Xena Music Video Contest 2007

the winner is...
March 29th 2007 to May 10th 2007,
it will be possible to participate to the Music Video Contest, by
sending one Music Video per person (who is participating), at the
How to
send the Video:
file must be zipped and must be sent to,
and till the contest results get shown (on May 30th 2007), you can’t
publish it to another website, or you are going to be eliminated from
the contest.
the contestant has any difficulties to send the file by e-mail, you
can contact by MSN Messenger the address
to send the file or you can upload the video at this link:
sending it always to the average
The Video
should have the following charachteristics:
Maximum lenghth: 6 minutes;
2) Files should be wmv,avi, mp2, mpeg formats;
3) Maximum 100MB;
4) The video should contain scenes from “Xena: The Warrior Princess”
and/or “Hercules : The Legenadary Journeys”. Eventually,
you can put other scenes from other shows, but they have to be from
Xena or Hercules Cast and charachters. The use of different subjects
will determine the authomatic exclusion from the contest;
5) Music video already shown on other websites cannot participate;
6) You can put every kind of graphic effects and visual images, included
still images, text, screencaptures, music and other sounds effects;
7)The file must have your nickname, and the title of the artwork.
8) Participating at the contest means you give your permission to
have your video posted on .
The Jury:
vote the winner of the video contest a jury of seven fans is been
established (Bard and warrior, Darkamy, Dori, Faithblue, GXP, Ranma,
Sietta e Xandrella), they will watch the videos and the ywill assign
a vote from 1 to 10.
The average of the obatained votes will determine the final score.
The winner will be only one and will be the one with the maximum of
votes. If two or more contestants have the same votes, the jury will
do another votation only amongst these ones to announce the winner.
On May 30th the entire list of the contestants will be published,
with all the positions achieved.
Reasons for Contest Elimination
Including images that are against the moral, offensive, or obscene;
2) Violation of the privacy law 675/1996;
3) Video theft from others, or images taken form other’s videos;
4) Violations of the rules above (read the rules);
5) Exclusion from the contest is at discretion of the Jury.
CristinaCreek |
Pirata |
Willow86 |
Eluni |
Amphipolis |
Alyson |
Axen |
Joshua |
Informations and Clarifications please contact me at