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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:


Episodio: n. 5

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

Gabrielle: [Camminando attraverso una tempesta di sabbia.] "What was wrong with staying on the coast? There was sun, surf, sand."
Xena: "You got two out of the three."
Gabrielle: "We were supposed to be relaxing, remember?"
Xena: "We had bad luck. Going inland wasn't supposed to be this way."
Gabrielle: "No, deserts don't have to be dry, desolate and windy, Xena."
Gabrielle: "I can't see anything."Xena: "Here. Take my hand."Gabrielle: "Do you even know where we're going?"Xena: "Do we ever know where we're going?"

Xena: [Si rinfresca in una piccola vasca.] "Don't say I never gave you anything -- sun… sand…"Gabrielle: "Surf!" [Spruzza Xena.]Xena: "That was unnecessary. A little uncalled for. Alright, I'm pruning. I'm outta here."
Gabrielle: "Strange beauty to the desert."Xena: "You look for the beauty in everything, don't ya?"Gabrielle: "Why does it sound like an insult when you say it?"Xena: "Well, maybe not everything."
Gabrielle: "Yeah, well, sand up my wazoo makes me a little edgy."
Xena: "Hmm… hate it when that happens."
Xena: [Sente i rumori di una battaglia.] "What's that? Let's go check it out."

[Le guerriere trovano un gruppo di nomadi circondati da un altro gruppo di nomadi a cavallo.]
Xena: "Nomads."
Gabrielle: "Let's even the odds."
[Grazie a Xena e Gabrielle, i nomadi a cavallo vengono cacciati.]
Kahina: "Who do you think you are? Who asked you to interfere?"
Gabrielle: "You were being attacked."
Kahina: "Well, in the desert we learn young to mind our own business, otherwise, you don't become old."
Xena: "Growing old is overrated."
Xena: "I never pass up a good fight."
Kahina: "You should pick your fights more wisely, then."
Gabrielle: "We don't pick them, they pick us. Come on, Xena."
Kahina: [Impugna la spada.] "Who are you to take that name? Xena, the Warrior Princess, is long dead."Xena: "No, she's not."Gabrielle: "This is Xena."Kahina: "Impossible."Gabrielle: "No, it's just hard to explain."
Kahina: "And I suppose you're Gabrielle, the Battling Bard of Poteidaia."
Gabrielle: "I've never heard it used like that, but, yeah, I'm Gabrielle."
Kahina: "You're both lying. I guess that's supposed to be the legendary chakram."
Xena: "Supposed to be."
Kahina: "So, you have a chakram. That means nothing. You didn't use it in the battle."
Xena: "Wasn't necessary."
Kahina: "You are a coward and a fraud! Only the real Xena knows how to use one."
Gabrielle: "Show her."
[Xena lancia il chakram che colpisce un sasso, taglia le lame di alcune spade e ritorna nella sua mano. Kalina e i suoi uomini si inchinano davanti a lei.]

Gabrielle: "So, this is the desert hospitality I've heard so much about."Xena: "That's right. Though the fact that they worship us could be influencing the welcome a bit."
Xena: "Don't refuse anything. You'll insult them."
Gabrielle: [Guarda un recipiente pieno di insetti.] "What is this?"
Xena: "Something yummy."
Xena: "Kahina."
Kahina: "Xena, I sent word that you will lead us against our enemy."
Gabrielle: "Is it the people who attacked you today?"
Kahina: "Oh, no. No, that's Tazir. We're rivals, yes. But the enemy we both face comes from across the seas. They've invaded our lands and killed many of our people. You know them, Xena."
Xena: "Romans?"
Kahina: "Yes."
Gabrielle: "Some things never change."
Kahina: "Every time our tribes try to join together and fight, ancient feuds drive us apart. There's been so much bloodshed sometimes I think uniting is an impossibility. But with you to lead us, Xena, I have renewed hope."
Xena: "Thanks for the compliment, but--"
Kahina: "Xena, we've grown up on the stories of your victories. There's nothing you can't do, no place we wouldn't follow you."
Gabrielle: "Stories?"
Kahina: "Of course, your scrolls. We were brought up listening to them. Well, surely you knew, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "I had no idea they'd come this far. I'm pleased."
Xena: "Alright. We'll do what we can to help you defeat the Romans."
Kahina: "Bring us wine! We shall honor our guests."
Kahina: "Of course, our tradition is one of hospitality. My cousins will be honored to take you both to bed."Gabrielle: [Sussurra a Xena.] "What was that you said about not refusing anything?"

Gabrielle: "Do you think those guys bought that 'Amazon Chastity' stuff I made up?"
Xena: "I think they were hanging on to every word of Gabrielle the Battling Bard."
Gabrielle: "Hmm, I think it has character."
Xena: "Yeah."
Gabrielle: "I wish I had a dinar for every time I heard 'Xena the Legendary Warrior Princess'."Xena: "Bet you do."Gabrielle: "I think you're loving it."Xena: "Sure, what's not to love? ...Nah! It's just that these people need help. If anyone knows Romans, we do."Gabrielle: "I'll say."
Gabrielle: "Xena, do you ever have those moments in battle when you have to decide whether to disable someone... or to kill them?"
Xena: "What?"
Gabrielle: "Don't you ever think about it."
Xena: "You just have to trust your instincts, that's all."
Gabrielle: "Well, what if your instincts are wrong?"
Xena: "If you're going to stop and debate that, you're going to get hurt."

Uomo: "Riders! It's Kahina!"
Kahina: "Are you ready to join with me, Tazir?"
Tazir: "Show me this myth you claim to have found wandering through the desert."
Xena: "Watch who you're calling a myth."
Tazir: "Korah, is this the woman you saw?"
Korah: "Yes, Father, it is. She and her magnificent friend swept down on us and drove us away as though we were children. It's incredible as I told you. I've never seen anyone..."
Tazir: "That's enough."
Korah: "... fight like either one of them. Xena has more strength, but Gabrielle--"
Tazir: "Korah, I said that's enough."
Tazir: "I could hardly believe my son's crazy tale. But, maybe the prophecies are coming true after all. Come, we welcome you."

Xena: "How far have the Romans gotten."
Kahina: "They invaded the nearest town not too long ago."
Tazir: "They come in great numbers and overwhelm any resistance as if... as if they're trying to wipe us from the face of the earth."
Korah: [A Gabrielle.] "I want to be a warrior. I dare not aspire to Xena's greatness, but I see your fighting style -- there's such intelligence and strength. I'm going to model myself after you."
Korah: "These weapons you use, they help you fight defensively when you don't want to draw blood."Gabrielle: "They do, but you see... [mostra la punta dei sai] can kill someone with it."Korah: "Could you teach me to use these weapons?"Gabrielle: "If you want me to."
Korah: "May I wash your feet?"
Gabrielle: "I don't think you want to do that."
Korah: "It is a custom."
Gabrielle: "No, really, you--"
Korah: "Please, may I?"
Gabrielle: "Okay, if you must."
Korah: "The descriptions of the battles you've been in show growth and understanding from the earliest scrolls to the latest. Were you aware of that?"
Gabrielle: "No."
Tazir: "They have started building roads across the sand."
Xena: "How many legions are there?"
Kahina: "We don't know."
Xena: "Gabrielle? [Vede Olimpia a cui stanno venendo lavati i piedi dal giovane nomade.]
Xena: "Let's go check out the town, find out what the Romans are up to."
Kahina: "We can't--"
Tazir: "It's too--"
Korah: "No--"
Xena: "Hold it! Gabrielle and I can handle this. Everyone else stays here."
Gabrielle: [Con gli stivali in mano.] "I just need to put this on."

Xena: "What's with the Desert Boy?"
Gabrielle: "He wants me to teach him how to use the sais."
Xena: "He's picked a great teacher."
Gabrielle: "It's kinda strange being thought of as a warrior more than a bard. Guess I've come a long way."
Xena: "Is that a good thing?"
Gabrielle: "Yes, it is."

Gabrielle: "For once, Xena, I'd like to be the Roman noble and you be the slave."
Governatore: "Yes, what is it?"
Xena: "My loyal servant and I have just arrived from Rome. Are you in charge here?"
Governatore: "Yes. Yes, I am. What can I do for you?"
Xena: "I am Fasmia, wife of Scipio Africanus V. I assume you've heard of my family."
Governatore: "Indeed, I have, Madam. Scipios are well known everywhere."
Xena: "I've come to see if this would be a profitable place to invest our money."
Governatore: "My dear lady, please excuse my manners. Our prospects here are excellent. We've set up a profitable trade route protected by the forces of Rome."
Gabrielle: "Protected from what? The nomads?"
Xena: "I've heard they're very fierce."
Governatore: "Scattered savages, I assure you. The tribes fight more amongst themselves than with us."
Xena: "What if they were to unite? They'd be dangerous, wouldn't they?"
Soldato: "There is no chance of that. They spout old stories of Xena, Caesar's Thracian whore, and wait for a legendary warrior to rise out of the sand and lead them."
Gabrielle: "Are you concerned?"
Soldato: "Concerned? About a long-crucified annoyance? Hardly."
Governatore: "My dear lady, your money will be safe with us. At this moment, three legions are preparing a defensive to pacify the ethnics once and for all. Call it a 'cleansing' if you will."
Gabrielle: "Seems overconfident if I may say so."
Governatore: "You seem a little outspoken for a slave. I think someone should be punished."
Xena: "Oh, someone will be. I promise. Thank you, Governor, you've been most helpful."

[Xena e Gabrielle si ritrovano in un'altra tempesta di sabbia.]
Gabrielle: "I think we should stop!"
Xena: "We'll get covered over! Keep moving!"
[Xena e Gabrielle si perdono in mezzo alla tempesta e si chiamano l'un l'altra. Gabrielle vede una persona correre alle spalle di Xena con in mano qualcosa che sembra ad un'arma. La barda guerriera si fida del suo istinto e uccide lo sconosciuto trafiggendolo con un sai per salvare Xena.]
Gabrielle: "Korah?"
Korah: "Gabrielle..."
Xena: "The scroll."
Gabrielle: "What have I done?"

Gabrielle: "I never thought I'd see this."Xena: "What's that?"Gabrielle: "You washing blood off my hands."Xena: "I never thought I'd see it either."
Xena: [Riferendosi alla pergamena di Korah] "It says that Kahina and Tazir have finalized their peace treaty... I want you to go back to Kahina's camp and wait for me there."
Gabrielle: "Where are you going?"
Xena: "To take him home."
Gabrielle: "I'm coming with you."
Xena: "No, just give me a chance to explain to them."
Gabrielle: "Xena, I have to talk to Tazir."
Xena: "You will... later."

Uomo: "A rider approaches! It's Xena!"
Kahina: "Xena, did the message reach you?"
Tazir: [Vede il corpo di suo figlio.] "It's Korah! What happened? Quickly, men -- Korah, how--"
Kahina: "What's going on? Xena?"
Tazir: "Someone will die for this! I swear it!"
Kahina: "Who could have done it? Thieves?"Tazir: "Thieves? Yes! More like one of your men, Kahina!"Kahina: "Get your hands off me! We had nothing to do with it!"Tazir: "You've been trying to weaken my position for years. Now you take my son!" [Estrae la sua arma.]
Xena: "Tazir, wait! I saw tracks where he was killed -- tracks of a thousand men a mile wide."
Tazir: "Tracks?"
Kahina: "My people wouldn't leave a grain of sand out of place. We had nothing to do with it!"
Tazir: "Only the cursed Romans... the Roman! Xena, did you see them?"
Xena: "No, there was a storm."
Tazir: "It must have been the Romans. How foolish I was to send Korah."
Xena: "The Romans are coming in several legions. We have to hit them before they're ready."
Tazir: "They have cost me my son. They will all die for this. I will slaughter them one by one with my own hands! I will have justice for my son's death!"
Xena: "Save it for the Romans!"

Gabrielle: "How did it go?"
Xena: "Not good."
Gabrielle: "I should have gone with you. I'll talk to him, Xena."
Xena: "No. It's more complicated than you think."
Gabrielle: "Xena, it is not complicated. It is simple -- I killed Korah."
Xena: "Out here the penalty for that is death."Gabrielle: "I accept that."Xena: "Well, I don't. What purpose would it serve? It can't bring Korah back, now, can it?"
Gabrielle: "Xena, that man out there deserves to know the truth."
Xena: "He thinks he does. He thinks the Romans did it."
Gabrielle: "Did you tell them that?"
Xena: "It was an accident. Let him believe the Romans did it. They have to fight them anyway."
Gabrielle: "I can't lie about this!"
Xena: "You don't have to lie."
Kahina: [Raggiunge la tenda.] "Xena!"
Xena: "Please. I beg you. Please, don't say anything."
Kahina: "Xena?"
Kahina: "We've spotted Romans in the desert. We sent a patrol out."
Xena: "What we have to do is find out where they are now and lure then into a trap."
Kahina: "There's a valley just north of here. We could lead them there."
Xena: "That's perfect."
Kahina: "They cannot come soon enough. I hunger for this fight to begin, Xena. And for you to lead us to victory."
Soldato: "We found him!"
Kahina: "He's the killer?"
Soldato: "Of course. We found him near the water hole... [Mostra una lancia.] ... see, Korah's blood is still on it."
Kahina: "Let's take him to Tazir. Let him make an example of him."
Xena: "Just because he's a Roman doesn't mean he's the killer."
Kahina: "I have all the proof I need right here. Tie him. We'll drag him into Tazir's camp."
Xena: "Hold it! To kill a man in the fight to protect your homeland is one thing, but to pick out a Roman at random and execute him for a crime he may or may not have committed -- that is something else."Kahina: "If he didn't do it, someone just like him did. Come with us, Xena. You're one of us now."
Gabrielle: "Wait! He isn't the killer... I am."
Xena: "Where are they taking her?"Kahina: "To Tazir's camp."Xena: "She doesn't deserve to die, Kahina."Kahina: "Neither did Korah. The law is a just one, Xena."
Kahina: "This changes everything. You lied to us."Xena: "That's right -- I lied. And even if you were to kill Gabrielle, the Romans would keep coming,"Kahina: "Then they will... We can't follow you now. Tomorrow at dawn, she dies."
Tazir: "How does it feel?"Gabrielle: "How does what feel?"Tazir: "Killing an innocent."Gabrielle: "It's unbearable."
Tazir: "He admired you and you slaughtered him."Gabrielle: "No--"Tazir: "Silence! If I had known what a snake you were, I'd have struck your head off and my son would still be alive. Murderer." [In attesa dell'alba, la vita di Gabrielle le passa davanti agli occhi.] Gabrielle: "I'm going to join up with Xena. I'm going to be a warrior... like her."Lila: "A warrior? Gabrielle, I can beat you up." -- Sins of the Past Gabrielle: "You've got to take me with you and teach me everything you know." -- Sins of the Past Hippocrates: "You have a remarkable gift for healing."Gabrielle: "No, that's Xena's specialty." -- Is There a Doctor in the House? Gabrielle: "I won't take a life... even yours." -- Return of Callisto Eli: "It is hard, the Way of Love. But if you choose to follow it, you must do so with all your heart." -- The Way Gabrielle: "No, look, you promise me. If something happens to me you will not become a monster." -- Callisto Gabrielle: "Get up!"Xena: "I can't, Gabrielle." -- Ides of March Gabrielle: "You're walking through life preaching peace while Xena and I have swords in our hands." -- Seeds of Faith Gabrielle: "Sometimes the only answer is to fight." -- Purity Gabrielle: "If I kill you... you win, I become like you." -- Who's Gurkhan
Korah: "These weapons you use, they help you fight defensively when you don't want to draw blood."Gabrielle: "They do, but you see... you can kill someone with it." Gabrielle: "Korah?"Gabrielle: "Xena, you once prayed never to see the light go out in me. I just don't think there's much of that left in here. This is best for everyone." Soldato: "The end will come all too quickly for what you deserve. Pray the vultures don't get you before we do. Bury the murderer." Governatore: "My dear lady, is there something I can do for you?"Xena: "Actually, there may be something I can do for you."
[Gabrielle viene sepolta nella sabbia fino al collo. Intorno a lei dei nomadi a cavallo giocano a polo con dei teschi.] Xena: "The nomads are joining forces. They found someone to lead them. This could mean trouble for you."Governatore: "A minor annoyance."Xena: "One you could avoid if you knew where they were gathered."Governatore: "True. Our legions could use a diversion." Nomadi: "Kill the murderer! A life for a life! Justice for Korah!"Tazir: "Avenge my son! Avenge Korah!" [I nomadi a cavallo si avvicinano a Gabrielle con i bastoni alzati pronti a colpire la testa della ragazza.]
[Il chakram ferma i nomadi.]Soldato: "The Romans! The Romans are coming!"Kahina: "Get the horses! Quickly!" Xena: "I hate to interrupt their games, but I'm getting you out of here." Tazir: "To the valley!" Gabrielle: "Saved by the Romans. I would have bet against that."Xena: "It sure took them long enough."Gabrielle: "Xena?"Xena: "I needed a diversion."
Gabrielle: "Last night I thought letting them kill me was the best thing for everyone."Xena: "Gabrielle, you may never forgive yourself for what happened to Korah, but you'll be a stronger person for it."Gabrielle: "I don't know."Xena: "I felt that way once. I felt there was nothing left to live for. I was tired of hurting and I just wanted it to end."Gabrielle: "What changed it for you?"Xena: "You did."Gabrielle: "I guess we've come full circle, huh?"Xena: "Come on." Xena: "You're out of time and you're out of options. Now that they know you're here, they'll hunt you down unless you stop them."Kahina: "You expect us to trust you now? Why should we?"Xena: "You have no choice."Gabrielle: "We could have ridden in the opposite direction."Tazir: "Why didn't you?"Gabrielle: "Tazir, your son's blood is on my hands, and it will be for as long as I walk this earth. I can't change that. But I can help his people win their freedom. Maybe his death will have some meaning then."Xena: "And I promised you that I'd help you defeat the Romans. I keep my promises." Soldato: "The Romans are coming! They found our trail!"Kahina: "She's right. We have no choice."Tazir: "Alright."Xena: "Let's move it! Get those horses out of here!" Xena: "You said the sun had to be in this position."Tazir: "Yes. That's how we know when one is coming."Soldier: "They're right behind us!"Xena: "Everyone get covered up! Move!"Kahina: "We don't have enough people even with the surprise."Gabrielle: "We have Xena, what more do you want?"
Kahina: "Funny how the Romans showed up just in time to save your friend... almost like it was planned."Xena: "You got the fight you wanted. Stop complaining." Kahina: [A Gabrielle.] "Left a few details out of those scrolls, didn't you?" [I romani entrano nella valle mentre sta per arrivare una tempesta di sabbia. Nella confusione della tempesta, Xena e i nomadi attaccano i romani. Durante il combattimento, Gabrielle ferma un soldato romano dall'uccidere Tazir.] Xena: "Tell Caesar Xena sends her regards."Comandante: "Xena..." Gabrielle: "Do you think they'll succeed against the Romans?"Xena: "They've got a good chance. The desert's a powerful weapon in their favor."Gabrielle: "For a while there, I didn't think the day would end so well."Xena: "Neither did I." Gabrielle: "You saved me today, Xena, against the Greater Good. Why? Isn't that what we've been fighting for?"Xena: "Gabrielle, in everyone's life there's something that goes beyond the Greater Good. That's what you are in my life. I wasn't about to let you die out there if there was something I could do about it."Gabrielle: "What if it was my choice?"Xena: "Especially if it was your choice."
Tazir: "It seems I have traded Korah's life for my own... thanks to you. That evens the scales between us."Gabrielle: "It doesn't really, does it?"Tazir: "No. He could have become a great warrior... just like you."Gabrielle: "... just like me."

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