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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

Who's Gurkhan?

Episodio: n. 4

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

Gabrielle: "Xena… it's thriving. I'm gonna see if the old house is still standing."
Gabrielle: "It looks so run down."Virgil: "Nothing some paint couldn't cure."Eve: "All that matters is that the people inside are alright."Xena: "Go on."
Gabrielle: "Here goes. [Bussa alla porta.] Lila."
Lila: "Gabrielle!"

Lila: "So… slept for twenty-five years. You weren't really dead."
Gabrielle: "No, not that time."
Lila: "I wish Sarah were here to see you."
Gabrielle: "Who's Sarah?"Lila: "My daughter."Gabrielle: "You have a daughter? Xena, I have a niece… Where is she? Lila, where are Mother and Father?"
Lila: "Eight years ago, Sarah was captured by the raider Gurkhan. He took her to the walled city of Mogador."
Eve: [Reagisce al nome della città e si gira verso di lei.] "It's in North Africa."
Lila: "A merchant told us that she was in his harem. Father sold most of the farm and he and Mother and my husband went to try and buy her back."
Gabrielle: "What happened?"
Lila: "He beheaded all three of them. I don't know what happened to Sarah."
[Gabrielle esce dalla casa mentre inizia a piovere.]
Xena: "Gabrielle! Gabrielle, wait! I'm sorry, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Xena, my niece may still be in that harem."
Xena: "We'll go after her first thing in the morning. If she's there, we'll get her out."
Gabrielle: "Xena, this is not just a rescue mission."
Xena: "What do you mean?"
Gabrielle: "I want vengeance !!!!"
Xena: "It will have blood, Gabrielle. Blood will have blood."Gabrielle: "Don't talk to me about consequences, Xena! That man murdered my mother and father! Now I kill him!"

Eve: [Su una galea diretta in Africa.] "Gabrielle? What's your plan?"
Gabrielle: "I get inside Mogador. I kill Gurkhan. And I bring Sarah back."
Eve: "That's your goal. What's your plan?"
Gabrielle: "Haven't thought about it."
Eve: "I visited Mogador once."Gabrielle: "I'm afraid to ask why."Eve: "You should be."
Gabrielle: "Tell me about Gurkhan."
Eve: "I can't. I've never seen him; no one has outside of the palace. He keeps his identity a secret."
Gabrielle: "I will find him."
Eve: "Perhaps, but he will be a tough man to kill, Gabrielle. And if he should capture you... pray that the end is quick."
Gabrielle: "If you're trying to scare me, Eve... Why were you in Mogador?"
Eve: "I was selling slave girls."
Gabrielle: "Calm the way your daughter talks about her past."Xena: "She knows what I know -- there's nothing you can do to change the past, you can only work to make the future better. That's why she's so worried about what you might do once you're inside Mogador. Gabrielle, you're not an assassin."
Gabrielle: "You're right, Xena. Today, I'm not an assassin. Tomorrow…" [Il suo mal di mare e il suo nervosismo la fanno star male e Gabrielle corre a vomitare fuori bordo.]
Eve: "She wants to kill Gurkhan. For you or me, that might have been an interesting challenge, once upon a time. But, for her…"Xena: "It's a suicide mission."
Eve: "She doesn't have what it takes to kill in cold blood. Do you think I inherited that talent from you, Mother?"
Xena: "You certainly had a gift."
Eve: "Yeah. I did."
Eve: "So, what are you going to do?"
Xena: "Cure her seasickness."

Virgil: "Gabrielle? Hey, Gabrielle."
Xena: "I gave her something for her seasickness. She'll be out for a while."
Virgil: "I got it. You're going to Mogador without her."
Xena: "That's right."
Virgil: "She's not going to like that."
Xena: "She's going to like being beheaded even less."
Xena: "You're coming with me."
Virgil: "I can't. That would be a direct betrayal of her trust, and -- oof! [Xena lo prende per la faccia.] Good idea. Good idea."

Venditore di schiavi: "The next wench has a variety of skills…"Xena: "Make it look good."Virgil: "Alright. Alright."Venditore di schiavi: "…bidding opens at ten ducats."
Mercante di schiavi: "Yeah? What do you want?"
Virgil: "Forward, wench." [Spinge Xena in avanti.]
Xena: [A bassa voce.] "Not that good."
Virgil: "The name's Superlius, and I have a choice specimen. I'd like to know how much I can get for her."
Slave Merchant: "Very nice. Very, very nice [Le toglie il velo mostrando il suo corpo completamente nudo.] Not only beautiful, but big and strong. She'll be useful day and night. Yeah, we should do very well with her."Virgil: [Incapace di formulare una frase davanti a Xena nuda.] "Uh-huh."
Mercante di schiavi: "I get fifty percent."
Virgil: [Riprendendo i sensi.] "Sounds reasonable."
Mercante di schiavi: "I can tell you who'll end up with her -- Gurkhan, himself. He's got great taste in women."

Venditore di schiavi: "And next up is a spirited vixen of mysterious origin…"
Sonata: [Vede avvicinarsi Xena.] "Uh-oh. Competition."
Lana: "Competition? For what? To see who gets sold quickest to the biggest monster to do with as he pleases?"
Sonata: "Yeah. You make it sound like a bad thing."
Xena: "Isn't it?"
Sonata: "Hey, in my village, the choices were marry a sober poor man, or marry a drunk poor man. It was a toss up, really. The sober man would be less likely to beat you, but the drunk man would be less likely to keep you pregnant all the time."
Lana: "At least you were around your family."
Sonata: "My father is dead, and my mother is a whore. I have no family. Now, I have a good shot at being bought by Gurkhan the Magnificent, the wealthiest man in the continent."
Virgil: "Girl! Girl, come here!"Xena: "As soon as you figure out which one Gurkhan is, get behind him. Try to overhear something useful. Get going."Venditore di schiavi: "Hey! Hey, come on!"
Venditore di schiavi: "And now… for our premium selection -- a woman of such fire and beauty that a man, well, would have to be crazy not to want to take her home. From Thrace, the blue-eyed goddess, magnificent to the eyes as she will no doubt be to the touch. Now… let's start the bidding at ten gold ducats. Come along, gentlemen, don't be shy. [L'asta inizia ad intensificarsi.] Are you bidding, Sir, or just picking your nose. [Le offerte aumentano così tanto che Xena e Virgil non capiscono più chi è chi dato che ci sono ben tre Gurkhan.] Sold to Gurkhan the Magnificent for 220 gold ducats. What a prize he's won for himself."
Sonata: "I wonder which one Gurkhan is?"
Xena: [Sotto voce.] "Very clever."
Eve: "Feeling better?"
Gabrielle: "I gotta hand it to Xena -- that brew she gave me made me sleep like a baby."
Gabrielle: "Where is she?"Eve: "…"Gabrielle: "Eve? That peaceful smile is not gonna cut it. Where is she?!"Eve: "I'm just as much to blame as she is."
Virgil: "I sing of Superlius, pirate of the high seas! I capture beautiful maidens and sell them -- ah! [Lascia cadere un sacchetto pieno di monete d'oro.] Hi, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "No, no, no. Don't tell me. You're Superlius, pirate of the high seas. You sold Xena to Gurkhan, didn't you?"
Eve: "We did it because we love you."
Virgil: "I didn't. I mean, well… I mean, I do love you… what I'm trying to say is that I didn't know about the potion until you were already out."
Gabrielle: "Virgil, you went along with Xena after she did it."Virgil: "Well, she threatened me."Eve: "It's the truth."Gabrielle: "Two can play at that game."

Sonata: "How bad is this? My entire village isn't worth what Gurkhan must have paid for a barrel of that perfume."
Xena: [Distratta.] "Yes, it's very nice."
Xena: "Where are you from?"
Yo: "A distant land you've never heard of -- beyond Chin, so far to the East, it's called 'the land of the rising sun.'"
Xena: "What's your name?"
Yo: "Yo."
Xena: "I'm Sophia. Tell me, does Gurkhan have another wife called Sarah?"
Yo: "It's against the rules to talk of the other wives."
Xena: "Just looking for a simple 'yes' or 'no'."
Yo: "Please, Gurkhan will punish us if we break the rules."
Sonata: "Will he spank us?"
Yo: "You'll be beaten, manacled, thrown in a dark dungeon and left to die."
Sonata: "Okay, that's all I need to know, thanks."
Xena: "Thinking about someone in particular?"Lana: "Yeah, my fiancé -- Leonardo."Xena: "Well, you just keep thinking about him. You think about him every moment. That's what's going to get you through."Lana: "I hope so. But sometimes, I think I'd rather be dead than in this place."Moglie #1: "Be careful of what you ask for."
Xena: "Who are you?"Moglie #1: [Prende Xena per i capelli.] "You dare to question the number one wife?!"Xena: "I'm sorry. I didn't know who you were."Moglie #1: "Well, that's a good little dog. You learn from your beating."
Moglie #1: "New girls, listen up. I am Gurkhan's number one wife, and you are all dirt. I will one day carry his heir. Eventually, my son will rule over Gurkhan's kingdom. Anyone who comes between me and my lord will feel my wrath. Believe me, that is when you will truly wish you were dead. [Vede che Xena si è distratta a guardare una figura che le sta guardando dietro ad un paravento e le tira un calcio in faccia.] Bad dog."

Virgil: "I bow before the might of Gurkhan the Magnificent. I am Superlius the Pirate, and I search the ends of the earth for the most beautiful and desirous maidens. I see vast potential for our mutual satisfactions. For in my stables, I have rare beauties from every part of the world -- just waiting to be plucked."
Virgil: "Take this one -- an Amazon Warrior Queen from Greece. Strong… Savage… Independent… and untouched by the hands of man. The untold pleasures that await the one who can tame a creature like this staggers the imagination. And I offer her to you for now -- a gift, a token of my good faith. If it pleases the Great One, the little flower would like to dance in his honor."
Moglie #1: "Gurkhan approves of your gift and would like to see her dance."
[Gabrielle inizia a danzare sensualmente. Mentre si avvicina a Gurkhan, Xena vede un pugnale nascosto nel costume della sua amica. La Principessa Guerriera salta addosso alla sua amica e prende l'arma.]
Gabrielle: "Xena!"Xena: "I got this under control. Trust me. [Xena tira un pugno a Gabrielle facendole perdere i sensi.] She won't have Gurkhan before me!" [Le guardie colpiscono Xena e fanno perdere i sensi anche a lei.]
Lana: "Were you able to reach her?"
Gabrielle: "No. The place is swarming with guards."
Lana: "I hope she makes it."
Gabrielle: "She'll make it."

Guardia della prigione: "No one misbehaves in Gurkhan's harem."
[Xena viene torturata e picchiata duramente. Nel frattempo Gabrielle la attende in silenzio.]
Gurkhan: "Tell me, Sophia, why did you have a knife?"
Xena: [Appesa a testa in giù.] "To make sure none of the other wives got a jump on me."
Gurkhan: "Are you here simply because you were taken as a slave?"
Xena: [Ha l'allucinazione di Gabrielle che danza davanti a lei.] "I want to be here."
Gurkhan: "Really? And why is that?"
Allucinazione di Gabrielle: "Sarah."
Xena: "I want to give myself to the Great Gurkhan."Gurkhan: "Are you sure? No other agenda?"Xena: "Yes, one."Gurkhan: "I'm listening."Xena: "I want to be number one wife."Gurkhan: "Let's just start by calling you 'Fatima'."

[Xena, piena di lividi e sanguinante, viene riportata nella stanza dell'harem.]
Lana: "How is she?"Xena: "Peachy."
Xena: "Thinking about Sarah?"
Gabrielle: "Yes, and Mother and father. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to them, Xena. I don't think Sarah's here. I've asked"
Xena: "She's here. Believe it."
Gabrielle: "Do you think she's in another cell?"
Xena: "Don't know. But I've got an idea how to flush her out."
Xena: "Gabrielle, you can do it. You can kill Gurkhan."Gabrielle: "…thank you."Xena: "Don't think me, just be ready."

Moglie #1: "Wives of Gurkhan, on your faces. Look up, at your peril."
Gurkhan: "That one -- Fatima."
Moglie #1: "Tonight… you will dance."

[Xena danza per Gurkhan.]
Xena: "I have a request."Gurkhan: "Yes?"Xena: "Sarah's head on a plate."Gurkhan: "Where did you hear that name? Very well, I'll give you Sarah's head."Moglie #1: [Le guardie la portano via.] "Gurkhan! How can you do this?!"

Xena: "I have an idea."Gurkhan: "What?" [Xena gli sussurra l'idea nell'orecchio.]
[Gabrielle entra nella camera da letto e trova Xena e Gurkhan sul letto.]Gurkhan: "Join us, little one."
Xena: [Usa il tocco paralizzante su Gurkhan] "You dirty bastard!"
Xena: [Da' un pugnale a Gabrielle.] "If you're going to do it… do it now."
Gabrielle: [Sale sopra a Gurkhan] "Are you afraid? Afraid like my mother? My father? My sister's husband? Right before you cut off their heads. If I kill you… you win. I become like you. I hate you." [Lo riempie di calci.]

[Xena e Gabrielle entrano nella cella di Sarah.]Gabrielle: "Sarah?"Sarah: "What do you want? Is this the ultimate humiliation? Gurkhan's gonna let you two sever my head yourselves?"Gabrielle: "Sarah… I'm Gabrielle. This is Xena."Sarah: "Gabrielle and Xena? Well, that's not possible."
Gabrielle: "Your mother, Lila, my sister, she told us everything that happened. We've come to take you home."
Sarah: "Then you're… no."
Gabrielle: "I'm your family." [Cerca di abbracciarla.]
Sarah: "Don't touch me. Get away from me! No! No! Get away from me! Get off me! Get away--"
Gabrielle: "Nobody blames you, nobody. Everyone understands, you were just a child. It's okay. It's okay."Sarah: "I'm so ashamed. He killed Father and Grandmother and Grandfather"Gabrielle: "That must have been so terrible for you."
Sarah: "I didn't know how to handle it. Life just seemed so brutal. I thought the only way to survive was to be more vicious than my competition. I'm so sorry."
Gabrielle: "So am I, Sarah."
Xena: "We should go."Sarah: "That's impossible. Gurkhan's security has made this palace invincible."Xena: [Con Gurkhan sotto il braccio.] "There's a loophole in the system."

Xena: "Alright, girls! We're going on a cruise. Anyone care to come?"
[Tutte le ragazze si alzano e seguono il trio.]

[Le guardie della prigione decapitano una persona incappucciata nella cella di Sarah ma scoprono che si tratta di Gurkhan.]

Gabrielle: "Your mother will be so happy you see you."Sarah: "How could she ever love me again after what I've become?"Eve: "You don't know mothers very well, do you?"Sarah: "You don't understand. I've done terrible things. How can I ever be forgiven?"Gabrielle: "Are you ever in the right company."

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