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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:

The Abyss

Episodio: n. 6

Sesta serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)

[Virgil e il suo amico sono inseguiti da alcuni tipi rassomiglianti a quelli dell'Orda.]
Virgil: "Faster! We have to go faster! Hosep!"
Hosep: "Virgil!"
Virgil: "We gotta keep moving!"
Hosep: [Viene catturato da uno degli inseguitori.] Virgil! Augh! Help me! Virgil!"

[Gabrielle, con arco e freccia, punta lo sguardo su un cervo. Tira l'arco e la freccia colpisce... il tronco di un albero.]
Xena: "Nice shot. Just don't know what kinda wine goes with bark."Gabrielle: "So we'll have fish. That's what people do when they're on a river."
Xena: "Fish is alright with me. You're the one who said she wanted venison."
Gabrielle: "I'm having a bad day."
Xena: "Nah, he's having a good one. It's all in how you look at it."
Gabrielle: "I think I'll go get the boat ready. Virgil and Hosep will be waiting."
Gabrielle: "This river is so calm."Xena: "I was hoping it would have an effect on you."
Xena: "Up there on the right. Looks like their campsite."
Gabrielle: "Finally."
Xena: [Esamina il focolare di un accampamento abbandonato.] "Four hours old."Gabrielle: "There's blood on this. There's blood everywhere. Thieves?"Xena: [Prende un bastone con un teschio attaccato.] "No. They escaped in their canoe. They were running for their lives."

[Virgil segue le tracce degli uomini che hanno preso Hosep ed arriva in un villaggio primitivo. Nascosto dietro ad un cespuglio vede che il suo amico sta venendo cucinato allo spiedo.]
Gabrielle: "Virgil! Virgil!"
Xena: "If they made it this far, they'd most likely keep to the river."
Gabrielle: "That's if they made it, Xena."
Xena: "Gabrielle..."
Gabrielle: "Virgil!"
Gabrielle: "I don't know what's wrong with me."
Xena: "You're still condemning yourself for killing that boy in the desert."
Gabrielle: "I condemn myself for his father's sake."
Xena: "Korah's father forgave you, so would anyone with enough wisdom and experience to know--"
Gabrielle: "To know what? These things happen?"
Xena: "Unfortunately, they do."
Gabrielle: "My reflexes are those of a warrior. I'm afraid my judgment's not. I think that's a bad combination... Virgil! Virgil!"

[Scioccato da quello che ha appena visto, Virgil fugge nella foresta. Purtroppo inciampa in una corda che fa scattare un allarme, allertando i cannibali.]

Xena: [Esamina la canoa dei ragazzi.] "This was broke up no more than a few hours ago."Gabrielle: "How could it break up?"
Gabrielle: [Nota che Xena ha l'attenzione su qualcos'altro.] "What?"
Xena: "We're being watched."
Gabrielle: "By whom?"
Xena: "Let's just keep going."
Xena: "There's a waterfall up ahead. We'll have to travel by land."

[Nel frattempo Virgil viene catturato dai cannibali e portato al loro villaggio.]

Gabrielle: "Xena, if I had listened to my heart, do think that boy would still be alive?"Xena: "You did listen to your heart. You thought he was going to kill me. Your heart said to protect me."
Xena: "Anyway, a trained warrior would never have ridden up behind me knowing it could be perceived as an attack."
Gabrielle: "Are you saying that he sent a boy to do a man's job?"
Xena: "I'm saying I'm glad I can trust you with my life... especially right now... [alcuni cannibali attaccano le ragazze dall'acqua] … Head for shore!"
Xena: "What was that?!"
[Molti cannibali attaccano le ragazze... anche con i denti. Durante il combattimento, Gabrielle non riesce ad uccidere uno di loro vedendo in lui il volto di Korah. Il cannibale ricambia il favore pugnalandole la gamba.]
Xena: [Nota che Gabrielle non è dove dovrebbe essere.] "Gabrielle!"
Gabrielle: "Xena!" [Viene gettata nel fiume.]
[Xena si tuffa per salvare Gabrielle e le due raggiungono una cascata. Gabrielle finisce sott'acqua.]
Xena trova Gabrielle e la porta a riva dove trova una piccola grotta.]
Xena: "Gabrielle? Come on, Gabrielle!"
Gabrielle: [Riprende i sensi.] "My side..."
Xena: "Come one, get up and let me take a look at that. Take it easy."
Gabrielle: "Those things bit us, like they wanted to eat us."
Xena: "They were cannibals, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Cannibals? We have to tell Virgil."
Xena: "First things first. You have a bit of blade stuck in your side. We need to get that out. Alright, you ready?"Gabrielle: "Uh-huh... Augh!"
Xena: "I'm not going to let you get yourself killed because of your guilt, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Just stop the lecture."
Xena: "You can't keep seeing that boy's face every time you raise a weapon. You can't--"
Gabrielle: "If I... if I hadn't hesitated, then--"
Xena: "Don't think about it anymore. You're going to have to conserve energy. I want you to get back into the cave as far as you can. Try to keep warm. I'll be right back."

[Xena si arrampica sulla parete adiacente alla cascata ma viene colpita da teschi e sassi lanciati dai cannibali.]

Xena: "Your wound's getting worse."Gabrielle: "We're in a tough spot, huh?"Xena: "We've been in worse scrapes. We're gonna get you out of here. Count on it."

Virgil: "Look... Look, I don't know what it is you want from me, but whatever it is, you can have it. Look, see -- see -- see, I'm meeting this great warrior named Xena. I'm sure you've heard the name, and if I don't show up, she's gonna come looking. She's gonna come looking for me." [Vede i cannibali che mangiano i resti di un uomo e impazzisce. I cannibali lo colpiscono e lo portano via.]

Gabrielle: [Delirante.] "Hope?"Xena: "Did you say something?"Gabrielle: "My baby. Is that you?"Xena: "Yeah, it's me."Gabrielle: "I love you. I would never hurt you. You know that, don't you?"Xena: "I know."Gabrielle: "You're my child. You have to go. You have to go. She'll hurt you. She'll take you from me."Xena: "You have to rest. We don't have to go anywhere."Gabrielle: "You don't understand."Xena: "I do understand. I understand everything."

Rubio: "Hello! Don't tell me they've cut out your tongue already. I am so tired of talking to myself."
Virgil: [Indica la ciotola d'acqua che Rubio tiene tra le mani.] "Is there more? I'm really thirsty."
Rubio: "Oh, there's quite a bit more than merely more. There's plenty." [Indica un tavolo pieno di cibo.]
Virgil: [Si riempie la bocca di cibo.] "What kind of savages feed their captives like kings? Maybe they did understand me. Now that they know I'm a friend of Xena… [Rubio gli da un pizzicotto sul sedere.] What are you doing?"
Rubio: "Breathing a sigh of relief."
Virgil: "About what?"
Rubio: "Your youthful zest for food and drink."
Virgil: "Oh, I get it. I'm the catch of the day."
Rubio: "You were a little slow on the uptake, my friend, thinking all these goodies were because you knew some warrior named Zebra."
Virgil: "Xena. Her name is Xena, and she will come for me, you watch."
Rubio: "The reason I haven't been the main course yet is diet and exercise."Virgil: "So what you're saying is from their perspective I'm a tasty morsel?"Rubio: "Oh, a downright delicacy. I think you're on tomorrow's menu, unless of course, you can come up with a morsel tastier than yourself -- like this Zebra, perhaps, or some of her friends."

Xena: "Gabrielle? Gabrielle, time's come. We're getting you out of here, alright?"Gabrielle: "Xena, I have a last request."Xena: "I don't want to hear it."Gabrielle: "I'm serious. You don't want to know?"Xena: "What is it, then?"Gabrielle: "I don't want to be buried with the Amazons."Xena: "Alright. Well, in fifty years when the time comes--"Gabrielle: "Xena, I want to lie with you, with your family, in Amphipolis"Xena: "What about your family?"Gabrielle: "I love them... but I'm a part of you. I want it to be like that forever. I love you."
Gabrielle: "This is all my fault."Xena: "This is not your fault. This is not your fault. It's mine for setting you on a path you were never meant to walk."Gabrielle: "Any path is okay, Xena, as long as it's with you."Xena: "Well, I'm setting you on a path to somewhere warm and dry."
[Con Gabrielle legata alla sua schiena, Xena scala la parete rocciosa. Il tempo è peggiorato e piove a dirotto.]
Gabrielle: "It's cold... it's cold... cold."Xena: "Gabrielle? Gabrielle, listen, don't be afraid. Trust me."
Xena: "Ayiyiyiyiyiyi -Sheee-ya!"
Gabrielle: "Xena? Xena... [Un gruppo di cannibali trova Gabrielle, sofferente, stesa a terra.] No … Xena! … Xena! … XENA !!!" [I cannibali la portano via.]

Xena segue il gruppo fino al villaggio, colpendo alcuni cannibali lungo il cammino.]

Virgil: "Gabrielle! You're freezing... [A Rubio.] Get me that rug."Rubio: "Ow! You just gained more time. Women always retain more."Gabrielle: "Who is that?"Rubio: "'That' is Rubio. You may call me--"Virgil: "Shut up!"
Virgil: "Where's Xena?"Gabrielle: "I don't know."
Virgil: [Un gruppo di cannibali entra nella cella e porta via Gabrielle da Virgil.] "Don't hurt her! Take me! Take me!"
[I cannibali posano Gabrielle su un tavolo e le fanno ingerire uno strano liquido. Poi cospargono il suo corpo con delle erbe.]
Virgil: "They were trying to treat your wound."Rubio: "These boys will do anything to save meat from going bad. No offense."
Virgil: "Maybe you should rest, Gabrielle, because if given a chance, I promise you I am gonna get you out of here."Gabrielle: "Be ready when Xena comes."Virgil: "I will."

[Xena si avvicina al fiume e crea una diga per bloccare la cascata usando massi e alberi appena abbattuti.]

Virgil: "Hey, your fever's broken, but you're still weak."
Gabrielle: "Virgil, I'm so sorry."
Virgil: "For what?"
Gabrielle: "I lost my nerve. That's how I got hurt. If I had just killed that cannibal who attacked me, then Xena and I would have saved you by now."
Virgil: "Never apologize for having compassion, Gabrielle. It's one of the most beautiful things about you."
Virgil: [I cannibali entrano e prendono Gabrielle.] "Wait! Wait! No! Don't hurt her! Don't hurt her! Take me instead! Take! Me! Instead! Wait! Wait! Where are they taking her?! Gabrielle! Gabrielle!"

[In lontananza, Xena sente le urla di Virgil e realizza che è arrivato il momento di agire. Mentre raggiunge il villaggio viene attaccata da alcuni cannibali.]

Gabrielle: [Viene legata ad un palo e cosparsa di aromi.] "Xena! XENA!!!"

[Xena lancia il chakram ed inizia un combattimento.] Xena: [A Gabrielle.] "Get Virgil! Get to the horses!"
Virgil: "Hurry! Hurry!"
Gabrielle: [Spacca la porta della cella.] "Come on!"
Rubio: "Why are we stopping? We must keep moving."Gabrielle: [Vede la diga che blocca la cascata.] "Look's like the cannibals weren't the only ones cooking something up."
Virgil: "So what's the plan?"
Xena: "I'm going back."
Rubio: "Going back?"
Xena: "I'm going back to lead the cannibals around below the dam. Gabrielle, Virgil, I want you to stay here. When you see them in position, cut the vine."
Rubio: "What about me?"
Xena: "You take the horses and get out of here."
Rubio: "Oh!" [Accetta entusiasta.]

[Mentre Xena porta i cannibali nel letto prosciugato del fiume sotto alla cascata, alcuni cannibali iniziano ad aggirarsi nel luogo in cui si trovano Gabrielle e Virgil.]
Xena: "Come on, piggies! Come and get it! Dinner's calling!"
[Gabrielle attacca i cannibali malgrado le visioni dell'uccisione di Korah che la perseguitano.]
Xena: "Gabrielle, now! Gabrielle! [Con le spalle rivolte verso la cascata, colpisce altri cannibali.] Gabrielle! Gabrielle! Gabrielle, do it now!"
[Gabrielle sconfigge tutti i cannibali e taglia la corda distruggendo così la diga. Xena salta sulla parte rocciosa di fianco alla cascata mentre i cannibali vengono travolti dall'acqua.]
Virgil: "You okay?"
Gabrielle: "Yeah."

[Rubio mangia con avidità.] Xena: "This sword's looking a little worse for wear. How you feeling?"Gabrielle: "I feel better."Xena: "I mean upstairs."Gabrielle: "Xena, I did what I had to do. I will learn to live with my mistakes... no matter how terrible they may be. But that's the way."Rubio: "What way?"Xena: "Who are you, anyway?"Rubio: "I am Rubio. But you may call me--"Virgil: "We know."Rubio: "Rubio."

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