "Yeah."
Xena: "You mean now."
Eve: "Thank you for saving my mother, for bringing her such happiness. I'm forever in your debt."Gabrielle: "Eve..."Eve: "Gabrielle..."Gabrielle: "You don't owe me a thing."
Eve: "And thank you for giving me life so many times. I love you."Xena: "I love you, too."
Xena: "Um... why don't we walk with you a ways?"Gabrielle: "Yeah."Eve: "No. I need to do this on my own. Goodbye."Xena: [Mentre Eve se ne va.] "Stay out of trouble!"

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