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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

The last of the centaurs

Episodio: n. 17

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

Xenan: "This way. It's not far, now."
Centauro #1: "Anyone would think he's in a hurry."
Soldato: "Get them!"
Centauro #1: "We're under attack!"
Soldato: "That's him! That's the one we want!"
Centauro #2: "There's too many of them! [A Xenan.] Get out of here! Go!"

Xena: [Annoiata.] "Clothes."
Gabrielle: "Yes. Oh, very nice."
Xena: "Gabrielle, you'll never buy that."
Gabrielle: "Xena, I'm not buying them... I'm shopping."
Xena: "Oh."
Gabrielle: "Different."
Ephiny: "Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Alright, Xena, I know, it's not me."
Ephiny: "As beautiful as ever."
Gabrielle: "Ephiny? It can't be."
Xena: "What can't be what?"
Gabrielle: "Xena, it's... it's Ephiny."
Xena: "No, Ephiny's been dead for years."
Gabrielle: "Xena, she's here. She is with us, right now. I'm not seeing things. I mean, I am. Ephiny's spirit is here."
Xena: "Ephiny? We've missed you."
Ephiny: "I missed you, friends. Gabrielle? My son, Xenan, he's in danger. I need your help."
Gabrielle: "Xenan's in danger?"
Xena: "She's talking to you?"
Gabrielle: "Can't you see her?"
Xena: "No."
Ephiny: "Gabrielle, only you can."
Gabrielle: "Why me?"
Xena: "Because you're an Amazon. You're bonded through your right of caste."
Ephiny: "That's right."
Gabrielle: "How do you know that your son's in danger?"
Xena: "She can sense it."
Uomo: "Attention, everyone!"
Ephiny: "Gabrielle, look."
Uomo: "Lord Belach has placed a bounty on the head of this Centaur."
Gabrielle: "That's Xenan."
Xena: "Who's putting up this bounty?"
Uomo: "Lord Belach."
Xena: "I think maybe we offer our services to Lord Belach."

Soldato: "Lord Belach." [Xena, Gabrielle e lo spirito di Ephiny entrano.]
Belach: "More bounty hunters, I take it."
Gabrielle: [A Xena.] "Are you alright?"
Ephiny: "She's staring in the face of her past. This man is the spitting image of Borias. He was Xena's lover."
Belach: "Well, have you found him?"
Xena: "Not yet, but we will.
Xena: "What's this Centaur done to make you want him so badly?"
Belach: "That half-man, half-horse monstrosity stole my daughter, Nicha."
Xena: "This place seems pretty well-guarded. How did he manage that?"
Belach: "She was snatched up by that thing and carried away."
Xena: "Why would he do a thing like that?"
Belach: "I've received no ransom demands, so I can only assume the worst. I'll hunt down every last one of those animals if that's what it takes to get my daughter back."
Ephiny: "You're the animal!"
Gabrielle: [A Ephiny.] "Take it easy."
Xena: "What?"
Belach: "Take it easy?! You think you could take it easy if your child was stolen?!"
Xena: "No, no. Look, pay no attention to her.
Xena: "Your father was Borias."
Belach: "That name is not to be spoken here."
Xena: "I meant no offense."
Belach: "My father was a warlord, a cruel-hearted man. Everything I have done, everything I have built, all you see around you has been done despite being his son."
Xena: "And he died when you were a child."
Belach: "How do you know that?"
Xena: "I've heard the legend. Borias was a hero to the Centaurs. Using his name might get your daughter back faster than any needless war."
Belach: "I have let those freaks live on my land for years. It was a mistake. My wife, Leone, died bringing Nicha into the world. She's all I have left."
Xena: "I'll bring your daughter back."

Ephiny: "He came through here, I'm sure of it."
Gabrielle: "Ephiny says that we're on his trail."
Xena: "Good. That should put us ahead of the bounty hunters."
Gabrielle: "Xena, if Belach is Borias' son, does that mean that he's your--?"
Xena: "No, no, Borias had a son before I came along, and that was Lord Belach."
Gabrielle: "There's something about him, Xena. He's dangerous."
Xena: "He's grieving."
Gabrielle: "It is Xenan we're supposed to be helping, right?"
Xena: "Gabrielle, I owe Belach."
Ephiny: "My son never would have taken her against her will."
Gabrielle: "I know, Ephiny."
Xena: "Belach's daughter was taken by a Centaur. He's not going to listen to reason till he gets her back. You can't blame him for that."

Ephiny: "Xenan, my son. Last time I saw you, you were, a child. Can't you sense that I'm here?"
Xenan: "Somebody's there."
Ephiny: "Yes, it's your mother."
Xenan: "Show yourself!"
Xena: "Xenan, we're here to help. Where's Nicha?"
Xenan: "How do you know my name?"
Xena: "You were named after me. I'm Xena. I delivered you at birth."
Xenan: "You're not old enough to be Xena."
Gabrielle: "It's a long story, but it's true. I was there, too."
Ephiny: "Xenan, they're your friends."
Xena: "Belach is after you. Why aren't you with your brothers?"
Xenan: "That's none of your concern."
Ephiny: "Gabrielle, tell him I'm here."
Gabrielle: "Alright, Ephiny."
Xenan: "Why do you say my mother's name?"
Gabrielle: "Your mother's spirit is here."
Xenan: "Can you say anything that doesn't insult my intelligence?"
Ephiny: "Gabrielle, do you know the Amazon lullaby?"
Gabrielle: "Yeah... [A Xena.] ... it's okay."
Ephiny: "Sing it with me. He'll understand. I changed the words when I used to sing it to him."
Ephiny & Gabrielle: "Moon shines bright, by fire's light. Amazon baby, sleep tonight."
Xenan: "A lot of people know that song."
Ephiny & Gabrielle: "Hush-a-bye. Please don't cry. Xenan sings his lullaby. Xenan sings his lullaby."
Xenan: "Mother? Are you really here?"
Ephiny: "I'm here, my love."
Gabrielle: "She's here. She brought us to you."
Xenan: "Nicha! Come! They're friends. This is my Nicha." [Una ragazza incinta arriva.]

Xena: "Give me your hand. It's a boy, a Centaur."
Ephiny: "My grandson."
Gabrielle: "How long?"
Xena: "Any time, right, Nicha?"
Nicha: "I've been feeling some pains already."
Gabrielle: "Your father didn't mention this. I take it it didn't slip his mind."
Xenan: "He doesn't know."
Nicha: "No one does. I've been keeping to myself the last few months. He hardly looks at me anyway. I think I remind him too much of my mother."
Xena: "Your father loves you."
Nicha: "I love Xenan, and he loves me."
Gabrielle: "We can't take her back now."
Xena: "We're going to have to go back and talk to Lord Belach."
Xenan: "Talk? It's gone way past that. Belach has declared war on all the Centaurs."
Xena: "The Centaurs should not be at war with the son of Borias."
Xenan: "Belach is the son of Borias?"
Xena: "And the blood of Borias is in your son."
Xena: "Where are your brothers now?"
Xenan: "Camped in a secret place not far from here."
Xena: "We'll escort you there and find a safe place for you all. Then we can negotiate peace with Lord Belach. He may think differently, knowing his daughter's pregnant. Come on."

Gabrielle: "I don't understand, Xena, you owe Belach for what?"
Xena: "When I met his father, Borias, he was a rising warlord, and me... I was just ambitious."
Xena: "It gets lonely at the top."
Borias: "You push your luck, Xena."
Xena: "Always."
Borias: "Natasha will see us."
Xena: "She knows what kind of man she has. Have you had time to consider my campaign?"
Borias: "Toward the East? I've told you, I can't feed and transport my army halfway across the world."
Xena: "That's why we leave your army and start from scratch in the East."
Borias: "After I've paid off all my men and divided the treasure among them... You want to just take off and keep everything for us?"
Xena: "By the time anyone finds out where we are, we'll be so formidable they wouldn't dare come after us. They're thugs, Borias. They'd slit your throat for a dinar."
Borias: "This campaign would take me away from Natasha. You and I would be together a long time."
Xena: "For all time. So, do you wanna live here in squalor, or ride to glory with me?"
Borias: "How can I decide when I've never ridden with you?"
Xena: "Giddy-up."
Xena: "Wait just a minute."
Borias: "What are you doing?"
Xena: "I'll be back in a minute... [Prende il giovane Belach che li stava spiando.] Word of advice for ya, kid, never step between two people and their passion."

Xena: "I shamed his mother and stole his father, Gabrielle. I can't let him lose his daughter as well."

Ephiny: [Entra nel villaggio dei centauri.] "It's completely devastated."
Gabrielle: "Where are they?"
[Il gruppo si ritrova davanti ad un fosso pieno di centauri morti.]
Xena: "Son of Borias, what have you done?"
Ephiny: "This was prophecy. I haven't changed anything."
Xena: "Belach's men must have encircled your brothers and driven them into this pit. There was no escape."
Gabrielle: "What kind of man could do this?"
Xenan: "They're gone, every last one, all dead. Belach will pay for this!"
Gabrielle: "Xenan, you can't risk yourself. Not now."
Xenan: "Out of my way!
Nicha: "Whatever my father has done, you have to stay alive for your son, for me."
Xenan: "Then who will see justice done?"
Xena: "I will."

Belach: "I see you haven't brought my daughter to me."
Xena: "I talked to her."
Belach: "Tell me where she is."
Xena: "She is with her husband, mourning his people."
Belach: "Her what?"
Xena: "Xenan didn't kidnap her. She's carrying his baby. They're in love, Belach. Do you have any idea what you have done?"
Belach: "What I had to do."
Xena: "You're the son of Borias. How could you have betrayed your father's legacy?"
Belach: "What do you know about my father."
Xena: "I know that he defended the Centaurs when they were betrayed."
Belach: "Yes, by that faithless bitch that took my father from me when I was a child. All this, I have built... [Guarda fuori dalla finestra.] ...that is my achievement. But it means nothing without my daughter to give me an heir. I want a grandson to be loved and cherished, not some bastard offspring of a Centaur!"
Xena: "Centaurs are a proud and noble race. Your father knew that."
Belach: "He was an ignorant savage... [Ad un soldato.] Sweep the land until you find that Centaur! When you do, kill him!"
Xena: [Impugna la spada.] "Tip for ya, kid, never step between two people and their passion."

Xena: "Wait just a minute."
Borias: "What are you doing?"
Xena: "I'll be back in a minute... Word of advice for ya, kid, never step between two people and their passion."
Belach: "You... it can't be."
Xena: "It is, now you're coming with me."
Belach: "I'm not going anywhere with you. Guards! Seize her!"
Xena: "Come here... [Combatte contro alcuni soldati e poi butta fuori dalla finestra Belach facendolo atterrare su un cavallo.] ...after you."

Xena: "I suppose I don't need to tell you my name now."
Belach: "Xena, I realized who you were the moment I heard you say those words. I've always wanted to meet you again."
Xena: "I bet you did."
Belach: "To say I'm grateful. If you hadn't stolen my father, I'd be following in his muddy footprints."
Xena: "You think you're so very different to him?"
Belach: "I am nothing like my father!"
Xena: "You're right. Your father would never stoop to do what you've done. He was better than that."
Belach: "Better?! Are we remembering the same man?! Are we remembering the day you took him from us?!"
Natasha: "Belach? Belach! What happened?" [Il piccolo Belach indica la tenda in cui si trovano Borias e Xena.]
Borias: "Natasha! Natasha!"
Natasha: "What can you say to me?! Me and your son?! Or that whore?! You must choose, Borias!"
Borias: "If you were more of a woman, I wouldn't have to choose!"
[Borias salta in groppa al cavallo di Xena. Prima di andarsene, si toglie il medaglione e lo lancia a suo figlio.]

Belach: "When my father's army broke up, we fell into servitude. While we were starved and beaten, I heard about his exploits cutting across the East with that woman, with you... [Prende il medaglione di suo padre.] … this is the only thing my father left me."
Xena: "You kept it?"
Belach: "Not for sentimental reasons, I can assure you, only to remind me of what scum he was and how far I've come."
Xena: [Davanti al fosso con i cadaveri dei centauri.] "Lord Belach, so fine, so cultured, look how far you've come, to wipe out an entire race. You're right, you are nothing like your father."
Belach: "I did what had to be done."
Xena: "You look again. You look again and you tell me you feel nothing. If your daughter saw this who would she think is more civilized, you or Borias?"
Belach: "Why have you brought me here? Why don't you just kill me?"
Xena: "I might yet."
Belach: "No, I don't think so. What's the matter? Do I look too much like my father? You had a son with Borias, didn't you, Xena? Would it be too much like slitting his throat?"
Xena: "No. I just wanted you to know who Borias really was. Stay awhile amongst the dead. Tell them how far you've come, what a fine lord you are."

Nicha: "Oh! I have to stop!"
Ephiny: "Gabrielle, it is time."
Gabrielle: "We have to get her to shelter. Down there."
Xenan: "Nicha, what can I do?"
Gabrielle: "Go and keep a lookout. We'll call for you. Go on."
Ephiny: "Gabrielle." [Mostra il luogo adatto per far stendere Nicha.]
Gabrielle: "Slow down. Breathe slowly. Come on, sh. Slow down. Slow down. Slow your breathing down."

Soldato: [Si avvicina alla casa abbandonata.] "This way."

Nicha: "What am I doing here?! I never should have left! Xenan!"

Soldato: [Vede Xenan che si allontana dalla casa.] "There! Come on! He's getting away!"
Cacciatore di taglie #1: "Let them have the Centaur. Why settle for a bounty? Belach will pay a ransom for his daughter."

Gabrielle: "You have to stay calm, Nicha."
Nicha: "I wanna push!"
Ephiny: "Not yet. She can't."
Gabrielle: "You can't push. Breathe with me. Just stay with me. Breathe slow. Breathe with me."
Ephiny: "That's it, Gabrielle. Just keep talking to her. Calm her."
Cacciatore di taglie #1: "Let's check in here."
Ephiny: "Gabrielle, someone's here."
Cacciatore di taglie #1: "Search that side."
Cacciatore di taglie #2: "They're not here."
Cacciatore di taglie #1: "Yes, they are."
[Xena mette fuori combattimento i due cacciatori di taglie.]
Xena: "How close is she?"
Gabrielle: "Very."
Xena: "Okay, Nicha, we're gonna take good care of you, I promise."
Nicha: "Okay."
Xena: "Gabrielle, I'm gonna make an incision. [Da' a Gabrielle il chakram.] Make this as clean as you can."
Gabrielle: "Why are they hunting us? Did you stop Belach?"
Xena: "I took him back to the Centaur camp. I thought if I could show him what he'd done--"
Gabrielle: "Did you get through to him? Xena, you should have killed him."
Xena: "Gabrielle, I couldn't. He's Borias' son, her father."
Gabrielle: "He slaughtered the Centaurs, and he won't stop until he kills Xenan."
Nicha: "Xenan! Where are you?! I need you!"
Gabrielle: "Did you see Xenan out there?"
Xena: "No. Nicha, I'm going to take away your pain now and everything is going to be just fine, okay? [Usa il tocco per togliere sensibilità alla parte da tagliare.] Alright? Good."
Gabrielle: "Stay with us. You're doing so well. Stay with us."
Xena: [Inizia l'incisione con il chakram.] "Yes. There he is... Oh, he's beautiful."
Ephiny: "Is that my grandson? He's perfect."
Xena: "He's beautiful, Nicha."
Gabrielle: "I'll give her stitches."
Belach: [Dall'esterno.] "Xena?!"
Belach: "Even trade, Xena! I've got the Centaur! Give me my daughter!"

Belach: "Not another step! Or we'll snap his neck! Give me my daughter, and I'll spare the Centaur!"
Xena: "I've got a better idea, give me the Centaur and I'll spare you."
Belach: "Kill him!"
[Il chakram di Xena libera Xenan.]
Belach: "Attack her!"
[Xena combatte.]
Xena: "Xenan! Get Nicha and the baby and get out of here here! I'll hold them!"

Xenan: "My boy."
Ephiny: [A Gabrielle.] "They have reinforcements. Xena needs help."
Gabrielle: [A Xenan.] "You have to get out of here. Be careful, she's weak."
Xenan: "Nicha, we have to go."
Nicha: "My father and Xena, they could kill each other because of us."
Xenan: "There's nothing we can do about it. We have to survive."
Nicha: "For what? What future can we give our son?"

Gabrielle: "You know what you have to do, Xena."
Xena: "We'll see."
Nicha: "No! Stop it!"
Belach: "Nicha?!"
Nicha: "Stop it, now!"
Belach: "Nicha, get away from him! Come here! You don't belong with him! Not with his kind!"
Xenan: "You'll have to kill me first."
Nicha: "No! Can't you see?! I love him! The way that you loved my mother!"
Belach: "You don't know what love is!"
Gabrielle: "You have to do it, Xena."
Xena: "I will kill you, Belach."
Belach: "I'm prepared to die for my child."
Xena: "Your father was the same."
Belach: "When was my father ever willing--"
Xena: "For our baby, your brother. You spent your life trying to be the opposite to your father, but what you don't know is that when he grew away from me, he grew into a better man."

Xena: "Kill him." [Borias difende i centauri e fugge da Xena assieme a loro.]
"...I had broken a treaty with the Centaurs. Borias stood against me, risking his life to keep his word. On the night I gave birth, he went up against my entire army to see the boy. I had seduced him away from his first family. He never forgave himself for that. He didn't wanna lose another son..."
Xena: [Mentre partorisce.] " Borias!"
Satrina: "It's your son, Xena. Come on! We have to go! Come on, Xena!"
Borias: [Mortente.] "My, son."

Xena: "Borias died trying to change what he'd become. That was the real story of your father. How will your story end, Belach?"
Rinforzi: "Over there... There they are... Surround them!"
Xena: "It's up to you now, Belach. Do you want your daughter to hate you the same way you hated your father? The killing can end here, Belach, or..."
Belach: "No... No! This is over. She belongs with him."
Belach: "Forgive me, Nicha. Give this... [medaglione di Borias] ... to your son. When he is old enough to understand, tell him--"
Nicha: "No, when the time comes, you tell him... We have given him a name, Borias."

Belach: "This was your mother's land. Your family can live here in safety and peace."
Nicha: "It's beautiful."
Ephiny: "Gabrielle? Please, let me appear to my son."
Gabrielle: "How?"
Ephiny: "I can be in your body for just a few moments. Just clear your mind."
Xenan: "Mother."
Ephiny: "I've been trying and trying to talk to you, but now I don't know what to say."
Xenan: "You don't have to say anything."
Ephiny: "Borias... Moon shines bright, like fire's light. Amazon baby, sleep tonight. Hush-a-bye. Please don't cry... I have to leave, now. Xenan, I will always be there. You won't see me, but I'll be there."
Xenan: "I have a feeling I'll know when you are."
Gabrielle: "We'll miss her."

Gabrielle: "Xena, I'm glad you didn't kill Belach."
Xena: "Oh, now you're glad."
Gabrielle: "You know? Different roads lead to the same place."
Xena: "Very wise, only on your road he'd be dead."
Gabrielle: "Right. I can be wise, sometimes."
Xena: "Yeah, right."
Gabrielle: "I can, really."
Xena: "Yeah. I'm agreeing with you... as always."

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