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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

The hunting of Hamphipolis

Episodio: n. 2

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

Michael: "Xena is finally going home to Amphipolis. She has no idea what awaits her."Rafael: "I'm more concerned about what awaits us if she should fail in her Destiny. If the Realm of Hell should spill onto the earth, we will be the ones to face it."
Michael: "Xena has killed most of the Olympian gods. She is the only mortal prepared to face this."
Rafael: "I hope she is prepared… for all our sakes."

Xena: "Eve, you were just a baby when your grandmother took you in her arms and sang the anthem of Amphipolis."
Gabrielle: "She stood up against Athena. She was very courageous."
Eve: "I can't wait to see her."
Xena: "Me neither. You're going to love Amphipolis, it's… [supera i cancelli di un villaggio deserto] …so full of life. What happened here?"
Gabrielle: "It almost feels deserted."
Xena: "My mother would never leave this place."

Eve: [Si guarda in giro nella locanda deserta.] "Mother, you grew up here?"
Gabrielle: "It never looked like this."
Eve: "There's a coldness in this place. It's freezing."
Xena: "I'm going upstairs."
Gabrielle: "I'll check the back."
Xena: [Sente un urlo mentre cammina in un corridoio spettrale.] "Mom?"
Voce: "Livia…"Eve: "Who's there?"
[Un gruppo di paesani trascinano una donna con loro.]
Uomo: "Light the fire."
[Lo spirito di Cyrene passa attraverso Eve.]
Xena: "Eve… are you alright?"Eve: "Grandmother?"Xena: "Did you see her, Eve? Eve!"Eve: "I felt her. I could feel her spirit. She's dead, Mother."

Gabrielle: "Eve... you've never seen Cyrene, before. How do you know that was her?"
Eve: "I could feel her. I could feel her spirit. I know that was her."
Xena: "I believe you, Eve. I saw her, too."
Eve: "She's in so much pain. She wanted to be at peace, but she was helpless. She's trapped in this house. She's not alone. There are other souls here. This house, it's a gateway, or a spiritual crossroads, or..."
Xena: "It's haunted."
Eve: "There's a stillness… like before a battle. It's as if I can feel the realms of Heaven and Hell taking up sides."
Xena: "If my mother's not at peace, I'm going to find out why."
Gabrielle: "Xena, where are you going?"
Xena: "The mausoleum."
Gabrielle: "Do you want us to come with you?"
Xena: "Thanks, but I feel I need to do this alone."

Xena: "Mother? [Il sarcofago di Cyrene è parzialmente aperto e all'interno vi sono delle ossa carbonizzate.] What did they do to you? They've taken everything. Now you can't rest. And where was I? Oh, Mother… I will find you, wherever you are. I will find you and make it right. I'll make it right."

Eve: "Cyrene must have been a remarkable woman."Gabrielle: "She was."Eve: "Her spirit was so frightened."Gabrielle: [Rassicura.] "It's okay."
[Gabrielle da' un morso ad una mela. Eve guarda nel contenitore e vede dei vermi strisciare sopra il cibo. Eve guarda la mela nella mano di Gab e vede che anch'essa è infestata.]
Eve: "Gabrielle, did you already eat any of this?" [Gabrielle guarda la mela che ha in mano e vede che è piena di vermi; così se ne va in fretta.]
[Eve getta il cibo infestato fuori dalla taverna. Mentre inizia a tuonare nel cielo oscuro, il cibo viene sempre più infestato.]
Eve: "In the name of Eli… In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this Evil presence to be cast out… [Nel frattempo, i vermi iniziano ad uscire dalla pelle delle mani di Gabrielle facendole diventare schelettriche.] In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this Evil power to be cast out!" [finalmente tutto torna alla normalità]

Xena: "Mother, I don't know what happened to you, but I swear I will find out. I'll put you at peace."
Eremita: [Viene preso alla gola dalla Principessa Guerriera.] "Please, I didn't mean to spy! I come in here when there's a storm."
Xena: "What happened to my mother?"
Eremita: "You're… Xena. Cyrene waited years for you to come home. Mephistopheles sent evil to Cyrene's tavern a long time ago. Over the years, she went mad."
Xena: "Why are her bones charred black?"
Eremita: "When the crops failed, people blamed the evil in the tavern. They said Cyrene was a witch for Mephistopheles."
Xena: "Burned her at the stake."
Eremita: "I tried to tell them she wasn't a witch, but who's going to listen to me? Cyrene was a good person. She was kind to me… even towards the end. Those evil spirits, they were never in her, they were in the house… and they're in there still."

[Gabrielle vede un simbolo che assomiglia alla sagoma della testa di un demone sul pavimento. Sente delle urla da quel punto e si avvicina al simbolo per sentire meglio. Improvvisamente una mano esce dal pavimento e la afferra per il collo.]

Xena: [Si ritrova chiusa fuori dalla taverna.] "Gabrielle!"

[Gabrielle viene trascinata attraverso il pavimento.]

Xena: "Gabrielle!"
Eve: [Apre la porta.] "Mother, are you alright?"
Xena: "Yes... Where's Gabrielle?"
Eve: "I don't know."
Gabrielle: [Si dimena in una pozza d'acqua verdastra mentre i demoni cercano di affogarla.] "Xena!"
Xena: "Gabrielle?"
Gabrielle: "XENA !!!!"

Demone: "She is not the messenger. You will live all the horrors of Hell until the blood of the messenger is spilled."

Eve: "Maybe she went upstairs."
Xena: "No, she's here someplace." [Vede il simbolo sul pavimento e riesce a dare una mano a Gabrielle.]
Gabrielle: "Xena! Let me out! Please get me out!"
Xena: [Tira fuori Gabrielle dall'acqua dell'inferno.] "Are you alright? What?"Gabrielle: "It burns!"
Gabrielle: [Si lava sotto una doccia.] "What's causing this?"
Xena: "Mephistopheles."
Eve: "The King of Hell is down there?"
Xena: "He cursed this house long ago. For years my mother fought the evil spirits here. It drove her mad. The townspeople thought that she was a witch for Mephistopheles. They burned her at the stake."
Eve: "Oh, Mother… that's why she's not at peace. If she died un-absolved, Mephistopheles would have possession of her soul."
Gabrielle: "Xena, why would he attack your family? He has an entire world he could rule."Eve: "He's preparing for war. It's no accident that I'm in this house."Xena: "Eve…"
Gabrielle: "Those things, they said - they said that they seek the blood of the Messenger. This is Eve's battle."
Xena: "No, if he picks a battle, he's picked it with me. I won't lose my daughter like I lost my mother."

[Mentre cammina nella casa, appare una scena del passato di Xena davanti alla Principessa Guerriera.]
Giovane Xena: "Lyceus…"
Xena: "My brother…"
Cyrene: "Lyceus!"
Giovane Xena: "I did all I could."
Cyrene: "Oh, yes, you did all you could. You raised the army. You talked him into fighting. These… these may as well be wounds from your sword! [Tira uno schiaffo a sua figlia.] He was the only thing I had left… and you took him from me. Lyceus…"Xena: [La sua giovane copia la guarda prima di sparire.] "Mother, I'm so sorry… about everything."

[Del sangue inizia ad uscire dal pavimento.]
Eve: "In the name of Eli… and all the powers of Heaven… I command this evil presence to be cast out… [Mentre il sangue aumenta, a Gabrielle iniziano a sanguinare le stigmate sulle mani e sui piedi, dopodichè perde i sensi.] In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this evil presence to be cast out."

Xena: "Gabrielle?" [Gabrielle, nuda e posseduta, salta giù dal tetto e attacca Xena. Nel combattimento, Xena riesce a vestire e a legare Gabrielle con degli stracci sparsi sul il pavimento.]

Eve: "In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this evil presence to be cast out!" [Il sangue scompare col suo tocco.]

Xena: "Gabrielle!"Demone Gabrielle: "She's with me now."

Eve: [Si fissa le mani stupita.] "Mother! Gabrielle!"

Xena: "Mephistopheles, why are you doing this to my family?"
Demone Gabrielle: "I seek the Messenger of Eli… your daughter."
Xena: "What do you want with her?"
Eve: "He knows I can do this… In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this evil presence to be cast out!"
Xena: "Why have you come here?"
Demone Gabrielle: "You killed the Olympian gods, Xena! The time has come for my reign to begin. I shall inherit the earth! When your blood is spilled, Eve… I'll be made flesh."
Xena: "That will never happen Mephistopheles."
Demone Gabrielle: "Your mother cried out for you, Xena… even at the end."
Cyrene: "I beg you… no! It isn't. I swear to you!"
Paesani: "You'll pay for what you've done! Burn her! Burn the witch!"
Cyrene: "Xenaaaaa!"
Demone Gabrielle: "I'll help eat her soul, Xena. She'll spend eternity reliving only agony you put into her life… unless you spill your daughter's blood and bring me into the world."

Eve: "In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this evil presence to be cast out!"
Demone Gabrielle: "Damn you! I'll leave this body, Xena! But I'm taking your mother's soul! You want your mommy? Release me into the world."
Xena: "Do it again, Eve. Do it again, now!"
Eve: "In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this evil presence to be cast out!"
Xena: "Gabrielle?"Gabrielle: "Xena…"Xena: "Oh, Gabrielle… help me untie her. Glad to have you back."
Xena: "Gabrielle, Mephistopheles has my mother. I've got to find a way to release her soul, but cleansed or not, I want you to get out of here."
Gabrielle: "Where do you want me to go?"
Xena: "Mephistopheles is using you!"
Gabrielle: "I'm not leaving."
Eve: "He can't take her again. She's been cleansed."
Gabrielle: [A Eve.] "He's afraid of you."

Eve: [Si inginocchia vicino al portale dell'Inferno che si è aperto nel cortile.] "In the name of Eli…"

Xena: "Mephistopheles controls every inch of this house."Gabrielle: "Xena, you're going to need me."Xena: "Listen to me… [Posa la sua mano sul braccio di Gab e i due arti si attaccano assieme.] Pull !!! [Le loro gambe si attaccano all'altezza delle cosce mentre i mobili volano verso di loro.] We've got to get to Eve!"

Eve: "In the name of Eli…"
Xena: "… Eve! …"
Eve: "… and all the powers of Heaven…"
Xena: "... Eve !!!"
Eve: "… I command this evil presence to be cast out."
Eve: [Posa le mani su Xena e Gab.] "In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this evil presence to be cast out! In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven, I command this evil presence to be cast out !!!" [Xena e Gab si staccano.]
Gabrielle: "Look at her. Xena, how can she fight this battle? Xena!"
Eve: "In the name of Eli and all the powers of Heaven…"
Mephistopheles: [La sua voce esce dal portale.] "She's dying, Xena. The battle you have her fighting is one she cannot win. It will cost her her life, and I will be the victor. Her soul will belong to me" [La pelle delle braccia di Eve inizia a staccarsi.]
Xena: "Mephistopheles!"
Mephistopheles: "It's not your daughter's life that I seek, only her blood. Just a few drops of blood spilt in my name will bring me into your world. Fight me there or your daughter will join your mother in eternal torture."
Xena: "Gabrielle… I have to go fight Mephistopheles."
Gabrielle: "Xena, you can't release him."
Xena: "No, I'm gonna take the fight to him."
Gabrielle: "That's the Spiritual Realm."
Xena: "I'm going to put the pinch on myself."
Gabrielle: "No."
Xena: "Yes."
Gabrielle: "NO!"
Xena: "I should be dead just long enough to meet Mephistopheles there… and I need you to release the pinch and bring me back."
Gabrielle: "Xena, I can't. I don't know how."
Xena: "Yes, you can. I'll show you."
Xena: "Here."Gabrielle: "Right there?"Xena: "No, that will stop my heart… there."Gabrielle: "God… I can't believe you're showing me this now."Xena: "We don't have any choice."
Gabrielle: "Xena, if I can't do this it means that you're down there forever."
Xena: "You can do it. I believe in you. Bring me back, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Okay."

Xena: "Mother?"Cyrene: [Con un'ascia insanguinata in mano.] "Gods forgive me. I killed him!"Xena: "Mother, it's me."Cyrene: "My Orestes… I had no choice!"Xena: "Mother, I will find a way to release you. I promise."Mephistopheles: "Don't make promises you can't keep."
Mephistopheles: "I thought you were the godkiller, Xena. How were the mighty Olympians so easily overtaken?"
Xena: "I'm just a little distracted by your good looks."

Gabrielle: "I don't know what I'm doing."Eve: "I'll try to find water. Maybe it'll help wake her up."

Mephistopheles: "You can't hurt me in the spiritual world, Xena."Xena: "No harm in trying."Mephistopheles: "You powers to kill gods is on earth."

Gabrielle: "I'm right here, Xena."

Mephistopheles: "Now you see you can't harm me here."
Xena: "If you come into my realm, I will kill you before you take a step."
Mephistopheles: "And then take my throne?"
Xena: "What are you talking about?"
Mephistopheles: "Whoever kills me must take my place and reign over Hell. And frankly, Xena, I don't think you're up to the job."
Xena: [Realizza che il tempo a disposizione sta per finire quando il suo naso inizia a sanguinare.] "Release my mother."
Mephistopheles: "You know my price."
Xena: "I won't do it."
Mephistopheles: "Very well, if you won't spill Eve's blood then perhaps the right pressure in the right place might cause Eve to spill her own blood. Your daughter will be mine, Xena."

[Eve riempie un secchio d'acqua e lo versa in una ciotola … e una testa cade fuori dal secchio.]
Testa: "Do you mind, I was getting a drink. You don't remember me, do you? [Il corpo della testa si tira su per i capelli per guardare Eve.] On the road outside of Rome you beheaded me from horseback. You hardly gave it a thought."
Eve: "I didn't. That wasn't me."
Testa: "Oh, I think I'd remember. You came galloping by and… schick… just for kicks. All roads lead to Rome."
Uomo: [Con un'ascia incastrata nella sua testa.] "Hey, you threw this at me from twenty yards. I was trying to save my wife, Livia."Eve: "I'm not Livia!"Uomo: "We died un-absolved. We can never be at peace."Spiriti: "Livia… Livia… Livia!"

Gabrielle: "Xena…" [Cerca di annullare il "tocco" a Xena senza successo.]

Eve: "I'm not Livia!"
Uomo: "You don't believe us? Look!" [Appare uno specchio e riflette Eve come Livia.]
Eve: "It's not me."
Livia: [Esce dallo specchio.] "Oh, it most certainly is. We're the same. The same cunning mind. The same dark soul. The same love for power. [Indica le vittime.] You see how they cringe in fear of us? We didn't just kill them, we trapped them forever in limbo."
Eve: "I can't undo that. If I could help them I would."
Livia: "Prove it! Spill your blood. Bring forth Mephistopheles and they will be released from torment. You can do it."
Eve: "No. That can't be the way. I'm not you. I'm not Livia!"
Livia: "Really? Then why do you get a tingle when I do this." [Inizia a picchiare le vittime.]
Eve: "Stop! Stop!" [Mentre cerca di fermare Livia, entra nel suo corpo e assume le sembianze di sé stessa in passato.]

[Cercando di non impanicarsi, Gabrielle posa le sue dita sulle labbra, prega in silenzio e annulla il "tocco".]
Gabrielle: "Xena…"
Xena: "Eve... where's Eve?"
Xena: "Eve!"
Eve: "I'm going to stop Mephistopheles."
Xena: "No, I won't let you stop him that way. [Raccoglie un pugnale da terra.] He's got my mother's soul. He's not getting yours."
Eve: "Then how can we stop him?"
Xena: "By giving him exactly what he wants. Trust me."
Gabrielle: "Xena …"

Gabrielle: "Xena, you cannot spill your daughter's blood."Xena: "It's better than the beating she was taking in there."Gabrielle: "You will bring Hell onto earth! After all the evil we've seen, you want to unleash that into the world?"
Xena: "My mother's soul is trapped. My daughter is half dead. And the portal to Hell opened up in my backyard! I am going to face Mephistopheles, Gabrielle. It is the only way."
Gabrielle: "You can't kill every demon from Hell!"
Xena: "I only need to kill one, and he will never expect me to…"
Gabrielle: "To what?"
Xena: "…"
Gabrielle: "To what?!"
Xena: "Take his place."
Xena: "Mephistopheles said whoever kills the King of Hell must inherit the throne."
Gabrielle: "Xena…"
Xena: "I will cross that bridge when I come to it. But I am not going to let Mephistopheles torment my family any longer, do you hear me?"
Gabrielle: "Eve. Eve, your destiny is to stop this evil, not bring it into the world."
Xena: "We make our own Destiny in this family. Eve, the choice is yours." [Le da' il pugnale.]
Eve: "Yes. Destiny comes to pass in strange ways. I'll fulfill mine. I'll deliver Mephistopheles into the only hands capable of beating him. [A Gabrielle] Will you help me?"
Gabrielle: [Annuisce e la aiuta ad alzarsi.]
Eve: "In the name of Eli, let my sinful blood be absolved by your goodness. Let it bring about a victorious end to our battle with your enemy."
Xena: "Let's see what you've got up here you swine."
Eve: "Hear our plea! Bring forth Mephistopheles, the Master of Lies, the King of Hell, so that we may, by your strength, fight him, so that we may end his reign for all eternity! In Mephistopheles' name!" [Si incide la mano facendo uscire del sangue.]
Xena: "You two get out of here! This is my fight now. Show yourself Mephistopheles!"
Mephistopheles: "I am at last made flesh!"Xena: "Enjoy it while it lasts."
Mephistopheles: "You're holding back, Xena. Is something bothering you?"
Xena: "Other than your stench?"
Mephistopheles: "Isn't this what you wanted… to face me on earth and make me pay for all I've done to you? Does the thought of taking my place on the throne of Hell suddenly not appeal to you?"
Xena: "You're lying about that."
Mephistopheles: "Are you willing to risk it?"
Mephistopheles: "Last chance, Xena, to take your revenge, if you'll take my place… No? That's exactly what I was counting on."
Xena: "So be it."
[Avendo ucciso il re dell'Inferno, un brivido passa attraverso Xena.]
Gabrielle: "Xena?"Xena: "What?"Gabrielle: "Look…"[Cyrene e Eve si abbracciano]Cyrene: "I love my granddaughter, Xena."Xena: "She couldn't wait to meet you."
Cyrene: "Gabrielle…"
Gabrielle: "We've missed you."
Cyrene: "After all these years, I wondered if I'd ever get to see you again, but I never gave up hope, Xena."
Xena: "Neither did I. I finally find you, and now you're gone."
Cyrene: "I'll never really be gone, Xena, not as long as you keep me alive in your heart."
Eve: "Gabrielle, what's wrong."Gabrielle: "The legend. Xena, you killed the King of Hell. What now?"Xena: "I don't know. But I have a feeling it's not over yet."


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