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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

When fates collide

Episodio: n. 18

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

Julius Caesar: "Goodbye, Xena... Break her legs." -- Destiny
Julius Caesar: [Esaminando un filo dal telaio delle Parche.] "Stop... Back it up... Now... There... Let's take a look at that."
Xena: "Why don't you and I work together?"
Julius Caesar: "So, you wanna help me conquer the world."
Xena: "Why not? We'd make an unstoppable team."
Xena: "I'd love to join forces with you."
Julius Caesar: "Some enemies are harder than others."
Xena: "Oh, I count on it." -- Destiny
Julius Caesar: "Much better... It's ironic, isn't it? How a single step can change the entire path of one's destiny. Had I not betrayed Xena, I'd be ruling Rome today. Instead, I get stabbed in the back by my good friend, Brutus, while Xena gets to ride off into the sunset with her girlfriend. Hardly a fitting end for Julius Caesar."
Clotho: "You cannot change your fate..."
Lachesis: "... once it has been chosen."
Atropos: "Unchain us now and accept your destiny."
Julius Caesar: "Let me tell you about my destiny. With Hades out of the picture, underworld security's become rather, uh, lax, which brings me to this defining Xena moment... [Taglia il filo della vita di Xena.] ...mysterious ...romantic ...good lighting."
Atropos: "Tampering with the loom will alter the very fabric of life..."
Clotho: "... changing not only your destiny..."
Lachesis: "... but that of countless others."
Julius Caesar: [Manda il filo della vita di Xena verso un altro destino nel telaio.] "Oh, I'm counting on it."

Julius Caesar: "That grain must be allocated. The people must eat."
Brutus: "Caesar?"
Julius Caesar: "Excuse me... What news, Brutus?"
Brutus: "The Chinese emissaries have arrived."
Julius Caesar: "Ah, excellent. Lao Ma's peacemakers."
Brutus: "This visit is very important to us."
Julius Caesar: "Of course. And, as always, Brutus, I greatly appreciate your counsel... my good friend. Now, escort them in."

[Soldati romani aprono le porte del foro e si ritrovano davanti una donna in groppa ad un cavallo nero. La donna entra colpendo tutti i soldati. Avvicinandosi a Caesar e a Brutus lancia delle frecce contro di loro mancandoli di proposito.]
Xena: [Scende dal cavallo e si toglie l'elmo.] "My Emperor."
Julius Caesar: "My Empress."

Julius Caesar: "I have some entertainment planned for my lady tonight."Xena: "A new wrestler from Thrace?"Julius Caesar: "No, a new play from Athens. I thought you'd appreciate a taste of your own culture."Xena: "More drivel from old men with tricky names. That was very thoughtful of you."
Brutus: "Emperor..."
Julius Caesar: "Ah, honored emissaries."
Xena: "Well, the senate is meeting to vote on new weaponry for my men. I feel I should be there."
Julius Caesar: "Of course. Brutus, accompany her, please... Representatives of Lao Ma, from the land of Chin, welcome. Now, what have you brought for me?"
Emissario: "Directly from Lao Ma's hand." [Consegna una pergamena a Caesar.]
Julius Caesar: "Hm, Lao Ma's reputation for fairness is well-deserved. Rome accepts her offer of an alliance with Chin. Now, please, accept my offer of hospitality for the evening."
Julius Caesar: "May I introduce Alti... [Una mano prende per il collo gli emissari.] ...High Priestess of Rome."
Alti: "The pleasure is all mine... [Toglie la vita ai due emissari con i suoi poteri.] A lifetime of pain in one exquisite moment."
Julius Caesar: "Xena's right. You are ambitious."

Attore: "The love we have is stronger than the Elysian Fields or Tartarus."Attrice: "We're going be together for eternity."Attore: "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
Attore: "Let me introduce to you, the writer of `Fallen Angel' ...Greece's own Gabrielle, the visionary voice of Athens."
[Gabrielle sale sul palco e Xena reagisce immediatamente alla sua presenza. I loro occhi si guardano e rimangono attratte l'una dall'altra .]

Xena: [Parla con la poetessa da cui è attratta.] "I found your play very moving."
Alti: "What do you suppose the Empress and the writer are discussing, hm? Horse riding? Sword play?"
Brutus: "Emperor, I need to speak with you immediately."
Julius Caesar: "Really, Brutus, this isn't a good time."
Brutus: "Regarding Chin and her emissaries."
Julius Caesar: "Ah, yes, of course. Excuse me."
Xena: "What inspires you?"
Gabrielle: "It's like the words come from somewhere else. I just write them down. But you, Empress, all of Rome talks about you. The country thrives. The people adore you. They say that the army would follow you through the gates of Hades."
Xena: "Well, everything has its price, Gabrielle."
Brutus: "You ordered Lao Ma's emissaries killed?"
Julius Caesar: "Yes. Alti advised it."
Brutus: "Lao Ma will send assassins."
Julius Caesar: "Don't worry, Brutus. I know how to deal with assassins."
Xena: "In the third act, you had your hero throw himself over the cliff with no fear of dying... all for her. Do you really believe that kind of love exists?"Gabrielle: "That's what we all dream about, isn't it? Someone who looks so deeply into our soul that they'd find something worth dying for."
Julius Caesar: "Excuse me. Your play was, uh, riveting. Well done. Thank you. [A Xena.] The army's expecting us first thing in the morning."
Xena: "Thank you, Gabrielle, for honoring Rome with your play. Good night."
Julius Caesar: [Cerca di allontanare Xena da Gabrielle.] "Did you enjoy the evening?"

Julius Caesar: "Tell me, what did you and that playwright talk about?"Xena: "Her work, her life. She interests me."Julius Caesar: "Really? [Le bacia la spalla.] It's been a long time."Xena: "It's been a long day... Where are you going?"Julius Caesar: "Well, since I'm not needed here, there's a little matter I must discuss with Brutus."
[Ora sola, Xena esce nel suo balcone. Nello stesso istante Gabrielle fa la stessa cosa. Xena si nasconde per un attimo nell'oscurità per osservare la scrittrice di poemi. Gabrielle vede Xena ed entra timidamente nella sua stanza.]
Alti: "I had the most interesting vision tonight... of you and the writer?"
Xena: "You take liberties, Alti."
Alti: "Really?"
Xena: "The High Priestess has no business in my bed chamber."
Alti: "Well, it's Caesar's bed chamber, too."
Alti: "I saw the way you looked at her tonight during the play. Wouldn't Caesar give anything to have you look at him that way."Xena: "What do you want?"Alti: "You're in my way, Xena, and it's time I did something about it." [Alti attacca Xena.]
Alti: [Con le sue mani attorno al collo di Xena.] "I can see into your soul, Xena, where you've been and where you're going. I have that power and I will destroy you... [Xena viene colpita dal chakram in Ides Of March.] Can you feel the pain and terror in your soul? Secreting its blackness... [Xena è stesa al suolo con entrambe le braccia amputate in The Way.] ...oozing inside of you? [Xena si trova morta nel suo sarcofago in The Quest.] And know this, Xena, Caesar... Rome... all of it will be mine."

Julius Caesar: [Arriva con Brutus.] "Xena, are you alright? Tell me, Alti, is there a single reason I shouldn't kill you right now?"Xena: "Yes... because I want to do it.... in the forum before the public."Julius Caesar: "Of course. Brutus, have her interrogated. There may be others involved. And make sure you warn the guards about her powers."
[Mentre Caesar abbraccia Xena, Gabrielle esce nel balcone. Vedendo Xena nelle braccia di Caesar, la ragazza si gira... ma non prima che l'imperatore abbia visto un triste sguardo nei suoi occhi.]

Xena: "Where is Brutus going with the royal guard?"
Julius Caesar: "Oh, arresting that woman playwright. Alti confessed that she was an accomplice in her plan. Apparently, they were both working with assassins from Chin to destroy us. Hope you weren't too fond of her."
Gabrielle: [Viene trascinata nella prigione.] "There must be a mistake! I've committed no crime against Caesar!"

[Mentre Xena si dirige alla prigione, un soldato romano taglia brutalmente i capelli a Gabrielle.]
Joxer: "This is a great honor, Empress. You know, you once did a great favor for me."
Xena: "I did?"
Joxer: "My youngest daughter was very ill, and you allowed your physician to treat her. You saved her life, you know."
Xena: "I'm pleased"
Xena: "Leave us... [A Joxer.], too."Joxer: "I can't leave the prisoner unguarded." [Xena gli sbatte la porta della cella in faccia.] Gabrielle: "Empress."Xena: "Caesar tells me that you are an assassin. Is this true?"Gabrielle: "An assassin? I've never harmed anyone in my life... why should you believe me instead of your husband?"Xena: "I believe you."Gabrielle: "Why?"Xena: "You think that love is worth dying for. That's not exactly the path of an assassin." Gabrielle: "They're building crosses."Xena: "Yes. You can't have a crucifixion without crosses... Why would Caesar want you dead?"Gabrielle: "I don't know. I'm a playwright. I live on a vineyard by the sea. I have a simple life. What possible threat could I be to Caesar?"Xena: "I don't know, but I intend to find out... Guards?! You, come with me."

Xena: [Raggiunge la cella di Alti.] "Unlock it."Joxer: "But Caesar said-- "Xena: "-- to enrage the Empress till she beats the tar out of you?"Joxer: "No, I must have missed that. I'll open the door."Xena: "Get out."
Xena: "You implicated the playwright as your accomplice."
Alti: "The playwright? Are you kidding me? What do you want?"
Xena: "Your hands on me... like they were last night. They gave me insight and knowledge. These are things I value greatly."
Alti: "And why would do that?"
Xena: "Then rot."
Alti: "Wait... free me and I'll show you things."Xena: "You keep in mind what my husband will do to you if I am harmed in any way."Alti: "Oh, your husband?"
Julius Caesar: "Break her legs." -- Destiny
Alti: "Tell me who the blonde one is! Tell me who she is!" -- Adventures in the Sin Trade
Gabrielle: "You taught me that there are things worth dying for." -- One Against an Army
Julius Caesar: "You can't have a crucifixion without crosses, Brutus." -- Ides Of March
Julius Caesar: "... which brings me to this defining Xena moment... mysterious... romantic... good lighting."
Alti: "Those images... they're not from this life. They're something... more."
Xena: "Yes, much more."
Alti: "Now, your part of the bargain."
Xena: "The hammering's stopped."
Joxer: "Empress, they've taken the playwright."

Gabrielle: "No, please!" [Soldati romani trascinano Gabrielle all'esterno della prigione ed iniziano a legarla ad una croce.]

Xena: "Stop! I know the truth, Caesar. I know who I was. I know who you were."Julius Caesar: "What on Earth are you talking about?"Xena: "Crucifying me on the beach was drastic. I must have been your worst nightmare."Julius Caesar: "Yes, well, I've had better experiences with women."
Xena: "So, it is true? You betrayed me."Julius Caesar: "A regret I harbored for eternity, so I gave us a second chance."Xena: "You tampered with the Fates and their loom. This is madness."
Julius Caesar: "Listen, my love, as we speak, our legions are preparing to conquer the kingdom of Lao Ma, the richest province in Chin. Once achieved, all nations will bow at our feet. We'll be the Emperor and Empress not just of Rome, but of the world. That is our destiny."
Xena: "And that can still happen. If you set her free, I will be your Empress and we will conquer the world. But if you kill her, I will dedicate this life to changing things back to the way they were, and I can do it because we both know I have many skills."Julius Caesar: "Release the prisoner."
Xena: "Gabrielle! Get out of the way! Get your filthy hands off her! Gabrielle, can you stand? Are you alright?"Gabrielle: "Thank you for saving my life, Empress. I am in your debt."Xena: "I'm not your Empress. I'm your friend... Bring her a horse! Gabrielle, go back to your vineyard by the sea. Be happy. Write all those great plays you've got inside you."
Gabrielle: "Xena! Xena, when I thought I was going to die, it all became so clear. My life is empty despite my success. I write about love, but I've never felt it before."Xena: "Rome is not safe for you. Leave now."Gabrielle: "I will never forget you."

Alti: [Sul letto di Caesar.] "Your wife freed me."
Julius Caesar: "Of course. You showed Xena visions of her former life."
Alti: "She'll never play the good little Empress now. You need a much more loyal partner, Caesar."
Julius Caesar: "I don't trust you, Alti."
Alti: "I love Rome just as much as you do, Caesar. And those visions made my abilities so much stronger."
Julius Caesar: "Prove it. I pardoned that playwright, Gabrielle. Find her. Kill her."

[Gabrielle cavalca in campagna. Alti appare in lontananza e la fa cadere da cavallo con i suoi poteri. Raggiunge Gabrielle e le mette le mani attorno alla gola pronta ad usare i suoi poteri.]
Alti: "Oh, such a pretty girl. Do you know what a fate worse than death means? Dying before you get a chance to know who you really are."
Gabrielle: "I'm not cut out for this village life. I was born to do so much more." -- Sins of the Past
Gabrielle: "Xena!" -- The Abyss
Xena: "Even in death, Gabrielle, I will never leave you." -- One Against an Army
Xena: "Alti! [Alti fugge, lasciando Gabrielle in trance.] ...Gabrielle, come on, get up. Gabrielle, what has she done to you? ALTI!"
Alti: "My powers have evolved, Xena. That glimpse into your soul showed me the other world."
Xena: "Alti..."
Alti: "I saw just how strong I've become and, thanks to you, I'm just hitting my stride."
Xena: "This isn't about you, Alti!"
Alti: "Oh, yes it is! It's all about me, and what I know! Your story will end with your playwright unable to save her `Fallen Angel'."
Xena: [Colpisce Alti ripetutamente.] "This is where your memories end, Alti. Get up! Get up!"
[Un gruppo di soldati romani arriva. Xena combatte ma viene colpita da due frecce. Julius Caesar e Brutus arrivano.]
Joxer: "You! Watch that sling! Back in line!"Gabrielle: "Xena!"Joxer: [Afferra Gabrielle.] "No! No, you can't help her, but I can help you."
Julius Caesar: "You couldn't let it go, could you?"Xena: "You betrayed me again, Caesar. No matter what life you live, you'll always be scum! Not even the Fates could change that."Julius Caesar: "Your death will not be in vain, Xena, because you'll always hold a special place in Rome's heart amongst Caesar's conquered." [Xena gli sputa in faccia.]
[Xena viene legata ad un cavallo, le frecce vengono spezzate e poi la Principessa Guerriera viene trascinata a terra fino a Roma.]

Julius Caesar: "How do the legions look?"
Brutus: "Excellent, but there is some concern about the Empress."
Julius Caesar: "She defied my orders and attacked Roman troops. That's an act of treason punishable by death."
Brutus: "But she's very popular. The troops look up to her."
Julius Caesar: "And, what about you, Brutus? Do you also look up to Xena? ... Alti will be joining us on our march east as my new Empress. Do you have a problem with that?"
Brutus: "Caesar, if I speak out it is from concern. It doesn't mean I'm any less loyal to you."
Julius Caesar: "Please, don't misunderstand me. It's not that I love you any less, but that I love Rome more... [Pugnala Brutus con un pugnale.] ...and I am Rome."

Joxer: "I can't believe they were gonna kill you for writing that bad play. I saw it. Could've used a few more fight scenes."
Gabrielle: "I'll keep that in mind."
Gabrielle: "Xena..."Xena: "Gabrielle, you shouldn't have come."Gabrielle: "Alti showed me something. Another world or time."Xena: "That doesn't matter now."Gabrielle: "I'm sorry."Xena: "That's okay."Gabrielle: "Xena, when I'm with you, this emptiness that I have felt my entire life is gone. You have to tell me what's going on."Xena: "Caesar changed our fate, giving us this godforsaken world."Gabrielle: "There must be something that I can do."Xena: "No, what you can do is get out of here alive. I have to go through this alone."Gabrielle: "I can't let you die."Xena: "Some things are worth dying for. Isn't that what your play was about? Being prepared to sacrifice all for love?"Gabrielle: "For love." Xena: "In the other world, my destiny was linked to Caesar and that cross, and I hated them both, but now I realize that everything happens precisely as it should... precisely."Gabrielle: "Xena..."Xena: "Go now, Gabrielle."Gabrielle: "I can't."Xena: "Go now. Get out."Gabrielle: "No."Xena: "Get out."Gabrielle: "Don't."Joxer: "Empress, it's time."Xena: "I'll love you forever."
Gabrielle: [Ai soldati che trascinano fuori Xena.] "Don't touch her!"
Xena: [A Joxer.] "Get her out alive."
Soldato: "Let's go!"

[Mentre Xena viene inchiodata ad una croce, Alti porta via Caesar per consumare la loro nuova relazione. In un momento di puro piacere, Alti prende un pugnale e uccide Caesar. Nel frattempo Gabrielle raggiunge sotto la pioggia il tempio delle Parche.]
Gabrielle: [Vede il telaio in disordine.] "It's horrible."Clotho: "When Caesar left us chained..."Lachesis: "...we could not mind the loom..."Atropos: "...creating a world full of chaos and confusion."Gabrielle: "We're stuck in this world because of you?"
Clotho: "No! Burning the loom..."Lachesis: "...will destroy everything!"Gabrielle: "So be it. Your loom destroyed what was meant to be." [Lancia una torcia nel telaio.]
[Dei fasci di luce escono dal telaio mentre Alti esplode.] Xena: "I love you, Gabrielle."

[Gabrielle cammina in un sentiero situato in un bosco nebbioso.]
Xena: [In groppa ad Argo.] "Hey."Gabrielle: "Hi."Xena: "You brought the world back to us."Gabrielle: "I'm glad. I like this one better."Xena: "Even though you're not a famous playwright?"Gabrielle: "Fame, who needs it?" [Salta in groppa ad Argo.] Gabrielle: "Did you really like my play?"Xena: "It was alright. Maybe it could have done with a few more fight scenes."Gabrielle: "Everyone's a critic."

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