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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Many happy returns

Episodio: n. 19

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

Gabrielle: "How big is it?"Xena: "It's huge!"Gabrielle: "Is it so big that I can't carry it?"Xena: "Nah, you can slip it in your pocket."
Gabrielle: "Tell me!"
Xena: "No."
Gabrielle: "Ah!"
Xena: "No, because then it won't be your birthday surprise, will it? You'll find out tomorrow."
Gabrielle: "Yeah, another year older, but wiser? No."
Xena: "Well, anyway, you can't find out what it is until after you-know-what."Gabrielle: "Not the pranks."Xena: "It's tradition."Gabrielle: "Xena, tradition or not, no practical jokes this year, alright? Not at all. Please? Please?"
Xena: "Oh, you're gonna have to do better than that."Gabrielle: "Please? Please?"Xena: [Incrocia le dita dietro alla schiena.] "Alright, no practical jokes."Gabrielle: "Good."
Xena: [Dà la sacca che stava portando a Gabrielle.] "Hold this for a moment, would you?"
Gabrielle: "Yeah... you'd think the helmet of Hermes would be a little lighter."
Xena: "I promised King Thoez we'd drop it off to him for his coronation, since we're going that way anyway." [Estrae un cannocchiale dalla bisaccia del cavallo.]
Gabrielle: "Does that mean my present is in Thebes?"
Xena: "What is that?" [Xena usa al contrario il cannocchiale.]Gabrielle: "Xena, give me that... huh, I don't see anything." [Prende il cannocchiale e lo raddrizza. Lo usa, ma quando lo toglie ha una macchia nera intorno all'occhio dove era l'oculare.]Xena: "My mistake."

Zarat: "Oh, Lord! Hear me now! Oh Lord! We beseech thee! Protect us from Ferragus!"
Priests: "Protect us from Ferragus!"
Zarat: "And lest ye find us ungrateful, Lord, we offer you a soul of unmatched purity. We ask that you grant us sanctuary from the warlord...
[Una fanciulla completamente bendata tranne che per gli occhi viene posta su uno scivolo per essere gettata dalla scogliera.]
Zarat: "Almighty Master, save us from disaster!"
Priests: "Save us from disaster."
[Il chakram spezza la spada con la quale il sacerdote stava per tagliare la fune che impediva alla fanciulla di scivolare in mare.]
Xena: "Put the girl down!"Zarat: "You're interrupting a religious ceremony!"Xena: "Forgive me, Father."Zarat: "Stop her!"
[Xena e Gabrielle atterrano tutti i seguaci che cercano di fermarle. Il sacerdote tenta di slegare la corda per far cadere la fanciulla e ci riesce.]
Zarat: "I commend you to the Almighty!"
[Xena si tuffa dal precipizio, indossa l'elmo e salva la giovane]
Xena: "It's alright. I've gotcha."

[Xena e la giovane atterrano in una radura.]
Xena: "You alright?"Genia: "Oh, divine presence, as you have made yourself manifest, take thy humble servant, Genia, to thy bosom." [Abbraccia Xena.]Xena: "Whoa... these are spoken for."
Xena: "Now what are you doing?"
Genia: "Praying to you, O' Flying One."
Xena: "Oh, no, no, no, it's just a hat. Look, I'm not a god. My name is Xena."
Genia: "You mean I'm still alive?"
Xena: "You're still alive."
Genia: "I don't believe it!"
Xena: "Think nothing of it."
Genia: "You ruined my sacrifice!"

Genia: "You can't just go around ruining other people's sacrifices like that!"
Xena: "Why would you want to sacrifice yourself to any god?"
Genia: "It's my sacred duty to give my life to the All-Knowing... [Nota Gabrielle.] ...Almighty to show my... what is on your eye?"Xena: "Oh, uh."Gabrielle: "Huh?"Xena: "'s a birthmark. We don't talk about it."
Genia: "Are you sure you're not a god?"
Gabrielle: [Scopre lo scherzo di Xena.] Ha ha ha, there's nothing divine about Xena. If she were a god, then I couldn't do this!" [Inizia a colpire Xena.]
Xena: "Ow!"
Gabrielle: "Or that. Or this. [Xena la ferma.] Ow!"
Xena: "Alright, you made your point."
Gabrielle: "Okay."
Xena: "Now, look Genia, if your god was all-powerful and all-knowing, then maybe he sent me to save you."Genia: "Or maybe he sent you to test my faith. I'm going to hold my breath and sacrifice myself."Xena: "Yeah, good one."
Xena: "Now, listen, Gabrielle, this kid needs our help."
Gabrielle: "Mm."
Xena: "She's so blindly devoted to that god of hers, she's willing to kill herself."
Gabrielle: "Well, why don't we introduce her to the gods that we know? Then she wouldn't want to throw herself over a cliff for them."
Xena: "Now, that is not a bad idea. Come on, Genia. Quit goofing around. I got someone we want you to meet."

Lagot: "They've, uh, taken the virgin, your holiness."
Zarat: "Curses me. We must find the girl!"

Ferragus: [Ammira la sua immagine in uno specchio.] "Oh, yeah, you're the biggest, baddest, warlord this side of Athens!"
Frankus: "Father! News from the zealot camp!"
Ferragus: "What?! Them numbskulls still think their god's gonna stop me from raiding them whenever I like! Hah! Waste of a perfectly good virgin."
Frankus: "Not this time, Pop. A woman swooped in... dark … beautiful... dressed in leather. She jumped off the cliff and saved the girl."
Ferragus: "Xena, the warrior pain in my ass! But wait! Not even Xena could survive falling from the cliff."
Frankus: "She didn't fall. She flew. She put on this helmet and flew."
Ferragus: "Ah, must be the helmet of Hermes. Son, I have a job for you."

[Le ragazze trovano un luogo perfetto per accamparsi.]
Genia: "Oh, what a beautiful spot!"Xena: "Yeah, it's nice."Gabrielle: "Nothing like sleeping under the stars, huh, Xena?"Xena: "Mm-hm."
Genia: "In the convent, they locked me in my room from sunset to sunrise."
Gabrielle: "Were you raised to be a priestess?"
Genia: "Oh, no, I was raised to be a virgin sacrifice."
Xena: "Here. Make up your bedroll."
Genia: "There we go. Now, is there anything else that I--" [Nota che il campo è già stato preparato, con un focolare, in circa 45 secondi.]
Gabrielle: [Si tuffa nel laghetto.] "Last one in is a Centaur dropping! Yahoo! It's cold!" [Va sott'acqua.]
Xena: [A Gabrielle che riemerge.] "I can't believe you did that!"
Gabrielle: [A Genia, che è ancora sulla riva a coprirsi gli occhi dalla loro nudità.] "Come on in!"Genia: "No."Gabrielle: "The water's great!"Genia: "No, thank you. It's Okay. I'll just stay here and... look at... the bushes!"
Genia: [Finisce di mangiare quello che ha nel piatto.] "I have never experienced such pleasure."
Xena: "And so quickly, too."
Genia: "Oh, my! I've eaten one of the Almighty's creatures! As penance, I'm going to sleep on the cold, hard ground."
Gabrielle: "You know, a better penance would be to clean the frying pan... Oh, virgin one, it gets cold out here." [Getta una coperta a Genia.]
Xena: "You know, if the gods didn't want us to eat fish, then how come they made it taste so good? Hmm? You know, you should get some rest, Gabrielle. It's a big day tomorrow."

Gabrielle: [Si dimena e ride accanto a Xena] "Stop, Xena! Would you get your cold, clammy feet off me?!"Xena: "Gabrielle, I don't know what you're talking about."Gabrielle: "Hmm? [Alza la coperta e si ritrova un'anguilla attorno ai suoi piedi.] You're not going to give up, are you?! I hope you know, Xena, this means war!"

Genia: "What a beautiful morning. Did you sleep well?"
Gabrielle: "Not particularly. You know, if you want to travel with us, a few things I should tell you. Never, under any circumstances, interrupt Xena when she's having a morning bath."
Xena: [Esce dal lago.] "Gabrielle!"
Gabrielle: "Yes, Xena."
Xena: "My clothes are missing! Any idea where they are?!"
Gabrielle: "Um, I think they're right under your nose."
Xena: "Oh, it's alright! Here they are!"
[Xena prende l'armatura e tira involontariamente una corda che le fa rovesciare in testa una padellata di interiora di pesce..]
Gabrielle: [Realizza di averla fatta grossa.] "I, uh, I thought... I mean, Xena, you can catch arrows. I thought for sure you could catch a... a bucket of fish guts."Xena: "Happy birthday, Gabrielle."Gabrielle: "This means that we're even now, right?"Xena: "Even? No, I think we're just getting started."Gabrielle: [Molto preoccupata.] "Okay. Right."

Genia: "So, this is one of your gods' temples."
Xena: "Yep."
Genia: "A pure and holy place. [Si inginocchia a pregare.] Perfect be God and all God's places. Perfect be God in all God's graces."
Xena: [A Gabrielle.] "Boy, is she in for a surprise. Aphrodite!"
Aphrodite: [Appare con tre uomini muscolosi.] "Well, if it isn't my favorite girl group."
Xena: "Genia, meet Aphrodite... Goddess of love."

Xena: "Aphrodite? Meet Genia... a virgin."
Genia: "I don't believe it."
Aphrodite: "I don't either! I thought you guys were extinct!"
Genia: "But, the goddess is an evil myth told to rob women of their virtue and strip men of their pride."
Aphrodite: "Well, you got the stripping men part right, Honey."
Aphrodite: "Um, ladies, am I mistaken, or is it someone's birthday today? Happy birthday, Gabby."Gabrielle: "Thank you."Aphrodite: "What is that awful smell?"
Xena: "Listen, we're going to Thebes for Gabrielle's birthday. Care to join us?"
Aphrodite: "Thebes? You got Sappho tickets? What row?"
Gabrielle: "Xena, Sappho tickets. I love her poetry."
Xena: [Arrabbiata perchè Aphrodite ha rovinato la...] "Surprise."

Xena: "Here, want some water?"Gabrielle: "Oh, no, no, no."Xena: "Suit yourself." [Prende un sorso d'acqua dalla borraccia e la da a Genia]Genia: "Thanks."
Aphrodite: [Genia le offre l'acqua.] "Goddesses don't drink."
Genia: "Like you're really a goddess."
Aphrodite: "Watch this... [Indica Xena.] I like that bag... [Crea una copia esatta.] I have that bag."
Genia: "Some sort of illusion, I'm sure."
Aphrodite: "Okay, watch this." [Materializza una rosa rossa.]
Genia: "If you were really a god, you'd use your powers to reward the faithful and punish sinners, not do party tricks."
Aphrodite: "Well, I'm really more of a material girl."
Aphrodite: "Xena, can I just pop us to Thebes?"Xena: "Nope. I want Genia to spend time with a honest-to-goodness immortal. That's you. Come on, Gabrielle, the sooner we get going, the sooner you'll get your present."
Gabrielle: [Ad Aphrodite.] "She's planning my doom. I know it. I can feel it."Aphrodite: "This is gonna be a fun trip. [A Genia.] Come on, you unfaithful."

Genia: [Camminando nella piazza di Thebes.] "So, this is what the world's like."
Aphrodite: "Virgin in the city. That is so cute. You come with me."
Xena: "Here, Gabrielle. Care for a bite?"Gabrielle: "Xena, that's that forbidden fruit gag, huh? No, you probably laced it with chili powder, or arsenic, or... [Xena se lo mette in bocca e lo mangia.] ...or not."Xena: "Come on, girls, we got a show to catch."

Xena: "Gabrielle, look I'm sorry. I don't know how I could have gotten the times wrong."
Gabrielle: "Xena, I cannot believe we came all this way and we missed Sappho."
Xena: "Just relax. Here, have a drink."
Gabrielle: "No, no, Xena, no dribble cups today."
Xena: "Suit yourself. Tell you what, you look after this... [Le da il sacco con l'elmo di Hermes.] ...and I'll go rustle us up some food."
Gabrielle: "Xena could have taken her bag with her. Why would she want me to hold the helmet of Hermes, huh?"
Aphrodite: "Oh, it's not... [Prende l'altra borsa identica.] ...this is the helmet of Hermes."
Genia: "Xena switched bags with us back at the marketplace."Gabrielle: "Did she say why?"Aphrodite: "Nope. Just told us to hold it."Gabrielle: "Oh really? Hm."
Gabrielle: "Hi, Xena. I'm still sitting here, just watching your bag."Xena: "Yeah, thanks. Where are the other two?"Gabrielle: "They went to freshen up."Xena: "We gotta keep an eye on Genia. Someone was following us back at the marketplace."Gabrielle: "The zealots?"Xena: "Possibly. They'll be desperate to get her back."
Ferragus: [Entra nella taverna.] "Xena!"
Xena: "Ferragus."
Ferragus: "So, you remember me. Must have made quite an impression."
Xena: "It's on your belt buckle."
Ferragus: "Huh? I want that bag."
Xena: "It's not for sale."
Ferragus: "Who said anything about paying for it?"
Xena: "Oh, you'll pay."
[La banda di Ferragus attacca le due guerriere.]
Thug: "Give me that! Give it!"
Gabrielle: "Get your hands off my bag!"
Xena: "Aphrodite! Get Genia out of here! And take the bag with you!"
Aphrodite: "Duh, like I'd leave behind a new handbag."
Genia: [Si materializza fuori dalla taverna.] "You... you are a goddess!"
Aphrodite: "Well, welcome to the party, Miss Fashionably Late. What took you so long?"
[Xena e Gabrielle sconfiggono Ferragus e i suoi uomini ma non prima che il malvivente abbia preso la borsa contenente l'elmo.]
Gabrielle: "Xena, we have to go after Ferragus. He has the helmet."Xena: "No, Aphrodite's got it. We switched bags in the marketplace."Gabrielle: "I switched them back."Xena: "What?!"Gabrielle: "I thought you were trying to get something over on me, Xena."Xena: "I asked for that."

Gabrielle: "...unless, you knew that I would be suspicious, and so you switched the bags. I'm not close at all, huh?"
Xena: "Aphrodite!"Aphrodite: [Appare con Genia.] "For future reference, I'm now Mighty Aphrodite. My new disciple thought it up."Gabrielle: "Your new what?"
Genia: "You were right, Xena, it was foolish of me to devote my life to some unknown god. From now on, I'm dedicating my life to Aphrodite."
Gabrielle: "That's not exactly what we had in mind."
Xena: "But we'll fix that later. Right now we've got some baggage to claim. Come on."
Genia: "So, how can I worship the goddess of love if I've never even experienced it?"
Aphrodite: "You're right, that does make you kind of a poser. Alright, pick a guy... any guy."
Genia: "Mm... [Vede Frankus.] I'll take him."
Aphrodite: "Good girl, bad boy... oh, love classic." [Aphrodite fa innamorare i due ragazzi.]
Frankus: "I love you."
Genia: "And I love you."
Aphrodite: "Love at first sight, my specialty."
Frankus: "Marry me?"
Genia: "I thought you'd never ask."
Lagot: [Vede Genia e Frankus correre insieme.] "That man's got our virgin!"

[Xena e Gabrielle entrano di nascosto nel covo di Ferragus mentre il malvivente vola con l'elmo di Hermes.]
Xena: [Col chakram in mano.] "What goes up, must come down."Gabrielle: [Il campanello suona.] "Since when do warlords get company?"
Frankus: "Father! [Entra con Genia.] I want you to meet the most wonderful girl in the world!"
Genia: "Genia."
Frankus: "Genia!"
Genia: "Oh, we're in love."
Ferragus: "Really?"
Frankus: "We're engaged."
Xena e Gabrielle: "Aphrodite."
Aphrodite: "Down if front. I can't see anything."
Xena: "What's the matter with you?"
Gabrielle: "You put a love spell on Genia."
Aphrodite: "That I did. And even as we speak, our sweet little virgin is falling madly in love with the cutest little son of a... warlord?! Okay, just relax, you guys. Calm down. I can, uh, I can take the spell off."
Xena: "No. No, you'll throw Genia for a loop. Just follow my lead."

Ferragus: [Il campanello suona.] "Frankus!"Xena: [Vestita da uomo.] "Hi. Easy action there, fella. We're about to be family. Well, you must be Frankus! My boy, good to know ya. I'm Anthrax, and this is my wife, Spittooonia. We just wanted to know what kind of a family our little girl was marrying herself into."
Frankus: "Genia, your parents are here."
Genia: "My parents? But, my parents are de-- "
Aphrodite: "...dedicated to making sure that you have the best wedding ever, Pookie."
Xena: "That's right."
Aphrodite: "Oh, look at these two. Like son, like father. Am I right? Aren't wedding's just the biggest drag to organize?"
Xena: "Which is why we brought along a little help."
Gabrielle: [Con un accento Texano.] "Belle..."
Ferragus: "Huh?"
Gabrielle: "...of Belle's Bridal Barn. 'Cause I put the `ding' in `wedding.'"
Xena: "Yes, you do, Sister."
Gabrielle: "Now, we should start by selecting the cover scheme... Corinthian white. Oh, exquisite selection. And now, about the outfits."
Genia: "Shouldn't I decide that?"
Aphrodite: "Oh, Honey, let's leave that up to the experts, shall we, Pookie?"
Xena: "Belle, why don't you fix up these two fine fellas with some new duds while we go and have that long overdue talk with Genia about her conjugals?"
Gabrielle: "Now, I see before my eyes... harem pants."
[Nascoste dalla vista, Aphrodite toglie l'incantesimo a Genia.]
Genia: "Aphrodite!
Xena: "Sh."
Genia: "Where am I?"
Xena: "You're in Ferragus' lair."
Genia: "Xena?"
Xena: "Yeah."
Genia: "What am I doing here?"
Aphrodite: "Remember? I put a spell on you to make you fall in love with his son?"
Genia: "Oh, that's right. I wanted to fully experience my goddess' power."
Xena: "Just like you wanted to kill yourself for a bloodthirsty god. Genia, you can't give up your life for every deity that comes along."
Aphrodite: "It's true, Sweet Pea. We're not all we're cracked up to be."
Genia: "Well, how am I supposed to live my life with no one to lead me?"
Xena: "You've got to stop following. Maybe you can be your own guide. Genia, haven't you ever felt happy just to be yourself?"
Genia: "Yes, these past few days with you and Gabrielle."
Xena: "Well, that's a start. Now, we're gonna get you out of here."
Aphrodite: [A Genia.] "Stay."
Ferragus: "I don't know. It's a bit girlie."Gabrielle: "Oh, no, Honey, not with those shoulders. Now, for the final touch." [Fa per togliere l'elmo.]Ferragus: "The helmet stays."
Xena: "So, I hear from Genia that you're in the warlord business."
Ferragus: "Uh-huh."
Xena: "That as dangerous as they say?"
Ferragus: "And then some."
Xena: "Yeah? You got any scars?"
Ferragus: "Here, this scar, guy took out my spleen!"
Xena: "Well, who needs a spleen?"
Ferragus: "There... guy got me with a short sword."
Xena: "Lucky it wasn't a long one."
Ferragus: "You want scars. Well, I'll give you scars. [Toglie l'elmo e lo mette in una borsa.] Got this scar given to me by Xena, the warrior princess herself!"
Xena: "Let me take a look at that. [A Gabrielle ed Aphrodite.] I don't remember. Have to come to the light. Oh, yeah. Why, that Xena really is something. She nearly split ya open like a coconut. [Aphrodite scambia le borse.] You know what? I think I better take my little girl out of here. It doesn't do for the bride to be exposed before the big day, plenty of time for that afterwards, know what I mean?"
Gabrielle: [A Ferragus.] "Now, about my bill..."
Aphrodite: "Okay, I'm gonna put some distance between you and that warlord... [trasporta Genia e la borsa nella piazza del mercato] ...That ought to keep her out of trouble."

Lagot: "That's her!" [Afferra Genia.]
Genia: "Help! Please! Let me go!"
Zarat: "Thy will be done."

Xena: "Okay, where's the bag."
Aphrodite: "Genia has it."
Xena: "Where's Genia?"
Aphrodite: "Oh, I popped her back to the marketplace. She might as well shop while she's waiting."
Xena: "What?"
Aphrodite: "Oh, don't thank me. Just doing the god thing."
Xena: "Aphrodite, the zealots are looking for her there!"
Aphrodite: "Huh?"
Gabrielle: "Robe... altar... human sacrifice."
Aphrodite: "That was a true story?"

Ferragus: "Dumpty-dumpty-dumpty-do. [Apre la borsa di Aphrodite.] Wait a minute. No! No! I knew that Anthrax looked familiar. Xena! Worming her way into my lair! Stealing my helmet! I'll kill her!"
Zarat: "Perhaps, I could be of some assistance." [Ha in mano la borsa giusta.]
Ferragus: [Realizza che è vuota.] "Where's the helmet?"
Zarat: "Oh, you can have it back, if we can make a deal."
Ferragus: "I'm listening."

Aphrodite: "There's no sign of Genia anywhere."
Gabrielle: "This is my fault."
Aphrodite: "No! It's my fault! I cast a spell on her."
Gabrielle: "Yeah, but I switched the bags. If I hadn't been so suspicious at the tavern, this wouldn't have happened."
Xena: "Gabrielle!" [Trova una delle scarpe di Genia.]
Gabrielle: "What'd you find?"
Aphrodite: "She's been sacrificed!"
Xena: "Maybe not yet. There's a zealot temple two miles down the road. I'm guessing they'd want to do it there."
Aphrodite: "Okay, so what I can do to help? I can cast a spell... [vede lo sguardo d'orrore negli occhi di Xena e Gabrielle] ...or maybe not."Xena: "Actually, Aphrodite, there is something you can do."

[Nel tempio dei fanatici religiosi, Genia viene legata ad un altare. Sopra di lei c'è un'asse con dei ferri appuntiti.]
Zarat: "Almighty Master, we ask you one more time, take this virgin sacrifice and protect us from our enemies!"
Xena: "Zarat!"
Zarat: "Xena! Haven't you ever heard of religious freedom?"
Xena: "Freedom has nothing to do with sacrificing Genia or anyone else, and neither has religion. This ends here."
Zarat: "We'll see."
[Ferragus arriva volando con l'elmo di Hermes in testa.]
Xena: "Stay out of this, Ferragus! I'll deal with you later."
Ferragus: "I don't think so. You see? In exchange for the helmet, I promised Zarat here I'd take you out of the picture."
Gabrielle: "Since when do warlords keep their promises?"
Ferragus: "Since I wanted to kick your butt anyway!"
[Ferragus e Xena combattono.]
Ferragus: [Avendo momentaneamente la meglio.] "What's the matter, Xena? Losing your touch?"
Xena: "Touch this!" [Combatte.]
Xena: [Toglie l'elmo a Ferragus.] "Thank you! Gabrielle, catch!"
[Xena mette fuori combattimento altri sacerdoti e libera Genia. Zarat insegue Gabrielle e l'elmo.]
Xena: "Gabrielle!"
Zarat: "Up here... [Puntando un pugnale alla gola di Gabrielle.] You may have stopped this sacrifice, Xena, but that's all. I will find other followers. Perhaps my next tribe will offer their sacrifices to me." [Indossa l'elmo e salta dal balcone... finendo spiaccicato sul pavimento.]
Xena: "Or not."
Genia: "What happened? He was wearing the helmet."
Xena: "He was wearing a helmet."
Gabrielle: "Xena had me switch the helmets just in case."
Genia: "So, where's the helmet of Hermes?"
Aphrodite: "Right here, Sweet Pea."
Genia: "I can't believe I was going to give my life away to them."
Frankus: "Genia! Genia, I was afraid I'd be too late."
Genia: "Frankus, I'm sorry, but we can't be together."
Frankus: "It's 'cause of the old man, isn't it?"
Genia: "No, Xena's shown me that I can't live my life following others. I have to be my own person and chase my own dreams. We can still be friends.
Genia: "Xena, you and Gabrielle are gonna have to go along without me."
Xena: "Oh, you're sure?"
Genia: "Before we met, I thought the best thing I could do with my life was throw it away. But now I found something worth living for."
Xena: "What?"
Genia: "I'm turning the convent into a shelter for those in need."
Xena: "Well, that is great."
Gabrielle: "Good for you."
Genia: "Oh, I almost forgot. [Da' un fiore a Gabrielle.] Happy birthday."
Xena: "Speaking of which, we have got a show to catch."
Aphrodite: "Have fun, you two. [Guarda Genia e Frankus.] So, friends? I can work with that. Some of my best friends are friends. But, we need to rethink the whole retro-sacrificial thing."

Xena: "I'm really sorry, Gabrielle. I didn't realize Sappho was only here for one performance."
Gabrielle: "It's the thought that counts, Xena, although I would like to hear her read her poetry one day. You know, how did you fall for my fish guts gag?"
Xena: "I don't know."
Gabrielle: "You knew that I would go crazy waiting for you to get even. Xena, didn't see it coming." [Beve da un boccale bucato che le versa addosso il contenuto.]Xena: "Nor that. Now, we're even."
Xena: "Here, give me that. [Mette via il boccale.] I want you to close your eyes."Gabrielle: "No."Xena: "Trust me, please."Gabrielle: "No."Xena: "Close your eyes." [Mette una pergamena tra le mani di Gabrielle.]
Gabrielle: "What is this?"Xena: "Open it. I had Sappho jot something down for you."Gabrielle: "A poem? Sappho wrote a poem for me. I don't believe it. Xena, you had this planned all along, didn't you?
'... There's a moment when I look at youAnd no speech is left in meMy tongue breaksThen fire races under my skin and I trembleAnd grow pale for I am dying of such loveOr so it seems to me.'"
Gabrielle: "It's beautiful. This is the best birthday present I have ever had."Xena: "'Course, it ain't over yet... [Indossa l'elmo e prende il volo con Gabrielle.] Happy birthday, Gabrielle!"

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